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Sympathy for the dodgy salesmen of Australian politics : Comments

By Zac Alstin, published 13/6/2012

The real change in recent years is that Australian politics is running out of passionate causes.

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It is all too true that we have become disdainful of our politicians and leaders. We have not run out of passionate causes but we, the voters, appear to have run out of the passion which would have us become active and right some of what we believe is wrong, which they choose to ignore.
I work passionately for the severely mentally ill. But I didn't until I lived with my daughter's mental illness and subsequent suicide. I understand it is a subject most people are sorry for but not passionate about. We need more whistle-blowers to inform of us of the tragic truth of the bottom layers of society. Who knows that we have some 650,000 severely mentally ill? Who knows that we give essential care and treatment to only some 250,000? Hundreds of thousands of family and friends, of course. How do we unite to shout FIX THIS? All our governments know these figures; they have all made informed decisions to spend our money on more important matters than saving lives. We might feel differently if we were presented with ethical and just governance.
Posted by carol83, Wednesday, 13 June 2012 9:04:31 AM
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There are possibly more things to be passionate about at this time than at any time in previous history. The effects of human activity on climate change and the loss of biodiversity are unprecedented. Uncontrolled population growth contributes to the foregoing. The arms industry, endemic racism, corporate destruction and militarism also contribute to making life on earth hell for many.

However, most of us in Australia live comfortable lives so these horrors don't affect us too much although our descendents may suffer greatly. As carol83 pointed out mental illness wasn't a problem to her until it happened to somebody near and dear to her.

John Brown in the US tried to confront slavery directly and was executed by that arch-traitor, Robert E. Lee. The cataclysmic Civil War happened shortly afterwards when the US was forced to confront slavery.

We or our descendents will be forced to confront our failure to deal with the problems mentioned in the first paragraph. The passions will come too late.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 13 June 2012 10:27:17 AM
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“There are possibly more things to be passionate about at this time than at any time in previous history.”

Agree wholeheartedly, David F. So why is so little being done? And why, when measures are taken to address any passionate cause or make any real difference, is so much of the focus lost to name calling, slander and down-right abuse? Media beat up must shoulder some of the blame, certainly, but it is not the biggest issue.

The underlying problem in this country and many others is that we confuse politics with governance. So much time is wasted playing the political game (badly) that there is precious left over to actually set about governing well, effectively, economically and wisely.

Time for change. Real change.
Posted by scribbler, Wednesday, 13 June 2012 10:38:41 AM
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Opinions exist but are deliberately diluted by IMMIGRATION gerrymandering.

Governments all over Australia encourage immigrants to fund property developments without regard for infrastructure to support them socially or culturally. The resulting costs are borne by poorer communities who it appears don't even have the police resources to prevent a machete to the head of a teen.

Migrants are good for business. If you are in the 2% of business people in the Australia wide community. Everyone else has to pay with fear, taxes, electricity hikes, garbage disposal hikes, technically criminal casino morons and community violence.

Under current political weaknesses federally and with a rift between states and Canberra, Australia is drifting rapidly into violent political and cultural anarchy.

There is no way of stopping this. Too many powerful interests are dedicated to ensuring anarchy continues because it & immigrant taxes and votes are profitable.

In the end the blame for anarchy will be placed on the community who will be told they have to GIVE more and PAY more because its THEIR fault.

That's the big LIE.

It needs to be called for what it is:

Inordinate immigration without the funds to provide the requisite infrastructure is a crime being committed against the Australian people. Our politicians are playing SIM City with our lives without credibility and with too many lies.

America had a carrying capacity of 300 million before time began. Australia had 20 million and hired thugs like O'Farrell want 100,000 homes along Parramatta Rd. He raises OUR power bills to pay their infrastructure without telling us. But its the waste disposal problem that will get Barry. My bet is he will be voted out & working for Mac Bank as that crisis unfolds. Sydney is on the edge of revolt!
Perth is too NEW. My advice: Get the hell outta Dodge!

Oh and electricity price hikes isn't about Poles and wires its about Yugoslavs and Lebanese and all the other immigrants not paying for the costs/changes &political Marginalisations they create.
Posted by KAEP, Friday, 15 June 2012 11:49:02 AM
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