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Are Australians racist? : Comments

By Peter West, published 6/12/2011

How the media framed the 'Cronulla Riots'.

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Thank you, Peter. This is the most accurate and objective description of the events that I can recall.
Posted by KenH, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 5:58:03 AM
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Seems like a mostly fair coverage although from the stuff I'd seem perhaps a downplaying of the role of some of the youth of middle eastern origins. I don't have the material to back it up but I recall a lot of references over a sustained period prior to the Cronulla riot a lot of reports of severe intimidation by those gangs. Likewise claims of police playing spin rather than dealing with it.

Mention could also be made of the role that some muslim leaders played in fermenting extreme attitudes. Those who promoted the uncovered meat attitudes to women who don't dress to muslim standards of modesty. The shock jocks trade off this stuff but so to do religious leaders who want to encourage a sense of isolation.

There are also those christian fundy's who object to competition and work in parallel with some muslim leaders to create the sense of seperation from the community for muslims that lead to the Cronulla riot.

I agree with the thrust of Peters article. I don't think that we are particularly racist, most probably have some elements of it in us but almost all of the tension seems to be around cultural differences rather than skin tone or racial origins. There are exceptions.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 6:56:04 AM
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It seems to me that most of the racist attitudes in Oz come from the migrant groups or aboriginals themselves. I remember a forum on the ABC a few years back when an eighteen year old Greek boy told the audience that his parents were the most racist people that he knew.

Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 7:18:32 AM
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Did the police patrol the car parks where these youths would hang out and try to grab girls when they walked up from the beach?


That is why the surfers began to patrol the car parks to keep these youths out, which then became "racist".
Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 7:39:24 AM
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I love Australia too and I happen to agree with the thrust of this piece. But it doesn't actually add much of substance by way of answering the question it posed: Are Australians racist? To do that, one would first need to ask questions like: how would one find out?, and, presumably, who would one ask?. I suppose social scientists could soon come up with all kinds of questionnaires and surveys, but the article itself points to a specific starting point; ask the participants in the Cronulla conflict, the fair haired blue eyed surfies and the youths of apparently distinctive 'middle-eastern appearance'. Of course their answers will depend on the questions asked, but my guess is that the young people will include some expression of dislike for their counterparts in the other group, even hurl some invective. Is that racism? Of course not. As per the examples of real racism cited in the article, such a survey would need to reveal an easily identifiable minority group that genuinely suffers due to discrimination at the hands of a majority. Would the 'middle eastern' youths claim to feel that way? Ask them. I reckon not.
Posted by Tombee, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 7:54:59 AM
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The targeting of white women by the Lebanese Australians was racist. Their failure to accept different ideas about the role of women was also racist. The targeting of all Lebanese youths by the white Australians was also racist.
There is plenty of racism here. Most other nations have more racism, but that doesn't make it ok.
Posted by benk, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 7:55:37 AM
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I don't think this is a very convincing article. Ordinary anglo Australians are contrasted with the middle eastern men who are apparently 'swarthy and have distinctive haircuts'... You don't think this is about a rejection of those who are different, all played out under the Australian flag? I don't think we are an overtly racist country but scratch the surface and there are some nasty attitudes that play out in many different ways. It plays out every day for those who have to change their name to get a job and are constantly rejected for rental properties and other opportunities that are avilable to anglo Australians. Ask some new Australians how they feel, or ask some women who wear hijabs about the hate crimes they experience. Experiences are mixed and I feel uncomfortable with much analysis that blames racism for everything and doesn't take into account loads of other factors. But this article reinforces the argument that we do have simmering racism in some communities and highlights the denials that keep those problems from being addressed. It doesn't help to try to present white Australian men or women as pure and innocent. We are a phobic lot and change takes some honesty. I'm sure I won't get support in this forum though - most of the time the comments here seem to be dominated by those who would feel vindicated and comforted by your view
Posted by perigren, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 8:10:13 AM
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You could ask, did the gangs of youth with “'swarthy and have distinctive haircuts' actually go into the water at the beach?

Or were they there to perve on the women, and try and grab them in the carparks.

That's what started it all.
Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 9:08:52 AM
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Yeah.Riot in our streets and pollute our beaches then cry "Racist!" if you get what you deserve.
Posted by socratease, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 9:12:26 AM
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Racism or Prejudice? (1)

We are continually accused of being a racist society.
But is it racism? Or plain old Aussie prejudice!
For instance, Chinese restaurants dishing up stray cats as rabbit or chicken!
This old tale kept me off Chinese food for years!
Aussie ex-P.O.Ws from ww 2 refusing to buy Japanese cars
because of their treatment. Is this racism?
If so, what is colour prejudice?
If you're white you're right, if you're brown hang around,
if you're black get back.
This is a determining factor in Aboriginal society as well.
Is this racism? And if you're Islander (Mud) get back even further!
The division between Full-Blood and caste Aboriginal People is legend.
An issue not discussed in the public domain.
Almost like a taboo subject ! But a fact of life.
You won't hear Michael Mansell, Marcia Langton or Stephen Hagan talk about this.
Many Full-Blood will accept and trust a white person
before they would a yella-fella or mixed blood Aboriginal
they know will exploit them. Is this racism?
Torres Strait Islanders are derided by us. Is this racism?
This is one reason why they are seeking to annul
the marriage "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders".
On the grounds of non consummation. It was a marriage in name only.
Regarding and involving easier and continued access to funding.
A marriage of convenience so to speak. ( alb c. 9/2007 )

extract from

Arthur Bell ( aka. bully ! )
Posted by bully, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 10:39:15 AM
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Whenever the term “racism” is used, we should consider the validity or otherwise of the politically correct definition of the term, which I believe is as follows:

“Comparison of races is unacceptable, unless it makes the white race look bad, when it is to be encouraged.”

David Stove, the head of the Department of Philosophy at Sydney University for many years, gave us a sensible definition of racism:

“He defines “racism”—a neologism so recent, he points out, that it was not in the OED in 1971—as the belief that “some human races are inferior to others in certain respects, and that it is sometimes proper to make such differences the basis of our behaviour towards people.”

Although this proposition is constantly declared to be false, Stove says, “everyone knows it is true, just as everyone knows it is true that people differ in age, sex, health, etc., and that it is sometimes proper to make these differences the basis of our behaviour towards them.”

On this proper definition of racism, Australians, or the sensible ones, at least, are racist, and justifiably so.

No sensible discussion can take place based on the unacceptable PC definition, which we seem to mindlessly accept. It must be eradicated from our considerations, and ultimately from our language.
Posted by Leo Lane, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 11:04:37 AM
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Despite the events leading up to the riot the fact remains that the response was one not targetted at the actual perpetrators but specifically at a racial group.

It wasn't the perpetrators that were attacked, it was anybody that looked Middle Eastern, whether they were at Cronulla Beach or even on a nearby train or just driving by.

In the days following, my daughter's then-boyfiend, a bearded Aussie with olive skin was threatened by a group of youths in a car because "he looked like he might be a Leb" - and that was 150Km from Cronulla. I also recall thugs later literally wrapping themselves in the flag and forcing others to "kiss" the flag and the "Love it or Leave it" bumper sticker campaign that followed.

Yes indeed, we are indeed racist and have a long history of such events to prove it. It's almost a national sport.

Then again, it's part of the Tribal Mind to be suspicious of outsiders and it's a trait we share with everybody else to some degree.

To deny it or to somehow paint ourselves as the victims is not only unreasonable, it's wrong.
Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 12:26:53 PM
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I would hazard a guess that most 'older' Australians are indeed racist.

I know my parents and all their friends spoke in derogatory terms about Aboriginals, Italians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Germans and Japanese.

To their credit though, they tried to give their children a less racist upbringing than they had, after admitting that many of their racist problems were a follow-on from the world wars, Vietnam and Korean wars.

Maybe there will be less racism in Australian society in the coming generations, as we move further away from the old-fashioned views held onto after these wars.

One can only hope...
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 2:08:35 PM
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Stupidity is the source of racism ! How much racism is there in Australia ? Add to that the imported stupidity & you get a racist society. Quite simple really.
You're not racist if you're peeved off with a racist's stupidity. Only racist people will call you racist.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 3:09:30 PM
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The question 'are Australians racist ' can't be answered easily. Bully raises an interesting point about being prejudice. All people are prejudice although Australians less so then many other people groups.

You make me laugh though bully when you mention
'For instance, Chinese restaurants dishing up stray cats as rabbit or chicken! This old tale kept me off Chinese food for years! '

Sorry mate this is or was not a tale. Some of my recent immigrant friends gladly tell me they eat dogs and cat. A number of restaurants were also fined and lost licences years ago in Australia for that practice (although probably not as many as were made out).

I think many people discriminate against people on the basis of their belief or behaviour but not on their race. I was very selective about where and whom my kids hung out with when growing up. People discriminate every day by sending kids to Government or non Government schools. The whole racist card issue is used far to much.

As a kid I made fun of Chinese and 'wogs'. I am now ashamed of that as my best friends are wogs and Chinese. I will say however since growing up I have been called a white so and so a number of times. Racism certainly exists a lot harder in the non white community these days.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 3:21:02 PM
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Australia is not racist, just ask any Australian racist and they'll deny it. Simple as that!
Posted by Rainier, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 4:30:24 PM
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Bully, on this occosion, I have to agree with Rainer. It is an old Chinese tradition that you don't eat young cats or old dogs. On a trip to China a few years ago, there were no stray dogs or cats to be seen. Not until we entered Mongolia was there a stray dog on the railway platform. Incidentally, there were not any pigeons either. Comments about peoples diet are not racist.

Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 5:26:17 PM
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Money is more of a definition of status rather than race.Being racist is making someone feel inferior by colour.The over riding factor is money.The power of money negates all racial inferiority.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 7:53:29 PM
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The article presents me with a paradox. I thought that racism, by definition, was the association of particular characteristics with race or ethnicity. For example, an American, a Russian and an Israeli sit in a restaurant together. The waiter announces "Excuse me gentlemen, due to the ongoing shortage we will be unable to serve meat today.". The American says"What's a shortage?". The Russian says "What's meat?". The Israeli says "What's 'Excuse me'?". Does the article offer more insight into human nature than the multitude of schoolboy jokes like the one above? At least the schoolboy jokes carry no pretensions.

Australia, like any other nation, is the country and it people: Some are racist and some are not.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 8:07:22 PM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by Cactus..2, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 8:41:03 PM
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Middle Easterners aren't victims, geez, has anyone on this site ever actually met a "Lebanese Youth", there's no way you could even call them marginalised or "downtrodden".
They are, to a man the most extroverted, in your face people going around, the women share exactly the same temperament. Woe betide anyone who was stupid enough to try and "hate crime" a Lebanese girl, they travel in gangs just like the boys, if you tried to rip off a hijab they'd more than likely rip off your face.
People also always omit the reprisal attacks from an account of the Cronulla riots, the scuffles during the daytime were trivial compared to the violence that flowed back from the Middle Eastern community on the succeeding nights.
Oh let's not forget their "everyday behaviour", the public urination/defecation in broad daylight, the filthy streets of "Their" suburbs, the drag racing/hooning, road rage,the intimidation, stand over, drug dealing, welfare fraud, car theft, muggings, rapes, stabbings, Bikie gangs...
The only thing that marks White Australians out from the other ethnic groups is our extreme tolerance of outsiders, would Lebanese get away with doing the things they do here in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, or Malaysia or Iran?
No way, the locals would assemble in the streets and sort them out, quick smart.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 8:51:46 PM
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Jay, you give a pretty good example of racism. I have a number of Lebanese friends and they defy your stereotype. I don't recognise what you have said in any of them.

I don't think my friends would want to be judged on the basis of your stereotype any more than I would want to be judged because I'm caucasian on you.

Racism is the making of unjustifiable judgements based on stereotyping people because of inherited characteristics due to particular human populations.

I think what Peter is trying to draw attention to is that what happened at Cronulla was due to behaviours by particular social groups that is not related to race.
Posted by GrahamY, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 9:11:16 PM
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Of course Australians are racist. Show me any 'race' that isn't. Cronulla was a case of a minority trying to bully the rest of us who I think are really pretty tolerant of most people who aren't assholes. Racism is a revolving door. One side starts it and the other continues it. By the way I live in a North Queensland rural town and the Indigenous people spend way too much time bitching about white people and even openly cuss white people in the street - then call us racist. It makes you really dislike them. That's how racism continues.
Posted by suie, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 10:09:42 PM
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Are your friends by any chance of Christian Lebanese heritage and did their ancestors come here in the early-mid 20th century?
Steve Bracks, John Symonds and Bob Katter all have Lebanese heritage
There's Lebanese and Lebanese, I know some Lebanese guys who have mousy brown hair and blue eyes, we're not talking about them, we're talking about the dark, Muslim, tribal people who mainly hail from the north of the country, not the more cosmopolitan south.
When you have a tribal mentality stereotypes tend to fit,there was a brawl at an Eid celebration in Michigan not long ago, go and look up the footage on youtube, the young guys involved have the same haircuts and the same style of dress,the same vocal inflection and "in your face" attitude as the Lebanese hoodlums getting around Broadmeadows or Bankstown.
Again, tribal people tend to dress,speak and act in a particular manner, thus a stereotype is applicable.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 5:22:02 AM
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Another point, there is a difference between "Lebanese Australians" and "Lebanese in Australia" the former would be represented by the gentlemen named above, the latter by the stereotype.
One group are wholly Australian, the other are wholly foreign, no matter if they were born here, it's a question of mentality.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 5:43:05 AM
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openly cuss white people in the street - then call us racist. It makes you really dislike them. That's how racism continues.
you & I must be living in the same area because that's exactly my experience. I found that even the polite when faced with a choice of supporting decency or sticking up for a trouble maker, their loyalty is always with their own, right or wrong. It is this loyalty which causes so much friction. The concept of right or wrong does not come into the evasion, only loyalty to their own. The legal system operates in exactly the same way. If you're non-indigenous you can afford losses & don't deserve compensation.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 6:52:57 AM
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This is a silly question.

Some Australians are definitely biased against other races, some with good reason, and others not. Most Australians are not overtly racist and some not at all. Pretty much like all modern democracies.

The questions should be:
Is racism entrenched in our legal or education system? The answer is NO.
Do those who are unjustly affected by racism have access to legal redress? The answer is YES.
Is racism less prevalent than a generation ago? the answer is Yes.

To sum it up, we don't have a perfect society, but we are better than we were, and probably still improving.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 7:38:43 AM
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Bit dissappointing that the author did not explain more about the events leading up to the wrongly termed 'Cronulla riots' and the retaliation over a couple of nights by the Lebs.

The Cronulla day was simply the locals taking action to reclaim their beach that was being taken over by leb gangs whose conduct was unacceptable. Certainly it was beat up by the media as racist but not so. The beach goers had complained about the gangs conduct for years to the council and police but nothing was done.

Because of my objections to multiculturalism and the illegal boat people, I have had far more accusations of racism and xenophobia made to me than most. Racism is simply a term designed to put an opponant on the defensive. To me it means my opponants have no counter arguement to my views. There are very few actual racists who believe that one race is supperior to another.

Some want to change the words meaning to suit their views on many matters.To be critical of a persons conduct, a culture or religion is not racism.

It also seems that only anglos, that are not leftys, can be racist. Charlie Perkins was highly critical of Asian migrants, but not accused of racism. Years ago the was a brawl involving Malaysian army personel, in Townsville. The media got into it in a big way, accusing Pauline Hanson of inciting racism. Then it was disclosed the the brawl was between the Malays and local Aboriginals and guess what, the media quickly dropped the story but no appology was given to Pauline.

Good to see the word has lost its shock value, but surprising that it still raises so much debate.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 8:40:17 AM
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Unfortunately for us, & our future, not enough Ozzies are racist enough!
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 11:28:49 AM
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[Deleted for abuse.],,,what!...again? hasbeen gets away with what he has just put above me....Oh....I see.....runner was offended by the monkey thing, oh dear:).....I was just putting into context the nature with-in us all ( although religion seems to have the trigger on most things around the world ).....funny that, isn't it? know what the real reason is?......I make a mockery about our very human nature, yes thats what it must be.

Sometimes I think there's no justice in the world of white:).....very racist indeed:)............and I'll bet that gets taken out of context next.

Ok:)....fact, and fact only:)

Your hard to please:)

Posted by Cactus..2, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 12:12:52 PM
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Cactus, the fact you may have been brainwashed into believing as you do, & that I have resisted that conditioning, has nothing to do with abuse.

Please explain who I am abusing in believing as I do.

Do you believe in censorship of those who have not absorbed the bleeding heart conditioning that you have obviously accepted? It would appear so from your post.

I can't remember who it was that said, when the population disagree with the elites, it's time to change the population, but you obviously agree with the thought. I am afraid you, or your descendants will pay dearly for that.

What right do you have to try to censor me? After all, I have not even denigrated you for being a fool.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 1:06:59 PM
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Here's another double standard,
Anti Racists are appalled by the White kid's behaviour but excuse or ignore the behaviour of the Lebanese boys.
If there are no such things as racial differences why is one group, the White boys held to a higher standard of behaviour?
I also have another point to make on so called stereotyping.
The stereotypical "Leb" is a product of Muslim Lebanese communities not the broader community, they affect a certain mode of dress and behaviour to intimidate other groups both within and without their area of effect.
Here's another adjective I'd use to describe Lebanese youth, conformist.
There is pressure from their peers and elders to conform to this stereotype of extreme machismo, intolerance and ethnic insularity.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 1:08:46 PM
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In reply to the question - "Are Australians racist?"
and concerning the Cronulla Riots - may I suggest
the following website. It makes for interesting
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 6:14:11 PM
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My son still gets double vision, & head aches when he gets really tired.

This is almost 2 years after being set upon by a bunch of 4 Leb thugs, who jumped out of a car & attacked him, in broad daylight, as he walked home from the train one afternoon.

His skull was fractured in 4 places by this mob, who had him down & were laying in the boot. He was only saved by a couple of cars loads of people stopping to assist. A couple of them told the cops that they heard some saying, "get the whitey bastard".

Those same cops made it obvious they would not waste their time pursuing the thugs.

Graham you may have found a few nice ones, academics by any chance? However if you have no experience of the rest of them, I suggest you hold your opinion, until you do. Those cars did not stop to help my son, near Hurstville in Sydney, because what he was experiencing was uncommon, but because it is all too common.

It was obviously not a robbery, but designed to injure. Until we start catching & locking up this vermin, the trouble will only grow.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 9:00:34 PM
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Lexi that article is just nonsense, first of all it's written by an Anti Racist, which makes it biased and Anti White from the outset.
The crowd at Cronulla is estimated to have been around 15% non White, the chant was F- Off Lebs, the Lebanese were singled out because of what they do, not who they are.
Look at these photos, brown skinned brown eyed Australians were not at risk on the day:

The infamous charge onto the station platform was led by Pacific Islanders:

Look at the girl dead centre in this picture talking to the guy in the green hat, another Islander, or possibly Asian:

There are more pictures of groups of Asians, Indians and Aboriginals in the crowd that day, it was a community protest against Muslim Lebanese bullies, thugs and lawbreakers.
There are no White gangs or mobs, they're all multicultural, the subsequent and widely publicised Manly Corso "Race riot" actually had Lebanese kids involved in the "Racism".
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 9:56:20 PM
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We're really getting to the point where we literally have to ban academics from commenting on social issues. They do more damage than the average thuggish moron.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 8 December 2011 6:23:18 AM
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Dr Eva Sallis in the article I cited earlier tells us
- "the expressed hostility towards "Lebs" as recent
intruders belies the history of Australia, where people
of Lebanese ancestry have lived for more than a century."

Why these current problems? Dr Sallis says:

"While denying even that racism exists, our leaders
have given tacit approval and support for it through policy,
whether this is policy on refugees, security or Indigenous
affairs. The policy of mandatory detention of asylum
seekers was strongly linked with border protection from
2001, and, as most asylum seekers of recent years have been
from the Middle East and Muslim South Asia,
"border protection" has become protection
from Muslim refugees in the popular imagination."

"Like the US, Australia has new anti-terrorism legislation
first passed in 2002 and significantly strengthened in 2003.
Such laws have helped to validate broader community mistrust of
Arab and Muslim Australians."

"Our government has done little to substantively allay fears of
Muslim and MIddle Eastern Australians generally or to increase
public understanding and appreciation of their culture and
contribution to Australian life."

Dear Hasbeen,

I'm sorry for what happened to your son. My nephew was beaten up
while going to the aid of a young girl in Lismore. He ended up
in hospital in a coma. He has brain damage and he now wears a
plate in his head. The guys who beat him up were Anglo-
Australians. Thugs are thugs - no matter where they come from.
But blaming a whole group of people for the behaviour of a few
individuals to me at least, does not make sense.

Dr Sallis tells us, "Prejudice creates what it fears by
cutailing young people's prospects. Young Arab-Australians
are increasingly ghettoized in Sydney's poor suburbs, where
they struggle for education and jobs. Their families are often
prejudiced against non-Arab Australians, the racism of the
minority and that of the broader society reinforce each other."

I totally agree with Dr Sallis that "we need more education,
less fear mongering, and not least, greater honesty about
the culture of racism that is so damaging to us."
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 8 December 2011 8:08:10 AM
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Most people are getting tired of what the government is handing out to the refugees they are coming into our country getting paid for it,i was always to believe that charity starts at home.
What about our forefathers that went to war and now they are letting these same people into our country.
Posted by jaywill, Thursday, 8 December 2011 8:26:25 AM
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I totally agree with Dr Sallis that "we need more education,
less fear mongering.
I 'd prefer to replace education with logic enlightenment in this context. Trouble is the education system has ensured that no-one's qualified in that field.
The term fear mongering is used by academic experts who fear that any interest sparked into focussing on them will expose their expensive uselessness.
To want to prevent Australia being stripped any more of it's way of life is not fear mongering. It's being realistic & forward looking.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 8 December 2011 9:35:33 AM
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Racism is borne of ignorance. People who are dubious of different religions, such as Islam, become scared of that which they know nothing about. It is easier to research and find information which should eradicate all doubts. There are in this, and other Countries, extreme Christian religious groups, who are just as radical as extreme Islamists. It is fear which generates racism, it is much easier to research and discover the truths than to remain uninformed and become scared, which results in racism.
Let us not forget that we are all immigrants, or descended from the first fleeters. Every one enjoys a relatively free and easy life here. But I believe that people from the Eastern countries eventually assimilate in Australia as the children who are arriving with their families from Muslim countries will assimilate very quickly. As an English migrant, I was always impressed by the Australian ethos, that
gave everybody a fair go.....would that that same attitude reigned once again.
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Thursday, 8 December 2011 11:27:40 AM
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Well I guess there is always a silver lining.

When Islam takes over in Oz, it will eliminate the same sex marriage debate, & any other same sex argument too.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 8 December 2011 11:53:34 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Your remark, "When Islam takes over in Oz," is surely
a tongue-in-cheek remark and you're simply stirring
and not being serious.

People believed in all sorts
of "doom and gloom," scenarios with each lot of
newcomers that came into this country - "especially
those who formed linguistic or ethnically distinct
groups." However as history has shown - they all
became fully integrated eventually.

Still, as Dr Sallis
points out, "A volatile part of our community is
deeply alienated, unable to belong, and another
volatile part has retreated to an irretrievable past and
a mythical notion of racial purity..." But given enough
time, hopefully the younger generations will be able to
sort things out for themselves. Our country's well-being
depends on it.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 8 December 2011 12:34:14 PM
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The last person in my family to be born overseas arrived here in 1847.
Put it this way,I'm wholly of White Australian ethnicity, I am a distant relation of the majority of people claiming Aboriginal ethnicity via our common White ancestry but I am in no way related to someone from Sudan, Lebanon or China.
Few of these "Lebs" are migrants anyway, they were mostly born here.
Born here but raised in Lebanon, even though many have never seen their homeland.
Islam is not the problem between Whites and Middle Easterners, it's a particular group of people who are utterly hostile to and contemptuous of anyone who is not like them.
All through primary school, but particularly is years 5 and 6 my daughter was best friends with a young girl whose parents were Syrian migrants and who followed Shia Islam.
I nearly fell over backwards the first time I went to their house and the second son bid me "Welcome Sir" when he opened the door, he is a great kid, though he was permanently on sister minding duty (they have two older girls as well) while his parents and older brother were at work.
My daughter's friend had no problems fitting in, she was a real sweetie, polite, smart, considerate, she even used to hand out presents and Christmas cards at the end of the year just like the other kids.
That all changed when the Lebanese kids started bullying her because she was Shia, she really copped it, she couldn't walk home from school in safety with the other girls and the other parents, myself included had to make a judgement call that it was too risky for our girls to be with her,the long suffering brother Ali had to drive her to and from the school gates every day.
White kids are not raised to be intolerant of others, the poor "Bogans", the whipping boys of the left are the most assimilated group of Whites and the longer a White kid stays in the education system the more tolerant will be.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 8 December 2011 1:00:48 PM
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Dear Jay,

I take it that from your previous post - it's only
the "Lebs" who are intolerant of people who are
not like them? And you're not one of them -
obviously. Kindly re-read what you've written.

Or do you have an excuse for the Anglo-Australians
who beat up each other and anyone that they choose
to pick on and then plead that the other person -
"Asked for it."

Most of the fights and bashings that
we see and read - on the news - that occur at nighclubs,
pubs, railway stations, and street corners are predominantly
involving white, Anglo-Saxon, youths. Who find it a great
time, (and entertainment) - to bash up each other and any
passer- by who tries to assist the victim.
I and my friends have learned over many years to avoid
such places and such groups. Even to the extent when I
see a group of white-youths in a shopping center I look
for an alternative path to take.

On the other hand, groups of youths from obviously other
cultural backgrounds don't threaten my well being. Never have.
And I
must say I've experienced some bad moments with white
youths and none whatsoever with any other group. I must
point out that I am a white female of Northern European
ancestry (born in Australia).
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 8 December 2011 1:33:53 PM
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. In many ways it is a stupid question to ask and therefore sets up a plethora of ways that it can be answered infinitum. Perhaps a more tangible and practical question is ' What can Australians do about racism' which assumes that racist conditions, policies, actions do exist, be it here in Australia or abroad. Simplistic explanations about what racism is provide an easy escape route for many. Racism is complex but should never be considered insurmountable, unassailable, impervious, beyond the reach of our humanity and wisdom. I'm reminded by the many German nationalists in WW2 who opposed Hitler's racist persecution and genocide of the Jews, or the early settlers in this nation who opposed the wholesale slaughter of Aboriginal peoples, and the many other historical moments when people instantly recognised racism for what it was and acted accordingly. These qualities do exist in our national citizenry, albeit a small minority.
Historically speaking: the word 'racism' may not have been part of their social and cultural gramma but they knew it was wrong, immoral and dehumanising of both perpetrators and victims alike. I look forward to a time in Australia when this question about our nation’s moral character is not caught up in a web of semantic debate....but alas this may not be in my lifetime...perhaps in my great great grandchildren's lives? All we can do is attempt to set in motion a set of values that allow for this to happen. To simply ignore the existence of racism for the sake of feeling pious and redemptive is shallow...and of itself, racist.
Posted by Rainier, Thursday, 8 December 2011 1:55:28 PM
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a tongue-in-cheek remark and you're simply stirring
and not being serious.
May I suggest you participate in forums of european countries which actually have the situation Hasbeen is referring to. You will get your eyes opened.
I wish it were just tongue-in-cheek. Tragically, it is not. Hasbeen speaks from foresight.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 8 December 2011 5:04:05 PM
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It is only the Lebanese, they are the troublemakers, you clearly have no experience of living in a multicultural suburb.
Every time you see "Lebs" around they're out looking for trouble, Hasbeen's story is an everyday occurrence.
There is a difference between young White guys knocking seven bells out of each other because they're drunk and gangs of Lebs, who don't drink and set out to deliberately maim people for fun.
It's a monotonous refrain from White people in my area,Thomastown/Lalor, "Bashed by Lebs".
Lexi I see this with my own eyes on a daily basis, the road rage, the intimidation.
These are the people you're defending: (no actually you are on their side, you've taken their side over that of your own people)
Look at the state of the guy they bashed, this is allowed to go on because of people like you who constantly cover for them.
It's always five onto one, they always set out to hurt their victims, maim them, disable them and then they laugh as they walk away.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 8 December 2011 9:24:52 PM
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You never see Lebanese boys doing anything normal people do for recreation, apart from martial arts and weight training of course.
I see Pacific Islanders going to church and having picnics, I see Indians playing cricket in the park, African christians handing out leaflets in the street, Afghans down at the lake feeding the ducks and taking happy snaps, Sikhs playing Kabbadi, Chinese flying kites and doing Tai chi, whites jogging and cycling.
Even the real deadbeat Whites will go to the park and have a barbie, go to the pools or the movies.
Lebs just hang around, they congregate in carparks and at railway stations, and are constantly cruising about in their cars, in convoys of three or four vehicles giving pedestrians their infamous "Death Stare", if you don't lower your eyes, then the harassment starts and often ends in a kicking or at best a foot chase if you're quick enough.
They have zero respect for others, the other week I was at Epping Plaza, it was raining, around one in the afternoon, the place was full of people. What were the Lebs doing? Having drift races in the carpark of course, power sliding their cars at high speed around the bays and service roads.
Really, You just don't see other ethnic groups behaving this poorly, Lebs hate this country, they particularly hate White "Aussies" and they live to intimidate, bully and terrorise everyone else in the community.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 8 December 2011 9:51:22 PM
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Dear Jay,

I'm so sorry that you've had such bad experiences.
Perhaps instead of condeming behaviour, we should
look at the reasons for it. I firmly believe that
given a chance most people are decent human beings
and when they fall off their perch - its a reaction
(reason) towards something that caused it.

Anyway, you're wrong about my not living in a "multicultrual"
suburb. I grew up in the western suburbs of Sydney. Today,
admittedly I live in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. However,
in our quiet court - we have Chinese, Sri-Lankans, Macedonians,
Greeks, Lithuanians, and Italians - all living in harmony
as neighbours.

With Christmas just around the corner, I wish you all the
Joys of this Festive Season, and plenty of reasons to smile
in 2012.

Take care.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 9 December 2011 9:10:09 AM
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Where's Hasbeen:)...crawled off into some corner to hide, yes that must be it.

See, Hasbeen....your just typical of the fascist red-necks and much you have in common with the Nazis propaganda and Pauline Hanson syndromes.

Jay from Melbourne has a problem with Leb,s....and its true some of them are a bunch of w..kers, and yes its also true that these particular types of banana peeling porch monkeys, or hominids which our human spices is rightly named, although some may argue......"its the last one's down from the tree's that makes all the difference:).....Who knows:)

However Hasbeen your right about one thing.....Sharia law of any description will never be aloud to exercise their primitive religious bull-Sh!t in Australia, ever:)

The Australian law makers have already announced this will never happen here, so sleep easy Jay/Hasbeen, they are after all, are just a small minority of invited guests:).....and they can and will be locked up, you can be sure of that.

Where else do you put Wild Aniamls?

All the best.

Posted by Cactus..2, Friday, 9 December 2011 12:13:06 PM
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Redneck, haven't heard that racial slur before..not.
Sharia Law?
I'm in favour of Muslims being responsible to Sharia courts, with Sharia punishment, there is almost no crime in strict Islamic states for that reason.
I pointed out before, Islam isn't the problem it's "Lebs", being a "Leb" is a choice, just like being a Skinhead or a Communist and I've clearly said we're not discussing decent Lebanese people or even all Lebanese people.
Everyone know what a "Leb" is.

That sounds like my street, only we have Sudanese and Islanders as well.
I've said before that I think you're a decent person based on your posts, in fact all middle class White people are race realists at heart, it just puzzles me as to why you'd take the side of bullies just to appear politically correct.
How about a different spin on Cronulla?

The Cronulla riots symbolised the defeat of tolerant, Australian style multiculturalism by the brute force of "Leb" gangs and the cowardice and ineptitude of the NSW Police, in particular the previous administrative policies of commissioner Ryan.
The "Lebs" won the battle and are now enjoying the spoils of their victory.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 9 December 2011 3:07:59 PM
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Dear Jay,

I'm not defending anyone guilty of thuggery. However I
don't like to make judgements about people that I
don't know and especially I don't like classifying
people as a group - when there are with all of us -
individual differences. Anyway Thanks for this
discussion. It's that time of the year when things
are a bit hectic - so again, I'll leave you to it.
See you on another thread.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 9 December 2011 6:39:10 PM
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For Cactus 2

Ramzpaul tells you who you are:

Emma West is in jail because of her words, yet a gang of Somali girls who bashed a young White woman and tore out a clump of her hair while screaming "Kill the White Slag!" are released without punishment.
*Click Click*
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 9 December 2011 7:57:43 PM
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Jay.....that was very clever:).....makes one wonder who's running the world.

Posted by Cactus..2, Friday, 9 December 2011 9:23:21 PM
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Jay:) you might like this guy, I think its on the same lines as your think.

Multiculturalism was a nice idea by us white people to wait for lesser evolved. I not racist, but I'll fight to the death if need be to protect my people. See we apes have be doing this for Millennia. Giving ideas to smaller evolved apes was someones great plan to bring bthe world together, in some places its worked perfectly, and in others, its been a complete failure.

See, my people ( Scotish ) we have been invaded by the best, and not one of them have made much of an impact, exsept maybe a bit of red hair and some pommy bad manners:).....but we did not want to mix for very important reasons known only to time its self.

IMO....its all moving too fast, but this is only what think, and many more would disagree and this is why we have sites like GY's.

I hope this has helped:)

All the best.

Posted by Cactus..2, Friday, 9 December 2011 10:12:46 PM
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Yeah well, there you go.
The clicker goes off and idiots like that guy start yapping.
All he does is prove the point, he sees the word White and he automatically flips, goes into the default setting "Kiiiiiilll the Nazis".
Notice how all anti Racists can do is mock B.U.G.S and clown around? He does the wacky "These kids are craaaaazy!" voice all through his speech, there no serious argument there.
There is only one question in the B.U.G.S Mantra and it's an Iron question:
"Are you pro White or pro White Genocide?".
The proof that the Mantra is working is the proliferation of those type of videos, Anti Racists don't know how to argue because they are never held responsible for the things they say, all they can do is speak nonsense and clown about.
There's nothing in that video that confronts the iron question, just a lot of boasting and waffle.
It doesn't matter if there's a White genocide, it's the principle of the thing, the fact is that these guys generally will not say whether they support one or not and a good few just say outright that Whites need to be assimilated out of existence.
so catus will you answer the Iron question?
Are you pro White or Pro white Genocide?
For the record I'm 100% pro White.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 9 December 2011 10:38:00 PM
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Jay of the the clicker works just as well on you:)...fell into that trap quite should know me by now Fool:)

Here's a clip just for

Take a long look at


Posted by Cactus..2, Friday, 9 December 2011 10:54:50 PM
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You're only insulting me because I'm White anti Racist is a code word for Anti White.
How have I been trapped? You're behaving exactly as I described.
Will you answer the question or are are you just going to play silly buggers like the people in your videos?
It's simple enough, are you for the survival of White people or do you wish to see us assimilated out of existence?
There's nothing "Racist" or stupid in that, and since it' White countries and ONLY White countries which have been purposely flooded with non Whites, It's a question more and more White people are asking.

Emma West is in jail for her words, she's the White Rosa Parks, except that Emma is the real deal, a genuinely tired,fed up young working woman whereas Ms Parks the "tired seamstress" was actually a political activist implementing her training in non violent resistance in a planned protest.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 10 December 2011 5:26:46 AM
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Perhaps instead of condeming behaviour, we should
look at the reasons for it.
Most of us have & we found them. It's you who has to look harder or better, get new glasses without the rose-coloured tint.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 10 December 2011 9:06:11 AM
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Dear Individual,

Life is only simple for the simple-minded.
No offense intended - but it's true.
There are a variety of reasons for people's
behaviour - much of it is complex -
and most of it is not as straight-forward as you may think.
As for my rose-coloured glasses? Well much as
I appreciate your advice - I don't need to wear
glasses anymore since I had laser surgery.
How about you removing your blinkers though?
Fair trade?
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 10 December 2011 3:31:26 PM
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We're not talking about particularly complex motivations in the case of "Leb" gangs.
All sub cultures are simply birds of a feather, Rockabillies like dancing, hot rods and rock'n roll, cyclists like cycling, Twitchers like the outdoors and native bird life.
"Lebs" like intimidating and hurting people, it's why they get dressed up and go out of a Saturday night, they don't have to do it, they choose to.
Now what we're saying is that there are simply no analogous sub cultures in other ethnic groups which are so uniform or so violently idiosyncratic that they have a profoundly negative effect on other outside the group.
Asians are pretty violent toward one another, so are Aboriginals, Africans and, as you've pointed out so are White Australians but serious predation of other groups is actually rare, except in the case of "Lebs".
You will see Gangs containing White kids getting about but in almost every example they contain a mix of other ethnicities as well, this is why "Hate Crime" laws are so litlle used, it's pretty hard to paint a White thug as "Racist" if he's got a Tongan best mate and a Vietnamese girlfriend.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 10 December 2011 4:03:32 PM
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Dear Jay,

In our country today, there is a widespread, malignant
thought form that "other people are the problem."
Without personal commitment to the attributes of fair play
and integrity, our country is in grave danger. Malice
and intolerance stalk our society, staking claims to our
minds, and not one corner of our social order is
unaffected. What I would like to see happen is that we
remove from our minds the tendency to judge, the tendency
to hate, the tendency to blame. If we could only remember
that we all are human beings - and that we all share this
lovely planet. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could start
the New Year of 2012 with the following New Year's

Don't look to others to change.
Change yourself. Change your mind from an
accusatory one - to a tolerant one.

That would be a good begining to a New Year!
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 10 December 2011 5:29:00 PM
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Lexi I'm not close enough to be certain but am close enough to think that the claims about muslim lebanese youth in some area's are not the result of dislike of "the other" by intolerant people not part of that grouping, rather based on a lot of experience.

Too many people from around that area with first hand accounts of the problem, too much well publicised defence of horrid attitudes by muslim leaders for me to dismiss it all as hate speech.

Sometimes it's not ourselves that mostly needs the change. In this case there do seem to be some real problems that are not helped by denial of their existence.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 10 December 2011 6:57:15 PM
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Jay Of Melbourne, the act of tarring everyone in one ethnic group with the same feathers is an act of racism as far as I am concerned.

You are a prime example of an Australian racist, sir.
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 10 December 2011 6:59:24 PM
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Dear RObert,

I'm searching for ways to help relieve the
situation. And of course I don't have all the
answers. I'm not denying that problems don't
exist. However, I'm looking for constructive
ways to help.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 10 December 2011 7:16:02 PM
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I wish I had blinkers, wouldn't have to look at so much academic crap then.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 10 December 2011 8:18:07 PM
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Current discussions about racism seem to have a fixation with the Lebanese in particular.

It was only ten years ago that we at imminent risk of being "swamped by Asians". Even PM Howard was quoted as feeling "uncomfortable" about seeing Asians faces on Sydney streets.

They were supposed to create enclaves/ghettos, have no national loyalty, be a source of institutionalised crime and refused to assimiliate, not to mention being potential disease carriers.

Despite the rise in migration levels from Asia the "swamping" terror seemed to be magically redirected at another group and the same arguments raised yet again (as they had been previously for Greeks, Italians and all European migrants in general).

I suggest this pattern is fairly indicative with a country that lives in perpetual fear and loathing of outsiders and will use negative racial stereotypes wherever possible.

Is this technically racism or just something we have in the drinking water?
Posted by rache, Saturday, 10 December 2011 9:00:58 PM
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Is this technically racism or just something we have in the drinking water?
none of the above. It's an inability to take heed of the past & looking ahead by those who believe nothing sinister is brewing. The europeans were like that too. Ask them how they feel now after just one generation of open door policy.
I'd say there are about 300 million people who would turn back the clock in an instant if it were possible.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 11 December 2011 7:41:42 AM
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*Click-Click* You see the word White and it trips a Pavlovian response in your brain.
You're only calling me a Racist because I'm White, Anti Racism is a code word for Anti White, what's more you haven't even read my posts.
Seems to me you're tarring White Australian people with the term "Racist". This type of behaviour is typical of Anti Racists because they are never held responsible for the things they say or write, it's perfectly acceptable for an anti Racist to post two contradictory statements in the same paragraph, "Generalisations about specific ethnic groups are "Racist", this is a practice typical of White Australian Racists"
See What I mean?
Anti Racists are also permitted to lie outright as long as they are telling lies about White people.
I'm not saying anything about "Lebs" that isn't demonstrably true, see that's another part of Anti Racism, even if my statements are accurate they still want me jailed for "Hate Speech".
Anti Racists are not "do gooders" they are the bad guys, by their actions they condone and cover up rape, violence, drug dealing, stand over, murder and child abuse by non Whites.
Suse, why is it exactly that we are not allowed to see a breakdown of crime stats based on ethnicity of perpetrators?
That'd be a useful tool for, say parents who want to give their kids advice about safety, who to avoid, just to be on the safe side.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 December 2011 9:02:33 AM
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Nobody cared what Howard or Pauline Hanson thought and you've probably watched "Romper Stomper" one too many times.
If you're of a "certain age" you will remember an ABC youth culture program "Beatbox", which aired on Saturday mornings.
I seem to recall a series of interviews by Andrew Denton circa '83-84 with Vietnamese kids who were being bullied, bashed, robbed and stabbed by "Lebs" in the Cabramatta area.
On statement by a Viet kid has stuck with me "They think because we're small and they're big they can do whatever they want to us".
You will recall the "Curry Bashing" fiasco in Harris Park a few years ago, when the "Lebs" were trying to "Clean out" the Indians from the area.
What about the damage they caused by pushing Heroin on aboriginal kids in Redfern? Forgotten that have we?
Cronulla was five hours out of thirty years of problems with "Lebs", it's not even worth mentioning in the context of "Race Relations".
There's a focus on "Lebs" because of what they DO, what they have been DOING since the 1970's, this need not even be a racial discussion save that Anti Racists want to cover up non White crime and always point the finger back at Whites as the cause of the problem.

They say they are Anti Racist, what they are is anti White, Anti Racism is a code word for Anti White.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 December 2011 9:16:44 AM
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Dear Jay,

I think the only way we're going to get to the bottom of
this problem is by not blaming ANYONE and trying to find
out what the causes are. That we shall never be able to
do if we have the attitude that - "It's what you guys do
that's the problem." That doesn't answer the question
as to why - they do what they do.And perhaps it's also
what we don 't do that counts. It isn't a case of
being "anti Leb," or "anti white." It should be a case
of being "pro" people in general - that might make all the
difference. It's all a bit convenient to fob things of
as "you're anti white," and then blame "It's what Lebs Do."
It then allows them to say the same thing about you. And
a stalemate has been reached - but nothing constructive has
been achieved. We should all be able to do better than that.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 11 December 2011 4:19:50 PM
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I agree entirely and I'm more than willing to toss ideas about, I respect your opinions because you present a case for tolerance, Anti Racists however are violently intolerant.
A stalemate is as a good position as you'll get with these people because beyond screaming "NAZI!, RACIST,BIGOT!" they really have no platform on which to base any coherent argument or civilised discussion.
I'm offended by their words, they are offended by mine and never the twain shall meet.
I'm sorry to have to use things like the BUGS Mantra and to keep derailing threads but I don't see why Anti Racists should be allowed to get away with racial slurs like "Redneck", "Bogan", "Nazi" etc
This is actually a question of culpability, of taking responsiblity for one's speech and actions.
If the political cops come knocking on Graham's door asking for my IP details, so be it, I don't expect him to defend me, I take full responsibility for my posts and I'm well read on Anti Discrimination and Vilification regulations.
But Anti Racists should know that the world is not going to stay the same as it is today, that one day the political Police may come looking for them, they need to stop, think and take responsibility for the things they post as well.
Calling White people Racists without being able to back one's claims is offensive, prejudicial and as problematic as any other form of so called "Hate Speech", the laws are written in a way that allows for prosecution of Anti White hate speech, we can't assume that just because today those laws are not uniformly applied that at some point in the future there won't be a change in the way they are interpreted.
Anti Racists need to be held accountable for their words and they must provide proof of so called "Racism", not be allowed to get away with saying anything they like about White Australians with nothing more than opinions and speculation as the basis of their claims.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 December 2011 6:20:20 PM
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Lexi raises an interesting point as to find out why the Lebanese carry on. I am sure there are many reasons including the hatred of anything considered Western that exposes cultural flaws such as avoiding shame rather than truth telling.

When a woman is beaten by a white man their is no room for any excuse. When a man kills his children and then suicides he is a mongrel. When a woman does the same an enquiry is needed to what drove her to desperation. When Lebanese men rape white girls it must somehow be the girls fault. The multi cultural çhampions will be in denial. White males will always be blamed for actions. Others will have the blame shifted and an enquiry find otherwise.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 11 December 2011 7:20:46 PM
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Good point, I really don't know the answer, it's not Islam, it's not something that started as a reaction to White behaviour or attitudes, it's obviously not an essential Lebanese characteristic but a conscious, self aware sub culture.
I'm actually loath to speculate any further on what makes "Lebs" tick, it's a somewhat pointless exercise in any event since it puts me on the same shaky ground as the Anti Racists who will always go in to bat for them in order to score points against White people.
It's observable to anyone who share living space with "Lebs" that they are idiosycratic, violent, misogynistic and extremely macho. Seriously, if some of the gentler souls who post here could hear the conversations I've overheard between these people their blood would run cold.

The accusations of extreme Left and Extreme Right elements fueling the fires at Cronulla are not really plausible, it seems both tendencies scrambled just to get down there in time to mount the small Leftist counter demo and the limited amount of leafleting done by the APP and Jim Saleams Australia First.
We might speculate as to what extent the state actors in the media were enabled by the Howard government, if I saw real proof of collusion I wouldn't be shocked. (I don't think my opinion of that administration could possibly drop any lower anyway).
Ethnic conflict is a widely used political tactic across the globe, you need no more stark example than Lebanon, Lebanese might be said to be a sure bet in that regard, predictable and reliable as protagonists and folk devils.
Were the Howard crew that evil? All things considered, yeah, I'd say they were.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 December 2011 8:59:18 PM
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Dear Jay,

Thank You for at least reading my posts and replying
to them. I hear what you're saying but I can't go
against what I believe in. I'll leave you to your
opinion and I shall stay with mine.

Take care.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 11 December 2011 10:05:16 PM
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Jay....its OK mate. If you want to be a Nazi stud muffin, at least your open about it. We scottish have had it worst my friend, and we still don't hate. You need to share the world we all live in, and celebrate all we have achieved and be done with it.

Hate is a poison..............and I don't see it in you...sorry mate...your too Intelligent not to the light.

Just like with Kings-wood Country....we are all bloody wogs, and thats a fact.

all the best......this con, not finnished!

Posted by Cactus..2, Monday, 12 December 2011 2:41:49 PM
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A definition of Racism:-
A biologically driven need, for territorial control in order to maintain the survival advantage of controlling needed resources.
Hence all the territorial and civil wars raging around the world at the moment, and across history. Also the reason for all the displaced(driven off) , thousands of refugees and asylum seekers. (learn from history, anyone?)

Racism is a misnomer,(something wrongly named).

In the rest of the animal kingdom, (ourselves being catergorized as an animal species by science), it is not called racial hostility but territorial hostility or territorial aggression.

The fact that we use weapons instead of fangs and claws clouds the issue.
Words have power. Because we use the term Racism instead of Territorialism, it takes away our understanding of what is really happening.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 13 December 2011 7:28:52 PM
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"Racist" in this context just means White,"Anti Racist" is just a code word for Anti White, it's actually a political concept invented by Leon Trotsky.
The political crime of "Racism" is ONLY prosecuted in White countries and ONLY White people are subject to these special measures, they don't apply to non Whites and we are currently excluded from their protective clauses. "Special measures"targeting specific groups are always part of a totalitarian state, they allow privileges for some, ie the lawmakers and their in groups and restrict the rights of others.
There are dozens of White political prisoners all over the world incarcerated for speech crimes, Emma West from the U.K is just the latest example,while she sits in prison, separated from her infant son a group of Somali girls who bashed a young White woman while screaming "Kill the White slag" were released without punishment by a British judge.
Brendan O'Connell is doing three years in jail in W.A for speech crimes, on the day he was sentenced a child pornographer was released with only a fine and a man who was charged with GBH got three months behind bars.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 6:11:23 AM
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Everything you say in your above post is absolutely spot on. Racism is the big stick the other ethnic races wield to shut white people up so that we let them come into our countries and flagrantly disregard our laws and way of life. The very word multiculturalism itself, is the ultimate racist term, when used by some ethnic groups, because it literally means from the point of view of a lot of these ethnic troublemakers that they should keep their own culture and the hell with the rest of the society.

That's why they don't like it when I state the truth and say it is territorial and not racist, because this exposes what the real game being played is and deprives them of the racism stick they have used with such success to make guilt prone whites dance to any tune they want.

I looked up the case of the woman who lost it on the English bus when I read about it here, I agree with your observations there too. We witnessed the same imbalance of justice here after the Cronulla riot when only Australians were arrested until the media and public asked why, several weeks later, after witnessing the bashing and knifing of innocent homeowners on camera with the Lebanese troublemakers clearly identifiable.

If they are going to have these racist laws than use them evenly or it will just breed angry resentment and a distrust in the ability of authorities to handle tensions between the races impartially. That will just lead to more events like Cronulla.
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 15 December 2011 9:29:07 PM
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Oh CHERFUL....the upper level Bronze age couldn't tell the difference:)....I wouldn't sweat it:)......The planet of the apes and there founders, all existed on the facts and differentials of who peels the banana:).....and in the rest of the animal kingdom, (ourselves being catergorized as an animal species by science), it is not called racial hostility but territorial hostility or territorial aggression.

:)...I have no more to say.

Posted by Cactus..2, Tuesday, 20 December 2011 11:22:28 PM
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Cactus, you escaped from a nearby mental institution to post such arrant s...t hoping it might be mistaken for a insightful comment.

If you've been anywhere near the UK,France,Holland, Belgium germany and Denmark
then you know that multi-culturalism is a complete failure for those countries for whom sovereignty and self-determination are precious without the interference of outsiders. Through the actions of the UN and the sad compliance of the former political leaders of the above mentioned countries this sovereignty has all but been lost. Australia could be next in line unless people act now to avert loss of this sovereignty. After all the question of sovereignty is ultimately the prize sought after by the most offending and reprehensible of the immigrant groups.

Posted by socratease, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 12:10:15 AM
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Cactus, you escaped from a nearby mental institution to post such arrant sh!t?....yes I did, do you think their comming for me:) There are four types of ape on this planet. Can you tell me who has the rights to this planet?

Posted by Cactus..2, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 1:30:14 AM
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So you have solved the problem of racism in Australia by now resorting to Christmas riddles!!
That helps.
But you must be bursting to tell me who the other three types of apes are. I know the type you belong to.

Posted by socratease, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 12:33:39 PM
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Do chimpanzees fight with each other?
Do humans fight with each other?

Dr. Goodall discovered that chimpanzees do fight. Chimpanzees even engage in a primitive form of brutal "warfare". In early 1974, a four-year war began at Gombe, the first record of long-term warfare in non-human primates.

The planet of apes was a references to the movie with the higher order (with orangutans at the top and being non-violent) and the(gorillas that take orders) and the chimpanzee,s being the leaders with a distinctive hate to all humans.

Our own behaviors dictates openly how humans inter-act with each other, and with the Adult young human males. they will fight between each other hence the Cronulla riots.

Just like the human apes, there is a order of aggressive types, and some primates in the human ranks, some have that lesser evolved sence of understanding, hence the 1.first 2.second 3.third world people that we watch today. (one only needs to look around the world at the 4 types, to prove my point. Like all the primates, (humans ones as well)....fights for turf (just like with young apes), humans do exactly the same thing.

Australia being so relax, if a new type of ape just happens to turn up, (like the boat people for eg).....the first apes that where here before them, (stepping over that urinated scented territorial line marked by them)...... hostility along with fear and the beating of the chest, like the Gangs in the US is perfect eg.....and as population gets thicker, more and more lines will be crossed.

Its just our nature:)

Posted by Cactus..2, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 6:53:15 PM
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Cactus you say:-
Just like the human apes, there is an order of aggressive types, and some primates in the human ranks, some have that lesser evolved sense of understanding,

True, but even the more educated so called 1st world humans, will sanction the government to send troops to war if they feel territorially threatened.

For instance, the Germans, a first world well educated society, felt territorially threatened by the Jews when Germany went bankrupt in the great depression. 6million Germans lost their jobs when all the industries closed down. Until then they were reasonably tolerant of the Jews.
At least 2 or 3 years before Hitler came to power, Germans were putting all the Jewish people out of jobs and replacing them with Germans. Also Germans stopped the Jews from competeing with the German shops and businesses that still remained open, by standing in front of those businesses and refusing to let anyone go in. They then voted Hitler into power to enshrine these agressive territorial behaviours into the law. Convienently after the war they did not admit to their territorial aggression and blamed it all solely on Hitler.

To the Germans it was literally a choice between their own children starving or the Jews.
I'm not condoning their horrific cruelty to the Jews. Maybe they could have just driven them from the country instead of killing them in gas ovens etc.

Also, Japan, another highly educated, modern society. In the years leading up to world war 2 they invaded China, stole the territorial resources of the lucrative mines in Manchuria and at the same time ethnically cleansed 15million Chinese.
Hitler only killed approximately 9million Jews, the Japanese killed nearly double that in the late 1930's just before the WW2 started but this is hardly ever mentioned because they did not use Gas ovens only bullets and bayonets and tanks.

Education does not make a difference to the human animal's biological programming to control territory. Nature is responsible for that programming in all species.
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 24 December 2011 4:16:23 PM
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