The Forum > Article Comments > The Murray-Darling River: journeys in search of a compelling narrative > Comments
The Murray-Darling River: journeys in search of a compelling narrative : Comments
By Diane Bell, published 9/1/2012From Burke and Wills to the present, white Australians have never had a coherent understanding of the continent.
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Key concerns being raised cluster around what might be seen as a disconnect between rhetoric and reality.
1. Adaptive management: what does it mean and what might it mean? As RobF notes, the ‘precautionary principle’ is in tension with an ‘adaptive management’ that Don Aitkin, NoelB, Denis Wilson and myself might endorse. It is not for want of input from concerned citizens that it remains vague.
2. Numbers and outcomes: one means little in the absence of the other. Numbers games become shouting across an ill-informed chasm but careful catchment by catchment analysis shows that the outcomes required by the Water Act will not be achieved by the proposed reductions. The weight then gets shifted to adaptive management.
3. Ground water allocations and mining: what will be the impact on surface water? The announcement that some 4000GL of ground water would be available, an increase from the existing 1787GL, stunned many of us: the MDBA had assured us there would be no surprises. The matter was not part of the CSIRO Science Review because it was not on the agenda when their terms of reference were set. When I asked the MDBA Chair about the impact of the increase on ground water, he said it was a matter of accounting. How the water was used, coal seam gas, reuse, was not within his purview. So Rhrosty, Saltpetre and Denis Wilson we have a real struggle here to find the balance and the fulcrum.
4. History: Thanks for reference Gary01. Mr P Science (‘P’ for pseudo?) reminds us history is watching. I doubt it will absolve us unless we lift our game. We have what is left of the 20 week consultation period to craft a Plan that meets the Act, is informed by peer-reviewed science and is good value for money. Keep agitating Zerochrysum. There are citizens who know the River, like Susan Hawthorne, Seamus and cardigan. Do not give up KEAP. I hope to rejoice, not wail, with Carolinem. If there a balance to be struck is must include passion for the river and reason