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Sino-Western conflict on the U.N. Syrian resolution : Comments
By Chin Jin, published 10/2/2012China will continue to vote against Syrian sanctions even if Russia submits to world pressure.
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Such ignorant American propaganda about the complicated conflict in Syria will not help the cause of democratic reform in China. And closer to home:After Prime Minister Gillard provoked Chinese ire by agreeing to station American troops at Darwin, Foreign Minister Rudd has now further demonstrated subservience to American imperial interests by condemning the UN veto as “abdication of responsibility”, and announced further financial sanctions and travel bans against this “doomed” regime. Australia, in fact, has no diplomatic staff in Syria, and relies on the Canadian mission.Leslie
Posted by Leslie, Friday, 10 February 2012 7:27:10 AM
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If Russia and china, are so interested in the welfare of Syria why are they not there doing something. It's easy to say no, and expect that to be the end of it. AU soil has nothing to do with China. There is an American base in the Phillipines.
Posted by 579, Friday, 10 February 2012 7:49:25 AM
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Russia is there trying to do something by getting the Government and opposition to negotiate; but the 'rebels' flatly refuse , and the US, with an eye on Iran, is only interested in 'regime change'. Leslie
Posted by Leslie, Friday, 10 February 2012 9:27:40 AM
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Iran does need regime change. To be ruled by someone that takes their instructions from a book is dangerous. A one man supreme leader is not good and even worse with atomic weapons, which openly says another nation deserves to be obliterated.
Posted by 579, Friday, 10 February 2012 9:39:24 AM
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It is good that Russia and China are acting as a foil to Western Imperialism.This means that the oil will remain in diverse ownership and mor competition is good for us all.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 10 February 2012 2:34:38 PM
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.#...(To the) Chinese leadership it (population massacre) means something totally different. Human lives are a far lower priority than the sanctity and protection of the Party. Therefore, people’s lives are nowhere near as precious as protection of authoritarian power to the Chinese government. The superior cause of internal stability and thus priority on the maintenance of the autocratic regime serves as the highest political pursuit of the Chinese leadership…#. ...Australia be warned! The above quote lifted from this article, epitomises the danger of the current Chinese mentality, with its negative value and low priority view of human life; (a mentality extending historically beyond modern China). Chinese intransigence in the UN opposing UN sanctions designed to curtail Human Rights abuses of the Assad regime, should sound “alarm bells” in other ways within Australia. If anything does, Chinese intransigence on this issue, serves as example enough to pin-point the “chasmic” differences in acceptability, between the global systems of Democracy and Autocracy. ...I believe the presence of US military bases on Australian soil is a poignant and timely application to deterrent, directed towards the just and highly appropriate cause of self-defence; and “speaks without being spoken”, the continual need for a close American alliance, and their representation as a subtle reminder to China of need for thought, caution and consideration. ...The Chinese march to Global domination should not be facilitated by naïve political policies in this country, which assist them in their cause. Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 11 February 2012 8:00:45 AM
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Who are you kidding Diver Dan.The most aggressive nations on the planet are the USA Eurpean Countries and Britian.China has taken Nepal.The USA has invaded Afghanistan,Pakistan,attacked North Korea, Somalia,Iraq,Libya just to name a few.They have over turned the heads of numerous Govts for their economic gain.
They want to invade Syria and steal Iranian oil and look like starting WW3. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 11 February 2012 10:25:10 AM
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"Iran does need regime change. To be ruled by someone that takes their instructions from a book is dangerous..." Quite so...although God (apparently) bypassed the literary version and went straight to the dope at the top. Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 11 February 2012 10:53:36 AM
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Was that god talking or was it something in the joint talking. What ever it was lets hope it is all for the better. Hard going when one tribe can't get on with the other. maybe the country needs dividing. One thing is for sure any change is not going to come any time soon.
Syria is a basket case, Russia is not going in to stop the onslaught, so what do you do, let the country and amenities disintegrate. How will that help the world. Arjay is frightened of ww3 i don't think there is much hope of that at all. Russia should be with the US in policing these uprisings. What the people want is what the people should get. Power drunk dictators have no future, their days have expired. Syria and its oil should be protected, the world may need it. Posted by 579, Saturday, 11 February 2012 11:59:36 AM
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Good article Chin Jin.
China's leadership needs to think hard. Syria is wicked, similar to blocking action as Burmese junta murdered the people. ALL human rights abuses are abhorrent, and cannot be excused or hidden. Why another Cold War? These backwards movements (like current barbarity in Tibet, and all human rights atrocities in China, aren't 80 million deaths enough?) are weird old paradigms, similar to Russia's 'rolling out the rusty tanks' to frighten the world! It is all such bizarre thinking. China needs openness, and democracy. It does not need (or have to) to operate from Mao insanity and paranoia, neurotic control, or Cultural Revolution emotions! Freedom is great! China's belated resource grab is discordant, and shows little global environmental awareness. India needs to clean up its infrastructures, corruption, education and health. It does not need nuclear weapons, it needs to to plant trees, build roads, secure electricity supplies and have clean water sources! Both huge nations (2/3 of the world) need to increase women empowerment and leadership, and to have less children. It is said that Chinese women are the cruellest torturers: I don't mean this type of woman. A Chinese world is only exciting to proud propagandised flag-waving Chinese, part of a latter day global neo-colonialism, based on myopic greed and tragic propaganda and spiritual deprivation (cold materialistic thinking)- just what others tragically did. It is hard to see the joy in Chinese New Year when one knows what is happening to Tibetans in Tibet, or Chinese dissidents in China, in 2012. Tibet IS the litmus test of China's humanity. EVERY nation, including the most powerful, should be working together. Global cooperation is surely the thinking of all higher minds. You cannot tackle 21st C problems with fanaticism and tortures. The whole world needs to look long and hard, and learn to work together peacefully, without bloodshed, and outdated agendas of rampant greed and dominance. Tibet's gross suffering lies heavily on the heart of the world, US needs cleaner ethics, and China needs to drop its support of murderous dictators- and stop the nonsense. Posted by Letsgetrealin2009, Saturday, 11 February 2012 1:28:33 PM
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Syria is no more wicked than Libya USA or Europe.While China is no beakon of freedom,since 911 the USA/West have destroyed any rights we had via the ,Patriot Act,Preventative Denention and now Obama's latest debacle, The National Defence Authorisation Act.
Is anyone at home here and in the USA,in the defence of true liberty? Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 11 February 2012 8:38:21 PM
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...Compare personal liberty between America and China; consider also judicial outcomes, and consider rates of executions between both countries, and the good-guys have little to worry about in America. ...If some "clown" wishes to plant a bomb in the local market, how should he be dealt with Arjay? I vote to catch them first; and if the anti terrorist acts you mentioned, assist in their purpose of saving innocent lives by rounding up these "Clowns", then there is another vote from me! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 12 February 2012 2:16:34 PM
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China's decision to veto the UN resolution had as much to do with its "self-survival" and "rescuing its 'Holy Alliance' of autocracies" as America's decision to invade Iraq had to do with "weapons of mass destruction". It doesn't seem to occur to Mr Jin that maybe China's decision was based upon a desire to not take sides in an ARMED conflict that is seemingly morphing into a civil war. To do the contrary and intervene would only result in another Libya-type scenario playing out, in which NATO's airforce was given free reign to the end the lives of pro-government supporters (including thousands of civilians) behind the pretext of "protecting the Libyan people." As was the case in Libya, the Syrian government is not massacring its people as the Western media is portraying it to be. This is a war. Why is that in excess of 2000 Syrian government soldiers have died hitherto? It seems implausible that they all committed suicide. By ignoring this information which is contractory to his "just world" worldview, Mr Jin, along with the plethora of Western journalists who continue to misreport the conflict as a massacre, are merely inciting violence worldwide, as has been evident in the spate of attacks on Syrian embassies in recent days.
Incidentally, it is morally reprehensible for Mr Jin to have insidiously hijacked the current conflict in Syria to advance his anti-Chinese agenda. Posted by Moqtada Al-Asaad, Sunday, 12 February 2012 3:51:24 PM
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Well said, Moqtada. Tragically, as a result of the arms supplied from outside, it has already morphed into a civil war, and by definition that involves a government killing its own citizens- an outcome Russia and China had tried to head off( what ever their range of motives).
Though I have reservations, for a rare alternative opinion see: It is only a relatively minor issue , but American hypocrisy is awful: Syria has long had a tolerant attitude toward religious minorities, but, now, interventionists are ignoring warnings by Catholic bishops and other Christians that if the Assad regime falls to Islamists, there may well be a massacre of Christians.Leslie. Posted by Leslie, Monday, 13 February 2012 5:49:40 PM