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The Forum > Article Comments > The Haditha Massacre: No justice for Iraqis > Comments

The Haditha Massacre: No justice for Iraqis : Comments

By Marjorie Cohn, published 2/2/2012

The Bush administration set rules of engagement that resulted in the willful killing of Iraqi civilians.

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These men were dealing with an enemy that engineers attacks on its civilians in order to play victim politics, as part of their attack strategy, in the perpetration of which our subversive MSM can be relied upon to give the disgraceful enemy every support.

The attack on the Marines which followed the detonation of the IED was designed to involve the civilians. The Marines had been very recently briefed on a terrorist attack which took place from hospital beds, occupied by insurgents, with automatic weapons under the covers, pretending to be patients. The Marines involved in that particular episode acted by the book, and were killed.

The insurgents will happily use children to carry bombs which they detonate when the children are close enough to the target.

The young girl who survived, in one of the households, said she knew that the device was to be detonated and put her hands over her ears when she heard the American vehicle approaching. It does not sound like a household of innocent bystanders.

It would be sensible to point out that attracting this kind of attack was comparable to the Hamas terrorists launching rockets from a school, so that the school was targeted and children killed. A Hamas operative then found the body of a schoolgirl and paraded, holding the body, and weeping, in front of one group after another of Western media subversives to give them photo opportunities.

It is difficult to fathom the motivation of the author, in writing truth deficient seditious slander like this.
Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 2 February 2012 3:22:10 PM
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I think Leo lane is more deficient than Marjorie Cohn could ever aspire to.

The war on Iraq was illegal.There were no WMDS.Note that Bush and Blair have been found guilty of war crimes late last yr ina Kuala Lumpa International Court.These are the oil wars of imperialism initiated by the Military Industrial Complex.

So Leo Lane is trying to evoke Howard's Sedition Laws? Perhaps like Obama's Patriot Act,Preventative Dentention and now National Defence Authorisation act ,we can have Marjorie put in gaol for ever, with no trial or legal representation.

Note also at Fallujia,Prof Chris Busby has found that the radiation previously thought to be from Depleted Uranium,comes from a more highly refined Uranium used in bombs.The suspicion is that the US has been using their small strategic Nukes on the people of Iraq.

Fallujia is full of birth defects and the Doctors have told the women to stop having babies.

So Leo Lane,before you shoot your mouth off,put your brain in gear.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 2 February 2012 4:08:42 PM
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I couldn't agree more.

Majorie Cohn said "Because rules of engagement are set at the top of the command chain, criminal liability extends beyond the perpetrator under the doctrine of command responsibility. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld should be charged with war crimes".

I would argue that the same principle applies in Australia. John Howard took us into two illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and that illegal participation has been carried on by Rudd and Gillard, and in the likely event Abbott wins the next election he will no doubt follow suit.

Unless and until we grasp the principle that people (even those at the highest level) must be held accountable for their participation in wars of aggression and the trajedies and travesties (of which Haditha is a tiny example) that follow, then our democracy is in serious peril.
Posted by James O'Neill, Thursday, 2 February 2012 6:20:31 PM
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Actually James O'Neill,looking the world power shifts happening with Japan,South American countries getting closer to China/Russia/Iran and India keeping its options open,we could see in the future an international war crimes tribunal where we will see Western Leaders put before a war crimes court.

The balance of power has shifted sharply away from the West.Japan is still the 3rd largest economy and would love to see the US out of Okinawa.The West is broke,demoralised,fast losing allies and have very little manufacturing.The West will not win a protracted conventional war.

Israel is currently the greatest threat to world peace.They have been warned off by Russia and China not to attack Iran.Russia and China mean business.Russia has recently sent 3-4 nuke subs + a few other war ships to Syria to stop a NATO invasion there.Russia regrets not stopping the Libyan invasion.

The Military Industrial Complex are caught between our growing awareness and the enemies they've Terrorism and conflict with Russia/China.

I think their plan was to play India off against Pakistan/China.Remember the Mumbai attacks? Last yr India did not send its PM to CHOGM and immediately at the request of Obama,we offered to sell Uranium to India.Just google Zibigneiw Brezezinski's 'The Grand Chessboard'.He was Jimmy Carter's chief foreign policy guru.He is still very influential.

So the choice for sane countries is to band together and try and stop a nuclear war,or let the lunatics who have entrapped themselves prevail.

It is not over yet by a long shot.The BMIC (Banking Military Industrial Complex) will collapse our economies by cash starvation,and then by releasing their worthless derivatives,cause hyperinflation.So when production is destroyed,they then release the hyper-inflation demon.

Yes,it is an absolute mess but hopefully the West will wake up soon.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 3 February 2012 8:18:23 AM
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