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Great nations must forsake the treasure : Comments
By Nicholas Gruen, published 4/7/2012Add a slew of distressed creditor countries in the same position and you have a recipe for stagnation amid a global tug-of-war.
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The Author failed to explain the Japanese economic miracle, which turned it into the second largest economy on the planet.
Sure it was a mercantile model, but there was no other choice.
We could finally learn and actually understand the lessons of history and junk our current tax paradigm. Then replace all that convoluted complexity with a simple entirely unavoidable single stand alone expenditure tax, which at around 5% could contain or encapsulate a carbon component.
Think, our expenditure patterns are an exact measure of the size of every carbon footprint. Moreover, this reform/simplification will add 7% to the bottom line and then further seriously improve it and household disposals, with the repeal of every other tax measure!
Those with the greatest wealth will finally pay the greatest total tax. No ifs, but or maybes, or escape clauses.
When we finally find the courage to buck a self-serving public service and entirely unproductive tax practitioners, we will be well on the way to reinvigorating the depressed parts of our economy.
We also need to emulate a totally bankrupt post war Japan, and become an economy that serves us instead of we being shackled in chains to it.
We need to change to the cooperative trickle up model, that understands, that with each success story, we are all somehow improved and prospered.
That cooperative profit sharing model could rescue Europe, and also ensure that every worker on the factory or shop floor, has a genuine vested interest in the success of failure of that enterprise; and ensure that all the drones, profit demanding middlemen and unproductive practises, are exposed and eliminated!
Finally, we simply cannot afford to lock up massive megalithic resources that can really power up our economy, all while reducing our total carbon output as well as our foreign debt!