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The Century of Biology : Comments

By Nikolas Rose, published 15/11/2011

What kinds of creatures do we contemporary human beings think we are?

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alternate thought continued
[post limited lol]


and we get the imputs of like mind
as those spirits of like mind jump on an open mind
receptive to their own passions[will]

for good or ill
that concentrated thought..attracts further thoughts
[those not recognising the concept cant get it[ie beasts]

anyhow..any new origonal thought
then need to get past the material obsessions of the material[animal brain]

to be made into our works/deeds
our ideas..our life..[ie the collective works of our deeds]

jesu their works1deeds
will we know bonobo from saltpetre

and know salty peter from salt-pet/re
because we can translate concepts of mind

":"I can think of - relating to,
or even definitive of, humankind's singular drive""

see mate thats mind
so much in-spi-ration
you were lost in the vast concepts your mind presented to your id

now look at the bonobo mind
with a 'teacher/rabbi..wispering into its mind a concept

there is the beast..thinking what is e

rabbies reply

anyhow the bonobo is wasting its teachers time

he the dumb beast
gets angry...and the master bonobo...lies down before him
to subdue his inner beast..that ensures..his brain can never find
the logic and reasoning within his own mind

""not just for survival and propagation,
but for the utmost domination of the domain,
of the Earth and of all it contains.""

for us to be brother..[our brothers keeper]
to look after him*..spiritually..materially

till he achieves higher incarnation
and finds his own mind..
by his own toa[way]

think of these words


you cant handle the truth..!
[till we can grasp basic concepts
[ie listen to our inner voices..logicly reasonably
appriciate the pearl from the swine

well let our kids [beasts] kids..
and our beasts be beast..and in their own time they wake to realise

heck e=mc2..thats what we got taught when we slept

and so the sleepers sleep
in their plant..[flora/fauna] bodies
each according as they wished..god allows ignorance
as long as it was chosen by our free chosing..[by our freewill]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 November 2011 11:35:16 AM
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I think you are right, that evolution of enhanced hunting capabilities, in addition to a strong survival instinct/drive, may well account for the apparent paradox of humankind, and possibly the "special" (and seemingly unique) gene I have hypothesized - the paradox being man's capacity for great empathy and compassion in some circumstances, and of cruel violence in others. (My gene theory is probably overly simplistic in actuality, just a construct to enable evaluation of possibilities - a bit like those "packets" of air they refer to in discussing adiabatic atmospheric temperature variations.)

The relevant hunting drive encompasses cunning, planning, preparation and weapons fabrication, plus the awareness, coordination and stealth necessary for the stalk, and then the pinnacle, the emotional development essential to a successful kill - bravery, audacity, determination, and the moral strength to sacrifice oneself if necessary for the good of the group. It may of course be that this latter capacity may not always exhibit correctly, as "moral strength", but occasionally alternatively as a reversion to the "id", a release of inhibition, a casting off of all caution, of all morality, and a plunging into wild unbridled rage. Many colours.


"Rogues" occasionally seem to occur in a range of higher species, but fortunately they seem generally to be less successful propagating than their more "normal" or group-conscious peers. I was particularly impressed by a doco I saw on a gorilla group in Rwanda, where a bossy silverback was deposed by a supportive and caring one, the latter also, though strenuous in defence of the group, had the sense to move them away from imminent threat from humans, rather than standing to fight. A thinking individual. In the end result this clever fellow had passed his genes on more successfully than any other recorded - measured by DNA analysis. A lesson in social stability and success.
Posted by Saltpetre, Sunday, 20 November 2011 11:41:25 AM
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*The relevant hunting drive encompasses cunning, planning, preparation and weapons fabrication, plus the awareness, coordination and stealth necessary for the stalk, and then the pinnacle, the emotional development essential to a successful kill *

Salpetre, its not so commonly known outside of the primatology
community, but chimpanzees do in fact treat meat as a delicacy
and hunt for monkeys as a group.

There has been the odd documentary produced on the subject, of
chimpanzees hunting in the Cameroon. They fulfill most of
your above criteria, quite amazing really.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 20 November 2011 1:34:36 PM
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*but if a bonobo presented herself to me..i could easilly say no*

Gawd OUG, I think you have just confirmed your animalistic
tendencies here, for that thought to even cross your mind.

The same hormones which drive you, happen to drive bonobos,
so you have far more in common then you might think.

No doubt those bonobo females would reject you too :)
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 20 November 2011 2:26:24 PM
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never the twain shall meat
bonobo's is pri-mate..and we
able to read write and make jokes

we are all mearly huh?-man..

its fine if you think the picture of the apes
and some long lost mythical fraud..then a modern day human
[if you think thats any sort of proof..well go for it]

we also share half our dna with a banana
so forgive me for saying your all herbs
[banna isnt a fruit]

but heck you lot with half bannana for thinking
well thats your choice

you will have many saying we share 95 %..or 99%..[or whatever]..'genes'..with apes..[the last time i did a count..thats over 5000 individual mutatons]

everything is size shape etc
yet all sperm have a tail or tails

so where yiour trying to go is to EITHER the bonobo
or towards thje angel[or demon]....its your choice

ps those who like to think of humans as mere apes
regard themselves as the higheast evolution
thus the rest lower evolutions..

little better than bonobo
KNOWING..if they push your buttons the right way
and you die..thinking your dying for freedom..when your really dying for fashists..[puhh war what is it good for]

[its good only for..that elite]..
who own more of creation than you own monkey dna
Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 November 2011 12:32:27 PM
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