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The Forum > Article Comments > Anarchism and the death of social democracy > Comments

Anarchism and the death of social democracy : Comments

By Marko Beljac, published 22/12/2011

There can be no doubt that the leaders of the parliamentary Labor Party have abandoned the social contract in favour of pro corporate economic restructuring so that they may win elections in a corporate dominated society.

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So which will it be? The People's Front of Judea or the Judean People's Front? ;)) (with apologies to MPFC).

Tired old prose here Marko, you'd get laughed out of any serious forum if you put forth the arguments you roll out here.

Still, that is your right and I will fight for you to retain that right.

But seriously ...
Posted by bitey, Thursday, 22 December 2011 8:19:59 AM
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You say: "There can be no doubt that the leaders of the parliamentary Labor Party have abandoned the social contract in favour of pro corporate economic restructuring so that they may win elections in a corporate dominated society."

When you consider that 60% of the voters pay 10% of the taxes in this country, it is pretty obvious who runs the show. Of course the 60% are going to vote for expensive spending measures, particularly welfare related. And of course they are going to vote for proposals that tax the rich more, coz they think that they are not going to pay for it.

This reasoning applies to the Mining Tax. It applies especially to the Carbon Tax since Labour has designed the scheme so that the bulk of voters actually get compensation.

So we have a country with a tax and voting system that gives the majority of voters the right to impose tax and other imposts on the minority. Its easy to make "decisions" where others pay.

I wouldn't complain about it too much if I were you, mate.
Posted by Herbert Stencil, Thursday, 22 December 2011 9:42:31 AM
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Marko Beljac,

“Anarchism and the death of social democracy”

Social Democracy?

Never heard of it!

But then, there are so many absurdities concocted in Academia that another one doesn’t really matter.

I have to stop at this point for my incapacity to understand what you mean by ‘social democracy', but not before saying that I was twelve years old when I heard that Camillo Berneri and Francisco Barbieri were murdered in Barcelona at the order of Stalin himself.

The news was not in the paper nor did I hear it at church but from fishermen mending nets down the moorings.

It was 1934 and Fascism and murmur was in the air of my small hometown
Posted by skeptic, Thursday, 22 December 2011 3:33:47 PM
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I am with Herbert on this (though I would like to see a link to his figures if possible)

I read the article going, "what the hell"

"There can be no doubt that the leaders of the parliamentary Labor Party have abandoned the social contract in favour of pro corporate economic restructuring so that they may win elections in a corporate dominated society."

I can't agree with this and the taxation figures certainly don't support it, so this will be something you will have to explore more to convince me, because this bears NO reflection to what I see around me.

We're in a Voter dominated society, you can argue back and forward about how short sighted and entitlement driven voters are but that's another debate entirely.
Posted by Valley Guy, Thursday, 22 December 2011 7:19:23 PM
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The corporate sector eonomy has always been the feeding and breeding grounds of the Liberal/liberal domain so to say that labour is using it to secure public opiion is an amazing turn around.
Where the hell is the owner..the Liberal crowd?

Posted by socratease, Friday, 23 December 2011 12:22:26 AM
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"There can be no doubt that the leaders of the parliamentary Labor Party have abandoned the social contract in favour of pro corporate economic restructuring so that they may win elections in a corporate dominated society."

Completely agree with the writer. Just consider one thing. - the % of the working population now reduced to casual labour employment (47% of Australian work force) That's employment with NO benefits. No holiday pay, no sick pay, no....we are steadily going back in time. Child labour next?

I remember Barry Jones being concerned that we wouldn't know what to do with all our free time when technology took over. Now, we work longer hours than we did in 1930. Who could have imagined such an outcome. And all brought to you by the ALP - been selling us down the drain.

For the ALP hacks loitering - Bill Shorten was my local memeber - He is as thick as a brick but rat cunning.
Posted by CatMack, Friday, 23 December 2011 8:27:00 AM
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Australia is booming on mining and all else including NSW is going to ruin. NSW is the only state lacking long term mining resources. Further, its citizens are too well-off to work hard to make wealth for we politicians and our corporate buddies.

A message from Macquarie St to all NSW citizens earning less than $500k pa:


To that end we will be immigrating 2 million Indians to Western Sydney over the remainder of our Government and by hell we'll have rickshaws solving transport problems, people cutting down trees to solve the energy crisis and cardiac surgery & childbirths at the local Deli before you can blink

When salaries are competing at $2 per hour and WE political and corporate leaders are making $100Million + bonuses then you will know NSW and Sydney are MAJOR worldwide centres of excellence.

Humbly yours,

Barry O'Farrell

Prime Minister, NSW Inc.
Posted by KAEP, Friday, 23 December 2011 2:47:45 PM
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...Quite frankly, "Marko Beljac" describes in here a reflection of Mannheim’s analysis of modern society in his work published in 1935 as “Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction”. Part of that description was the negatives of laissez-faire capitalism and the use made of “strikes of capital”.

Q)- # Will neoliberal economic reform actually ever end? #

A)- Only when the banks go broke; but the majority will be long gone from starvation, and will not be the witness!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 23 December 2011 3:09:49 PM
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