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Floods wash away carbon tax support : Comments

By Mark S. Lawson, published 27/4/2012

When weather defied climate science predictions skepticism bloomed.

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Mark Lawsoner here..

Roses1 - the references can easily be checked.. just do a search and you'll find them.. Tim Flannery's pre-floods statements about rainfall are particularly well known. I note that you agree readily enough with statements that fitted into your world view but rejected those that did not with the feeble excuse that I did not link them.

Geoff of Perth - had a quick look at your link, which indicates that you've missed the point of the article entirely. I haven't said a word about the science (not in this article, at any rate), or even about global warming. I even agreed that the forecasts said, somewhere, that floods might also happen. The point was that the scientists said clearly and loudly one thing was going to happen, then something else entirely happened. Further the contrast was so great that the public at large have noticed.

If they had said at the time, look we expect cycles of floods and drought with the floods expected to start soon and fill the now empty dams, but then be followed by a cycle of drought, then people like me would stop doubting them. But they didn't say that. In fact there were people who said it, using climate cycle theory, but that's for another story.
Posted by Curmudgeon, Friday, 27 April 2012 4:55:44 PM
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Whenever 'scienitst' speak about what the climate was a million years ago you know they are talking c-ap. They have learned how to lie with a very straight face. When peoples pockets are about to be hit by the faith filled 'scientist' people start to question. ' These questioners are demonised and attempts are made to silence them.

Then comes the 'science is settled' dogma which makes the likes of Gore and Flannery look like fools after ridiculous scientific predictions based on corrupted data and fantasy. They however have become rich by spreading their idiotic views. Then we have Ms Gillard advising Mr Rudd to hold off on the carbon tax (probably because finally the public could smell a rat). Gillard in a dirty desperate deal with the Greens having already knifed Rudd then decides to knife the people with her blatant lie. This Government has done more for those who refuse dogma than all the honest scientist in the world. That is why most people have woken up to the gw myth.
Posted by runner, Friday, 27 April 2012 4:59:08 PM
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LOL...oh thats right:) runners world is only 6 thousand years old.......sorry for being so silly...." walking away whistling a happy tune....."

Posted by planet 3, Friday, 27 April 2012 5:21:24 PM
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The other Grand lie is that the sea level is rising.On Q&A the other night,no one challenged this mantra.

The reality is that the earth's plates are rising and falling.You cannot have a rise in the level of the oceans in one place on the planet and not another. The Moon's influence is situational and temporary.Gravity holds the Oceans in a sphere around the planet in a pretty uniform equlibrium.The same happens in you bath tub when filled with water.The water cannot be higher in one spot and not another.The Earth's mass does not change,so if it bulges in one spot there will be an equal and opposite reaction of a negative bulge in another.The water levels around the planet will stay the same.

It is impossible to a have a sea level change of 200mm in England and not have a commensurate change around the rest of the planet.The Islands in the Pacific were not suffering sea level rise,but were sinking.

The sea ice of the Artic when melted will not make sea levels rise since 90% of the ice is below the water anyway.Only if the Antartic and Greenland icepacks melt will sea levels rise and this has not happened.

They lied to us about the Y2K bug,Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin incident,Iraq was a lie,they knew about the imment attack on Pearl harbour,they lied to us about 911(there is now absolute scientific proof that explosives were used ) and they lied to us about the carbon tax.

They also refuse to charge anyone over the financial fraud of the GFC.95% of the Fannie and Freddie loans were fradulant and not a single person has been charged.Only Occupy protestors get bashed and put in gaol because they are questioning the establishment and want justice.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 28 April 2012 8:52:36 AM
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According to this study the sea level is rising at about 2mm a year.

Tide gauges and satellite altimeters are used for the measurements. Tide gauges must take into account changes in the height of land itself caused by local geologic processes.

In my local are of Torquay Victoria I have noticed that the established dunes on Whites beach have been significantly eroded away. Not evidence of rising sea levels by itself but it does fit in with the other evidence.

I agree lack of GFC charges is disgraceful.
Posted by rossig, Saturday, 28 April 2012 9:58:27 AM
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The Sahara desert was once the granary of imperial Rome. Now it is endless bone dry desert. The atmosphere above the desert is loaded with moisture and rain regularly falls, but evaporates before actually reaching the ground. Climate change? Perhaps? Or was it due to the eternal and unsustainable result of endless timber harvesting?
After all, an acre of trees evaporates 2.5 times more water vapour than an acre of ponded water! Proven science.
And this water vapour often is all that is required to force an already moisture laden atmosphere to give up much of its water as falling rain; and no better demonstrated than in so-called rain forests.
A much greener Australia was once covered coast to coast in verdant forests. However, virtually all rain forest species are not fire tolerant, and will eventually reappear and spread, if fire as a management tool is completely abandoned.
The greenhouse effect is just that, with Co2 just a super fertilizer! Arguably, the real thermal blanket is atmospheric moisture and borne out by endlessly repeatable tests; the very bedrock of science.
Every boy and his dog knows that an overcast night is a warmer night and conversely a clear night with dry air is one often accompanied by frosts and freezing temperatures.
In a warmer wetter world we can expect more atmospheric water to inhabit higher and higher atmospheric zones. We can expect warmer oceans and consequently, more self sustaining evaporation and exponentially increasing wind speeds and fire storms, with more desertification, plus higher moisture loads, which eventually will build up into unsustainable loads and fall as record breaking flooding rain over shorter and shorter time frames, which will likely see even more disastrous inland water-wall flood events?
Even so, longer dry periods could persist between record flood events; meaning, the critiqued desal plants could ultimately prove invaluable and very worthwhile visionary projects? Rhrosty.
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 28 April 2012 10:25:08 AM
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