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Anzac has hijacked our history : Comments

By David Stephens, published 26/4/2012

As fewer and fewer know anyone who served in World Wars I or II our celebration of Anzac Day changes.

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Nicely put...but be prepared for the outrage.
I always wondered why politicians "need" our war stories in this day and age...however it seems sheer jingoism is enough of a reason. Get people thinking in patriotic terms and their brains switch off, allowing any amount of lies, deaths and BS to be acceptable.
I once talked to a war vet who was utterly disgusted by the Anzac day antics. Whilst we once again get involved in foreign police actions for dubious reasons ("war on terror"...really?) there is the usual spouting of "lest we forget" and the jingoistic applause for our war history. Saying "Lest we forget" is sort of insulting while we continue multi decade wars for energy resources. (To those who still believe the "base for terrorist" reasons, please do research!)
We in the west have the luxury of exporting the violence...I'm sure we wouldn't be so sanguine if it was our backyard being "shock and awed". In the past our soldiers did provide a national rallying point and helped us part from the "land of convicts" identity. Our modern wars are doing the opposite: Branding us as complicit in a series of illegal and immoral wars for the last gasp of a dying militaristic empire. Far from national unity based on defence, we are now creating division based on hype and untruths.
Posted by Ozandy, Thursday, 26 April 2012 10:26:41 AM
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Nicely put Ozandy.

One wonders why/how the Veteran Affairs Department can really justify spending money on what is in effect a propaganda campaign to promote our military history, or more correctly mythology.

Shouldnt its only function be to provide the necessary support services for wounded ex-service men and women and their families. Last weekend there were items in the papers describing the unsatisfactory nature of the support given to wounded, maimed, and traumatized soldiers who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 26 April 2012 10:44:07 AM
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It is not only our history it highjacks, it poisons the present with its apparent legitimising past killings of other human beings.

The only way to get our of this barbaric, anti social attitude is to make all killing of humans illegal (with the possible exception of mercy killings in hospitals). Every other killer must be branded a murderer, and if it happens in an official war then the killer becomes a war-criminal -- not a war hero!

Declaring wars (legalising killing another human being by any means, bayonet in the intestines, blowing them to bits with mortars and rockets, must be outlawed. It is possible: poison gas was outlawed, anti personell mines are almost there. Lets take the next step. Any country declaring war on another people should have the severest commercial sanctions imposed on it by the rest of society.

But the first step towards a war-less society would be to stop gloryfying past killing sprees and war memorials. There must be no more war heros, no more parades, no more Afganistans. If we have to use "...lest we forget" it should be a reminder of the horrors of war, not invite more killings.
Posted by Alfred, Thursday, 26 April 2012 11:50:01 AM
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I believe the increasing mythologicalization of the ANZACS and other wars is a good thing. The trend for the past 40 years, particularly in academia, is to denigrate the past, turning our history into one of shame. The ANZAC mythology, then, is a good counter-weight to the increasing pessimism about ourselves that is conjured by leftists and academics.
For it is incorrect of Mr Stephens to claim that ANZAC celebrations have overshadowed other aspects of history. ANZAC celebrations are held once a year, hardly a case for the domination of one aspect of history over another. I also highly doubt there is a "the relentless militarisation of our history," as Mr Stephens claims. History taught in The Academe at the moment is not one of militarization, but rather, one of shame. The current tend is to dig up any piece of "oppression" or of violence that one can find and then embed it in the consciousness of students in an attempt to induce guilt and shame in them for Australia's past actions.
Posted by Aristocrat, Thursday, 26 April 2012 11:56:58 AM
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"But the first step towards a war-less society would be to stop gloryfying past killing sprees and war memorials. There must be no more war heros, no more parades, no more Afganistans. If we have to use "...lest we forget" it should be a reminder of the horrors of war, not invite more killings."

Nice sentiments but it's an impossibility.

Human beings form tribes based on shared ideals on how to live. Given that each tribe has its own code of conduct and can never entirely agree with one another, there will be inevitable friction between tribes and, in the worst case scenario, war.

To eradicate conflict you would have to make everyone think the same. This can't be done. Not only are we biologically and culturally endowed to stick to our own kind, but ontologically ideals only exist in a compare and contrast to other ideals; there are no ideals in-themselves, but only ideals created and sustained in accordance with contrasting ideals.
Posted by Aristocrat, Thursday, 26 April 2012 12:05:05 PM
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Aristocrat: True, conflict is probably unavoidable when border/resources are seen differently by different tribes.
Just look at the Israel situation!
But do we have to lie so much about our wars and their reasons? Sceptics of the WMD spin were attacked and insulted despite the facts. Most Americans and conservative Australians *still* believe the lies spouted by the media and our own PM. (Remember the proof that could not be revealed as it would risk the sources? More like risky to PM and media credibility!)
Alfred's war ban may be too hard, but the original "United Nations" idea that all nations can agree on *most* things was viable. What a shame the UN was hijacked by a few vested interests so the "more equal than others" nations just kept on fighting dirty, holding the nukes over the worlds nations like Damocles sword.
A recognition that "defence" should be on home soil rather than other nation's oil-fields would be a start. Arms dealers and the likes of Blackwater and Haliburton should be banned from media spin and political lobbying. Letting the most psychopathic members of society have the most power is just crazy! Students of history are rightly nervous when military propaganda becomes mainstream national "culture".
I believe optimism can come from the *real* driver of wealth and prosperity: science, engineering and an economic system that rewards wealth creators over greed and parasitism...glorifying past dirty (& sometimes necessary) deeds is not necessary.
Posted by Ozandy, Thursday, 26 April 2012 12:30:43 PM
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What a miserable bit of sour grapes by a national service defaulter, against those who gave their lives, so you could default.

But never mind David, there is still some very minuscule chance that you could do something in your life worth commemorating. It must be very minuscule, however, because those who don't appreciate that others have sacrificed to give them freedom, are very unlikely to rise to the heights necessary to be remembered, let alone commemorated.

Do have a happy life, granted to you by those who we are commemorating, if your miserable soul will allow it.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 26 April 2012 1:03:25 PM
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"Some traditional ceremonies, like the Anzac Day dawn service at the Australian War Memorial, have a dignity that contributes in appropriate proportion to our national story .."


".. the commemorative splurge promoted by DVA threatens to sink these worthy occasions in a sludge of banal “remembrance”.

Agreed, but the cheap push by Ms Gillard to take advantage of a valid national day of commemoration, and of valid sentiments towards the fallen and the maimed, for pure political purpose, is abhorrent. This is chicanery of a high order - or perhaps she deludes herself otherwise? (And, no-one could blame DVA for going along - no department is going to argue with the hand that feeds.)

However, our author unfairly denigrates the Anzac Day remembrance and celebration. A price has been paid for our freedoms, and in pursuit of other peoples' freedoms - from oppression and abuse, from invasion and enslavement. We as a nation should justly show respect for the sacrifices which have been made in our name - whether or not we agree with the justification for our involvement. Freedom has a price - past and present - and homage is due.

Anzac Day is not about Anzac Cove or Lone Pine - it is about freedom and sacrifice, it is about reflection on the cruelty and abhorrence of war, and is about our reliance on those who serve and have served in defence of that freedom. Forget the fireworks, and pause in sombre remembrance of the price of liberty. They will not come home, they will not be unscathed, and they will protect. We should honour them, and we should attempt to understand the burden they have carried and will continue to carry - for us, all of us.

They march in honour of those absent, of those who cannot march, and in reflection of a price paid and of burdens carried. They see the well-wishers and speeches as also honouring those absent, and as honouring those who must continue to carry the banner. No illusions about the inhumanity of war, but acceptance of the price of freedom.
Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 26 April 2012 2:30:34 PM
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Soldiers, not those who placed them in harms way or led with almost legendary incompetence, are the ones venerated in a once a year, single day of remembrance.
I don't know of any Anzac soldier who wants war; given, to date they are the only ones being asked to fight and die in them? Clearly, we have in our midst some who don't care for this day of remembrance and veneration of fallen comrades. And contrary to some of the posters, I believe it is superior military tactics to fight all your wars on your enemies/adversary's territory, so that the unavoidable collateral damage can be limited to your adversary's civilian population.
I don't believe that any of our commemoration ceremonies glorify war, but rather highlight the absolute futility of war and or the fact that war never ever produces winners; just losers.
The last world wide conflict cost 60 million lives, unimaginable property damaged/destruction and untold misery. It like most conflicts, was initiated by a few madmen, who somehow believed they would ultimately prevail!
I think veneration of fallen heroes, is also a reminder of the complete futility of war and a very healthy mindset for the current generation; and a much better response than the shameful vilification and denigration of those who served in our name.
Nonetheless, I believe it is legitimate to question those who'se decisions, put so many of our young people in harm's way; and for what outcome?
Shame on them if the only real goal on the part of policy makers, was politically motivated domestic outcomes; rather than the need to preserve an alliance; that other more dependant allies found either wanting or eventually absent; in favour of mere domestic political convenience?
We need to become much more self reliant and masters of our own destiny. That is the real Anzac warrior tradition, I believe, born on the Kakoda trail; as indomitable home front defence; that we should hold up and or emulate/honour and venerate as the most appropriate of warrior traditions; rather than one which saw us retreating, defeated and almost mindlessly decimated! Rhrosty
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 26 April 2012 2:56:29 PM
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'There are lots of other things and people we should be affirming and reaffirming as the things that define us, ... There is nothing wrong with commemoration in itself, provided it reflects the diverse strands of our history and is not skewed in a particular direction, as it is now.'

You've put into words what I couldn't.

In particular we should note we became a Constitutional Monarchy in 1901, 14 years before ANZAC. That was preceeded by 20 years of agitation by our artists and the greater populace many of whom were 'diggers'. Perhaps the most influencial was the Bulletin, of it's owner and Chief Editor F.J. (J.F.?) Archibald, a former miner, Lawson, Patterson and many of our original writers. They are the sort of people, in most cultures, who write of how people define themselves.

That happened way before 1915 ... and little is spent on commemorating their efforts or indeed educating our children of their contribution.

'On my blanket I was lying,
To tired to lift my head,
The long hot day was dying,
And I wished that I was dead'

Written by a 'digger'? ... nawwwah Henry Lawson... 20 years before ANZAC.

I don't celebrate Anzac Day. But I do remember my Granddad and his guts, everyday.

He went to jail, for beating up two 'Special Constables', bought in, by the Government of the day, to disperse those protesting against the move to conscriptrion prior to 1915. (The actions of a committed pacifist, some said) He saw the First World War as just another European war. He was a second generation NZer of Irish descent.

No one commerates his courage.

He wore the white feathers he received, in his hat. It was his badge of honour.

I often smile wryly, inwardly, and mostly hold my tongue when people ask what I'm doing on ANZAC day. I usually say something like 'oh our families were reportedly cowards or from among the enemy'... which the Irish were.

Yes our history is indeed distorted... and dishonest.
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 26 April 2012 4:33:04 PM
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There's a quote attributed to John F Kennedy that goes:

'War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.'

Whether JFK said it or not, the words are wise and true. Your grandfather showed the kind of moral courage and self-belief that is totally incompatible with military values of blind obedience and conformity to groupthink. If there were more like him, war would be redundant.
Posted by Killarney, Saturday, 28 April 2012 7:36:29 AM
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I agree 100%. "

We need to cultivate a more realistic and balanced vision of our past in order to better understand our present and our future."
Posted by miacat, Sunday, 29 April 2012 2:14:53 AM
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Well argued David.

For everyone ....

And the band played Waltzing Matilda …..

Watch the video ... soak-up the words ... be moved ... be sad ... be angry ...
Posted by JR, Monday, 30 April 2012 7:50:20 PM
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