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Get our own house in order : Comments

By Julie Bishop, published 24/5/2012

Julia Gillard talks of Australia being on the brink of a boom, but that boom could be the sound of overseas financial disintegration.

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"What are the chances? Amazing, but not subtle."

Well I shall add to your amazement and agree that any policy release by the opposition too soon before an election will enable this hopeleesly tainted and useless government to plagarise what it likes while seeking its attack dogs on the rest.

There are many problesm facing Australia right now, most of them at the making of this government which has no control over anything except sections of the MSM and various union run institutions.

However given we have energy resources to power the world cheaply and reliably I would see that the main thing which needs to be done in Australia is to marginalise the misanthropic greens, get rid of the ALP until it retains its historical integrity, abolish any vestige of programs to 'solve' AGW and instigate a space exploration program.
Posted by cohenite, Thursday, 24 May 2012 5:16:16 PM
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The two newest users to OLO, then two subsequent posts within 15 minutes of each other, both on the same comment thread and both saying almost the same thing... including the 'team' and 'game' reference!

What are the chances? Amazing, but not subtle.
Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 24 May 2012 4:42:28 PM

Sorry WmTrevor. If you are suggesting we are the same person I assure you I have no idea who Davelon is. I have never met this person. it is just a coincidence or he/she may have read my comment and agreed. Obviously a sensible person though.
Posted by Uaskt, Thursday, 24 May 2012 5:24:16 PM
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Ms Bishop,as the No Position Party, of which you are the deputy leader, are in the pockets of the big end of town, why not talk to Sam Walsh the Rio local ironore chief or better still take a trip to your own state of WA and see for yourself that Rio is shipping ore day and night. Being 'on the ground'he is better placed to know that China is still going ahead building infrastructure (in contrast to the 'Howard years) and using steel as quickly as they can can make it.
Talking down our economy by you, Nony Abbott and the rest of the negative push is a significant reason for the loss of confidence of the community in both the Government and the economy.
When you write such an article make sure you are really aware of the realities of our economy and give credit where due for we escaped the post GFC recession and are still in excellent shape today.
It is easy to have surpluses, as did your Howard government, when you spend nothing on building the country's infrastructure or education facilities and give money to the greedy.
The people of Australia, from the behaviour of the current no position opposition, should be careful what they wish for.
Posted by gazzaboy, Thursday, 24 May 2012 5:28:58 PM
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"The people of Australia, from the behaviour of the current no position opposition, should be careful what they wish for."

How grotesque! Careful what they wish for!? As opposed to what they getting, a 'government' which has turned a $20billion surplus into a $250billion deficeit in just over 4 years.

Why don't you thrill us and name anything worthwhile that we got while this rabble compiled such a debt; and don't say the NBN which isn't factored into the current accounts since it nominally is owned [sic] by a private entity.
Posted by cohenite, Thursday, 24 May 2012 5:37:52 PM
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No, not the same person, Uaskt… I trust that GraemeY's sign up procedures preclude that. But I was going to buy a lottery ticket based on the happy chain of coincidences – seemed like a good omen – glad I didn't then.

Though I know you consider Davelon a sensible person you may wish to consider suggesting they use a more original and less 'borrowed' style of posting because that's certainly not subtle.

What are the chances? Obviously no more than just amazing. But the welcome to the forum still stands.
Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 24 May 2012 5:50:41 PM
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every nasty bit of legislation/regulation she could come up with, to make the repair job as difficult as possible.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 24 May 2012 5:55:30 PM
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