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Why the U.S. will never recapture its greatness : Comments
By Mark Christensen, published 8/6/2012Bold leadership rather than vetocracy is needed in American politics.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 8 June 2012 12:27:39 PM
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The bigger they are the harder they fall.
The bigger they are the more they, by the sheer momentum of their size, wish to consume and dominate every one and every thing. The bigger they are, the larger the shadow that they create - a shadow in which all kinds of dark creatures and patterns grow and thrive. For each and every action/manifestation there is always an equal and opposite action/manifestation. Such is the immutable law of psycho-physical existence on this Earthworld. An immutable law which always "creates" perfect justice to all entities, both individual and collective. Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 8 June 2012 2:52:13 PM
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Hi there Mr D. Duck...
Gee, that was a pretty heavy proposition for such a feeble intellect such as mine to embrace. You sure you weren't my Maths l teacher at Fort Street, back in 1957 ? Though I do agree with your basic premiss nevertheless. Would you consider perhaps that like all things, what goes round, comes round. And the US has stumbled previously, like in the great depression of the 1930's. Yet, they managed to extract themselves with some huge imaginative job and building initiatives, created by Pres. Roosevelt and through him, the National Industrial Recovery Act, of 1933. Sure it'll be tough, particularly when they're saddled with a national debt amounting to trillions of dollars, but being the high-tech colossus they are, they'll ultimately become great again, of this, I'm (almost) sure. Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 8 June 2012 4:18:29 PM
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when the Americans feared and honoured God they prospered. Since they took on paganism (secularism)they have gradually become like their godless European cousins (godless). THankfully they still have a healthy remnant. As long as they still back Israel their is some hopen for them. When they cave into the history revisionist on this one they will lose all influence. Trying to write God out of history always leads to wrong conclusions.
Posted by runner, Friday, 8 June 2012 4:26:15 PM
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The U.S. has never achieved greatness. It has however killed a lot of people, millions in fact! It started with the genocide of the Native Indians.
Only once has it killed people in a just cause and that happened after it entered WW2 after waiting for two years. WW2 was a fight against fascism and was justified. Since WW2 finished, the U.S. has killed millions more. It has embraced imperialism. It is driven by self-interest and the dream of running the world for its own benefit, born to rule so to speak. It's use of torture, cages and rendition, depleted uranium, Agent Orange, cluster bombs, drones, etc, wipe out any potential of greatness. The U.S. is driving the world towards extinction. The U.S. is a rogue nation, pure and simple. It believes any means justify its ends. Posted by David G, Friday, 8 June 2012 5:57:19 PM
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It is not just America and democracy that can be caused to fail by an elite group who always find ways to channel more and more money into their own coffers. The same is true of communist regimes as well. Have a look at the ruling elite in most communist parties, they live a very luxurious life compared to their poor countrymen and women.
Look at the ruling sheiks in Saudi Arabia and their huge dynasty of family elite, they live like Kings literally, they own banks around the world. Why don’t they channel some of that money to help poor Arabs in their own country as well as other Arab states. Because, it is always the nature of the human beast to want to live like top dog. Once they get control of the treasure or money of any country. The ordinary people are usually stuffed. Also explore the source of income for most priests and Imans you will find it is directly tied to how many people they can keep believing in the religion, they are like the capitalists who require more and more consumers to increase the flow of power and money into their coffers. Once again it is the group of religious rulers who are controlling the lives of the people so the money is directed to the church.(themselves) Or the religious government, again themselves. Not just America, but all countries and systems of government fail the ordinary people because of the elite groups at the top who like having their fingers in the money pie and make sure a disproportionate share keeps going their way. The people in the West may have more of a chance at redressing this problem because they have the vote and free speech, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 8 June 2012 7:16:41 PM
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Poor old 'runner'! Still flogging the fast dying horse (should that be unicorn?)of biblical fundamentalism, and creationism!
In a supreme irony, an especially egregious example of one of the most outrageous and ridiculous bible 'spin offs' seems set to take supreme power in the USA. The rise of the USA to the dominant world power had little to do with christianity in any form at all. It was all about abundant and readily available resources, technological development, and most of all by the relaxation of the then inviolable social structure that suffocated the talent and initiative of the common man. Posted by GYM-FISH, Saturday, 9 June 2012 10:33:46 AM
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Yeah, the inherent wealth of a once mighty America came from mineral wealth, iron ore and steel manufacture and total independence in energy supplies.
In fact a post war America, went through a period of unprecedented prosperity. Bought by Roosevelt and the after effects of the new deal. Keynesian economics, which continue to prosper most socialist democracies. And progressively wound back over more recent years, by the rich and or extreme right idealogs. Who'se only real talent appears to be able to blame socialists and or socialist policies for every problem. I mean, they are currently very hard at work trying to blame President Obama for the economic crisis created by the Bush administration; and indeed continually compounded by very belligerent republican intransigence in both houses? I mean, they seem so addicted to a very perverse form of favouritism, they appear to want to keep their privatised health system, which currently gouges more than 13% out of the GNP, when they could vastly improve their health system with socialism/Keynesian economics, and an entirely universal health care system, which would arguably reduce health costs to around 8% of the GDP. They proudly trumpet a bill of irrevocable rights. which starts with equality. Unfortunately, that so-called equality exists in name only, in modern, less than democratic America, and or the seemingly moribund minds of the born to rule religious right and their equally zealous tea party acolytes? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 9 June 2012 12:45:03 PM
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The author states "The U.S. Constitution portends such absolutism. Freedom is a self-evident truth. All men are already equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
This is wrong. The phrases are not from Constitution, but from the preamble to the Declaration of Independence, which says (in part): "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." I suggest that if criticism is directed towards the U.S., the critic might ensure that attributions to that nation's founding documents are accurate. Perhaps the editor could have assisted. Posted by JKUU, Sunday, 10 June 2012 12:05:53 AM
The constitution, with its bill of rights, is a great sounding wordy document, that is clearly trumped by extreme capitalism and unconscionable exploration; or a downward spiralling race to the lowest common denominator?
America is a patently crippled democracy that through the acceptance of arguably mindless propaganda, sees personal freedom and equality restoring socialism, as communism?
A lie, as put by the author, that entrenches the status quo; and or, selectively applied rights for the privileged few, rather than the great unwashed masses.
Real wages have not risen there for around thirty years, and the basic wage is arguably the lowest in the so-called developed world?
Forty percent of the population have no health cover and are almost exclusively reliant on charity for the most basic health care.
More over, such cover as exists, claims 13%+ of the GDP; and they want to keep That?
Ah well, they may well have an almost legendary bill of rights! But the equality, liberty and fraternity as espoused in that historical document, is arguably all mirage and very little substance as it is applied today; and one can't legislate away, inherent stupidity.
I mean put more money in the hands of the currently impoverished and the discretionary spend will pick up in inverse application, which in turn will assist genuine economic activity and recovery.
Simply putting more money in the hands of the already obscenely wealthy, via ever more and more generous tax breaks, has simply compounded a problem largely contributed to, by more and more of a nations finite wealth finding its way into fewer and fewer hands.
In fact, it might well be argued that some of the lowest income earners, would now be better off as slaves, in the hands of benign slave owners?
It seems a long way away from the period of unprecedented prosperity ushered into post war America, by a seemingly socialistic economic paradigm, that once made America the wealthiest and most prosperous nation on the planet! Rhrosty.