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Pacific left struggling in UN climate negotiations : Comments

By Jayden Holmes, published 9/12/2011

Pacific Islands are again underrepresented in international climate negotiations.

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Having just visited 14 Pacific Island states including Kiribati, I can see the point of what the author is saying...they definitely do want a "say" in Climate Change policy.
Alas, they have Buckley's.
First, very large climate changes are locked in and will require adaptation even if a CO2 miracle were to occur. Second, half their issues are not climate related, they are due to overpopulation and unsustainable economies. Some land-locked African countries are facing much the same issues: water, food, energy, minerals. The staple of Kiribati is imported rice and pot-noodles, the main exports are fishing permits and remittances from overseas expats. Unlike the bigger island states such as Fiji and Vanuatu, these low lying states have very little resources to build from and most aid goes into short term fixes. Rarely are budgets sustainable in the longer term. Hasbeen is correct: they are increasing in numbers and many island states have more citizens in Aus and NZ than the home islands.
KenH: Just how qualified are you to call the science "Junk"? Do you know what a Hadley cell is? What about the current rate of sea surface temperature rise? Do you know what "natural" warming looks like relative to CO2 induced warming? How much data from how many stations have you reviewed? Do you know what Latent Heat is and the relevance to Climate? Lastly, do you ever use weather forecasts? If so, why given that it is based on the same "junk"? Why do airlines world over pay good money for them to keep passengers safe?
I think you are being suckered by Big Oil's propaganda and the Rights little cave of echoes...but just in case you have any real arguments instead of name calling and youth's your chance to educate. Give me your technical analysis as to why thousands of scientists around the world using real data are wrong and you are so smugly right. You seem to assume they are both stupid and corrupt! Such accusations require some evidence. (faux email "scandal" beatups don't count! 9 reviews, all vindicated.)
Posted by Ozandy, Monday, 12 December 2011 10:25:07 AM
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Nup. I still beg to differ.

Hasbeen, it sounds as though you are looking for a thesis, rather than an opinion.

>>Pericles I too like looking at others opinions. That is when those expressing them, are expressing a real opinion, with some thought behind it. This requires some knowledge, some study, & the maturity to evaluate the evidence they have discovered.<<

In fairness, that would rule out some 99.5% of the folk on this Forum who pontificate about climate change. With the added problem, please note, that the voices of 0.5% would be indistinguishable from those of the rest.

KenH is of the same mind:

>>If one of these "students" can produce an article which is factual, verifiable, logical and well written, then go ahead, publish it.<<

These are expressions of opinion we are hearing, KenH. We are not receiving tablets of stone.

I would far rather be made aware of the opinions of our youth, however naive they may appear to be, than be surrounded by groupthinkers. I feel the same way about the outpourings of racist bigots, or religious bigots, or the whole raft of wacky conspiracy dudes that we meet here almost every day. I am genuinely interested in what sort of awareness and understanding informs their views, and the sources from which they are derived. Life would be so much duller if we cocooned ourselves away with a bunch of like-minded sobersides.

Let's face it, there's quite possibly also a teensy amount of envy that these people get to go to Durban, and you don't. That fact alone is probably worth a good solid harrumph.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 12 December 2011 12:30:22 PM
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"Nup" I can't stand people who BEG - period.

From fools who pander to women because they think it makes them attractive.

To blind men who having just lived through a GFC crisis & are about to see another led by the same people who caused the first.

To fools who accept the historically ridiculous proposition that ANY person or organisation can EVER be TOO BIG TO FAIL.

To the brain dead who KNOW if they print money to pay their bills they will be be gaoled but BELIEVE that if a country does the same thing its not to be questioned.

Such people live amidst conspiracy like cows in a paddock next to an abatoir. They only KNOW 'what's goin' on' when they are about to walk up the RAMP to the swinging doors:

"Moo, Moo, I would far rather be made aware of the opinions of our youth, however naive they may appear to be, than be surrounded by groupthinkers. I feel the same way about the outpourings of racist bigots, or religious bigots, or the whole raft of wacky conspiracy dudes that we meet here almost every day. I am genuinely interested in what sort of awareness and understanding informs their views, and the sources from which they are derived. Life would be so much duller if we cocooned ourselves away with a bunch of like-minded sobersides."

Posted by KAEP, Tuesday, 13 December 2011 12:52:33 AM
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Ozandy plays the priestly card. He has special knowledge which the rest of us are not qualified to challenge. Chaucer described the type in The Pardoner's Tale as long ago as the fourteenth century.

Instead, the global warming religion has nothing of consequence to offer because it's based on nothing but computer models. A recent illustration of this was the co-operative "research" by CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology, "funded by the Australian Government from its $330 million International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative". That's our money they are squandering.

CSIRO and BoM announced a couple of weeks ago they had used EIGHTEEN climate models to develop scarey "projections" for climate change effects in the Pacific: we were supposed to be impressed by the number of models, apparently - "never mind the quality, feel the width." They could have got by with only one computer model if any of them actually worked.

Ozandy, why would anyone bother "reviewing data" when the data have been "adjusted" - always upward? Life's too short, so I'll leave that to nerds.

The reason that the climate science has become so political is that the spivs and fraudsters who infest it have cooked the books - as illustrated beyond doubt by the the climate gate emails, the hockey stick scam, the Yamal tree ring circus and the entirely unpredicted non-warming of the past 13 years, which has occurred despite continuing annual increases in carbon dioxide emissions. I could go on. Unfortunately, the Gillard government being what it is, we are now exposed to economic catastrophe on the basis of all that spin and fraud.

The massive increases in domestic electricity bills in recent years are a direct result of all that.

Ozandy apparently also expects us to trust weather forecasts, often inaccurate only a few days out, even for a limited local area. Global warmers pretend they can predict the entire global climate a century from now. Greg Combet aside, who'd be stupid enough to believe that?

My advice to global warmers is to get out now and find another gravy train. Beat the rush.
Posted by KenH, Tuesday, 13 December 2011 3:00:16 PM
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Ozandy, it is a while since we have had such a ridiculous rant on OLO, so I suppose we were due for one.

You ask, “why thousands of scientists around the world using real data are wrong”?

They are not, that is why 31,000 of them petitioned the US Senate to take no action on climate change until there was some scientific basis for the assertion that human emissions have any measurable effect on climate.

The ones that were wrong were the 7 independent scientists who endorsed the IPCC ‘s statement that it is “very likely”. Two have withdrawn their support, so are vindicated. The other 5 continue the error. Another 55 back the statement but are conflicted, so are the equivalent of having the climategate miscreants endorse the opinion.

The assertion by you, Ozandy, that the climategate fraud has been vindicated is arrant nonsense. Not one independent enquiry has been conducted.

The release of the emails showing how the spin is perpetrated has turned the public opinion tide. The polls show that the majority of people are now aware of the fact that the AGW scam has no scientific backing.

Politicians are poll driven, and eventually have to come around to appeasing the majority, or be kicked out. Julia has opted for backing the scam, and being kicked out.

Of course, if you are able to produce any scientific backing for the assertion that human emissions have any measurable effect on climate, let us know. Also notify the IPCC, as they are desperate to back their unsupported guess.

Human emissions comprise 3% of the natural carbon dioxide cycle. There is a 10% natural variation of the volume of CO2, so it is obvious why human emissions make no difference.

What needs to be clarified is why the IPCC will not tell the truth. We know it is to do with the attempted fraud of its puppet master, the United Nations
Posted by Leo Lane, Tuesday, 13 December 2011 3:46:36 PM
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Be careful when you say "The massive increases in domestic electricity bills in recent years are a direct result of all that (Carbon Taxes)".

Ghoulia Shillard & Martin Pharoah Furgusson are playing "Sim City" and want statements like yours to:

Justify endless increases in electricity and ALL Energy pricings.

Its a LIE. The perfect FRONT. All along their NATION BUILDING immigration program is causing those increases. PLUS Gridlock in services from Hospitals to travel times to hidden increases in crime, to the harbouring of international Hamas criminals. These hidden COSTS of immigration are outsourced to poorer communities who get punished as they don't vote for the incumbent Government. Even Hitler youth treated their citizens with better regard - they at least murdered them just ONCE and put an end to the suffering.

"WE" have paid over and over, in blood, boredom and taxes for the power infrastructure we have today, NOT Neville bloody Wran as Fergusson blandly states. Now it is being bludged away by Fergusson on account of countless Labour voting GST paying "orks" from foreign shores. You see them every day in Sydney traffic, they BEHAVE like "orks". It costs some $300,000 in infrastructure for every man, woman and child that comes here. They get a free ride in return for direct allegiance to Federal coffers & POWER. And we pay for all this megalamaniac Sim-City nonsense.

AUSTRALIA NEEDS MEGALOMANIAC Politicians (like Fergusson) AND unjustified IMMIGRATION rates like a DESERT needs a DROUGHT.

Australia must make it clear to its prospective leaders: "When we vote, We never give you a mandate to force unsustainable, insufferable conditions upon us in order to feed YOUR megalomaniac desires."

And if extra people are needed in the mines, What are they doing clogging up Sydney's roads?

As for sustainability failures in the Pacific Islands. Their citizens should be saying much the same things to their leaders. They can then fix the overpopulation problems and forget about the lame rising Sea Level EXCUSE.

Australia needs QUALITY people not Quantity.
Posted by KAEP, Tuesday, 13 December 2011 8:30:04 PM
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