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The Forum > Article Comments > Explaining Australia’s fall in the RSF World Press Freedom Index > Comments

Explaining Australia’s fall in the RSF World Press Freedom Index : Comments

By Mark Pearson, published 10/2/2012

Reporters without Borders pushes Australia down the list of press freedoms.

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My point was in reference to that particular section of the U.S. populace known as the "working poor" who consistently vote for the Republican Party. This party is equally fervent in its ardour to exclude said "battlers" from access to affordable health insurance (or, God forbid, a universal healthcare system - it's communism by stealth, you know). These are the sort of people attracted to the Tea Party.

That is only one example.

But hey, you're right - after all, it's a democracy over there, aint it?
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 13 February 2012 10:18:18 AM
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The best democracy money can buy Poirot.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 13 February 2012 10:23:46 AM
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Affordable health insurance comes at a cost. Perhaps the working poor believe the cost isn't worth it. Perhaps they want the option to not be taxed more so the even less well off can have health care and they cant afford a new plasma. Perhaps they rather the Armed Forces plan, and they are happy with fighting for the American way and the social currency that comes with that.

I always believe people act in their best interests. Even people in abusive relationships do. They actually want to be controlled, because they would rather not take control.

A bit like the populace. A lot don't want freedom. They want the status quo. They want to have an enemy who's taking their jobs, and they want to be proudly nationalistic.

The left wants to 'enlighten' them, but they don't want to hear it. The right wants to 'enlighten' aboriginals to the benefits of not sniffing petrol all day, but the left wants aboriginals to be masters of their own 'culture'. Somehow, the Bogan's culture of cars, ACA, smoking drinking gambling and voting for the coalition because of Boat People isn't worth preserving. They must be re-educated to cycle to work in the city from Penrith for environmental reasons and start drinking Chai Latte's to be considered worthwhile members of society. And start voting in 'their' own interests of course.

I find these two areas very contradictory.

It must be all about self-flagellation.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 13 February 2012 10:44:47 AM
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Oh dear Houellebecq, aren't you just so well read and intellectual!

I'll stick by my assessment that understanding leftist ideas does require more complex reasoning and a more rigorous level of evidence than is required by conservative ideology.

The most stupid thing you say among all your rambling thoughts is "I always believe people act in their best interests. Even people in abusive relationships do. They actually want to be controlled, because they would rather not take control."

You've been there eh? You've been the victim of an abusive relationship and that was how you responded?

Pffft you are overreaching your current ability to reason and/or you are not familiar with any of the psych research. But hang on, you don't need any research do you? You are just so intelligent and have such insight that you know how abused people think and what motivates them.
Posted by Mollydukes, Monday, 13 February 2012 12:12:31 PM
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There is a payoff dukes. Some kind of emotional payoff for staying in that situation. It might be disfunctional, but they are getting something. There is part of the ego that thinks that is what is best for them. So who is to argue with the individual in that situation. They will leave when they decide the alternative may be better than the current reality.

I suppose you know better than the individual in that situation?

Some may fear being alone, some may fear parental disapproval that their relationships don't last, some may think that's how people show love, some may think they are mother theresa and think they can change their partner.

My point is, at some level, they are working for their own interests. Something is doing it for them. Even if it's a sadomasochistic streak, they are doing it because they are getting something out of it and that something is better to them than the alternative. Like a smoker chooses instant gratification against peace of mind about their long lasting health, that is the decision they are making. Actions do not lie. Self-justification and wallowing in self-pity are a mere side-show to the obvious truth of actions.

Ever hear people complain about their relationships, they would do something if they didn't like complaining so much. Such is the life of martyrs. I have no time for them.

I've never been accused of being well read before! Fascinating. What an appalling insult! But then I am accused of NOT doing research too. Maybe I am reading the wrong books. By intellectuals perhaps. Perhaps you put too much credence in what intellectuals think, or somehow want to be 'intellectual' as an ends in itself, an image, but cant quite pull it off in your own mind. It seems to be making you angry regardless.

Fear not, my ego is based on other things, so such insults really do me no harm. I realise most people on here are looking to out-intellectualise each other, but I have long mocked this phenomena.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 13 February 2012 12:56:41 PM
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The press and old days of broadcasting cricket are linked. When the action is not there you make some up, continuity of supply.
So nothing has changed and never will, not while you have human hands pushing the pen.
Posted by 579, Monday, 13 February 2012 1:06:10 PM
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