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The Forum > Article Comments > Col. Gaddafi killed: What's next in Libya? > Comments

Col. Gaddafi killed: What's next in Libya? : Comments

By Hubertus Hoffmann, published 26/10/2011

Applying lessons learned elsewhere in the Middle East could quickly transform Libya into a north African powerhouse.

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Quote: Education is key...with a focus on the study of traditional Islam...

Wow, what an idea! What could go wrong? Yeah, teach the people the hate and violence in the Quran - that will really improve things.

Only one idea was left out.

18. Make a silly list of pie-in-the-shy actions that nobody takes seriously and present it as 'expert' opinion.

Hoffman has no clue - and - it is most likely that things in Libya will go from bad to worse under a heel of an Islamist regime. Note they are already calling for a sharia-based system, without having had elections, national meetings or a constitution. This shows you that Muslims have no basic understanding of things such as democracy, human rights or equality.
Posted by kactuz, Friday, 28 October 2011 8:50:24 AM
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