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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia’s political leadership: best influenced by elites or the people? > Comments

Australia’s political leadership: best influenced by elites or the people? : Comments

By Chris Lewis, published 28/10/2011

As policy trends occur it remains important that public opinion should continue to have significant influence in these difficult economic times when governments are struggling for answers.

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...The problem for the “constituent’s voice” is the muffling of dissent and the agenda priorities of Government. By what means available does the collective raise concerns to its governing body? Public protest is one; petition is another; but surely the most important should be a voice through their elected members, (not representative inclusively of all his constituents, by nature of political bias).

...I am a believer that local government is an under used resource, and much ignored for the fundamental purpose of dissent, and a medium of direct contact to governing bodies with ability and power to change outcomes for communities, and individuals in those communities . A major problem connecting the concerns of local communities to the Federal level through “Local Government”, is the disconnection of the process by the nature of the hierarchy, or chain of command, contained at state level, short-circuiting local concerns at that point.

...Local Government should be reconnected urgently to fundamental concerns issuing from their communities on subjects outside of the traditional areas of local “development” control: They should, I believe, be funded by the Federal Government for this additional purpose of improving the democratic re-connection of the “little” person with no voice, us, to themselves! Communities are largely frustrated and antagonistic towards politicians, because of the obvious lack of connection by Governments towards the practical everyday concerns in our local communities.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 28 October 2011 10:22:51 AM
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Well it's a basic fact that if public good were actually a priority- then the census of the nation's people are indeed the best ones to influence political decisions.
Only opt for "Elite" influence if you want to gouge out a personal or sectarian profits from something at the expense of everyone else.

And I don't get how some people refuse to believe that a large proportion of Australians simply don't want asylum seekers since we've had intakes from extremists across the middle east, and always have? This isn't something a trickster 'whipped up' or MADE people believe- the people felt that way already, and all Howard did was notice the trend and try to market to it.

In fact, refendum history in Australia (and Europe) is rock-solid proof that "elites" cannot ultimately sway decisions at all.
The Australian Republic comes to mind.
Not even all the celebrities, politicians, spin doctors and spiffy personalities, not even nationalistic vanity- could sway the public from rejecting it on the grounds that the technical aspects of the new system were simply unappealing.

So much for the "elites manipulating gullible sheeple" scenario- with every referendum that stereotype becomes more blatantly false.
Public opinion (When they are truly asked for it) is swayed by arguments- and the best one put out wins.

The only moral conflict as far as I'm concerned are majority Australian priorities vs Indigenous rights- which can be remedied by acknowledging any pre-colonial Australian nations deserve a degree of sovereignty and exemption from Australian political decisions, where appropriate.
(although let's not forget that the recent NT "intervention" was likely an elite decision, while the referendum for Aboriginal rights was passed by a public majority.)
Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 28 October 2011 12:52:26 PM
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Yes, i have faith in people.

We can all make our arguments on different policy issues and offer different positions, but it public opinion which will weigh it all up.

Even today, while i heard Peter Reith give it to the union in regard to Quantas, i hear that many shareholders got up and supported the workers and opposed the Asianisation of the airline while mocking the CEO's pay rise.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 28 October 2011 1:03:08 PM
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...What more proof than evidence before our own eyes of the disconnect between the people of Australia and their Governing bodies, than to watch the play-out of parliamentarians busily attending to disconnected agendas? Anything resembling a human rights issue immediately dominates the priority above public interest; illegal arrivals! I know of nobody happy with the ineffectual dealings with these con-merchants arriving on Australian shores, audaciously demanding human rights, and given considerations through a court system of this country, at the highest level, bewilderingly absent as a course to ordinary Australians whose lives are surrounded by more abject poverty than the over-fed examples of “Poor unfortunates” arriving on tourist boats, under the gaze of TV cameras.

...I refuse to believe for one moment any of these illegal entries are deserving in any way, of “special” treatment!
What Australians wish for from their leaders, is recognition towards the total inability of average Australians to gain access to affordable housing, which does not leave them hungry and cold in the attempt. Working Australians would like relief from an oppressive contracting system that robs them and their families of job security, sick leave and holidays (now considered a luxury). Australians want relief from the oppressive rorting of banks and insurance companies.

...It is an unacceptable outcome to workers having lost a job through no personal fault, to be subjected to persecution and eviction from their houses, legitimised by oppressive bank contracts and ruthless real estate agents.

...Galling it is to most Australians, to witness the manipulation by a band of foreign renegades encouraged by our Government,( with a pander to UNHCR agendas), installed for (as one) fundamental purpose of border security, offering humiliating ineptitude in dealing with such a simple issue as our own border security.

...We watch dumbfounded, Governments willingness to offer as sacrifice, our own young men and women to Afghanistan security needs, but yet incapable of achieving our own security objectives!

...Australians need to protest on the streets, not against Wall Street, but against the real target of oppression, Government ineptitude and fawning to elites and factional agendas
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 28 October 2011 4:09:44 PM
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Unfortunately, Qantas shareholders endorsed another silly pay rise for the CEO. Pity, is he that good?

I mean how hard is it to rationalise and rationalise and move more and more jobs offshore to where labour is cheaper.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 28 October 2011 5:11:26 PM
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...Australians are being "raped" by foreign interests! If protest is not swift, nothing shall remain but foreign immigrants!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 28 October 2011 7:58:52 PM
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Do we really want our representatives to be our 'leaders'?
Do you want YOUR representative to tell you what's best for you, or do you want him to speak on your behalf at the national assembly?
I for one am heartily sick up and fed of being continually offered carefully manufactured Hobson's choices; designed primarily to maintain the status quo for unimaginative self serving riders on the gravy train.
I think that makes me one of the 99%.
Aristocracies develop when tribal leaders discover they have more in common with other tribal leaders than they have with their own tribe.
This is when they become a tribe OF leaders, and when they stop representing the best interests of the tribe they are supposed to lead.
How do we stop the aristocracy forming? By insisting our 'leaders' share our lifestyles, as some of history's greatest and most popular generals have recognised.
Parliament is our national assembly where we the people make decisions on policy through our representatives.
Once policy has been decided, it is up to the executive (public service) to implement that policy.
Never in the history of the world has information been more freely available, and every person's voice been able to be easily heard. This should be a time for democracy at it's finest.
But it will be only if we remember what democracy is.
Posted by Grim, Saturday, 29 October 2011 6:05:25 AM
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I agree that "[t]he key to successful political leadership in a liberal democracy is to bring the people with you". In my view, the same principle applies in relation to the protection of human rights. In other words, the most effective way to protect human rights in a liberal democracy such as Australia is to "bring the people with you". That's one of the reasons why I'm oposed to Bills of Rights that codify human rights and empower the courts to define the limits of those rights.

Our "compulsory" voting system assists in ensuring that our political leaders endeavour to bring the people with them.
Posted by JimP, Saturday, 29 October 2011 6:49:01 AM
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