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The Forum > Article Comments > Leadership of the Right is positively wrong > Comments

Leadership of the Right is positively wrong : Comments

By Will Turner, published 21/10/2011

A key strategic blunder of conservatives over the past five-to-ten years has been their lack of recognition that younger people are more and more making their voting decisions based on issues rather than ideology.

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... continued...

These are 'conservative' movements. and they share several things in common.
1: they have no government funding (the powerfull left-wing are far more vigourous than previous generations in making sire that the new movements never get the sort of funding that allowed feminism to move from the writings of a few authors into a legally enforced dogma.

2: Pro-family, Pro-child, Pro-truth. The lefties/feminists/greenies have embraced postmodern philosophy to such an extent that they don't believe there is 'truth' and that fabricating and disseminating lies is nothing to be ashamed of.

3: They are small and so-far disorganised. They don't have media, funding, organisation and so they are forced to rely on grass roots radicalism and consciousness raising. The conservatives are forced to use 'radical' techniques.

Like the Fatherhood and families supporters known as "Fathers4Justice" who dressed in superman suits and climbed buildings, bridges and Buckingham Palace, to get some media. Just like the bra-burners in the 1960's - these are the vanguard of those hell-bent on making our society fairer better and safer for children.

They are our only hope for the future.
Posted by partTimeParent, Friday, 21 October 2011 11:32:19 PM
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>>“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.>>

Attributed to G.K. Chesterton.

Sums it up very nicely.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Saturday, 22 October 2011 8:05:53 AM
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Cynical old buggers, both you & G.K. Chesterton, Stevan.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 22 October 2011 10:03:13 AM
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The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected

Bob Katter's mob might just fit into this gap. I just don't know enough about the people in his party. Are they fairly switched on ? Seeing that they're not Labor or Liberal being switched on is really the only other option. If they were sillier they wouldn't be able to get the Party off the ground.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 22 October 2011 10:31:43 AM
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As far as I am concerned, there is and always has been only one way to ensure a fair way to restore the economy to an intelligent and successful position, and that is to first get a treasurer who is not so blocked in the brain that he ignores good advice and decency and all the members of the parties obey and honour their constitution. The second requisite is that a top personal tax of approximately 70% is applied along with an approximately $30,000 income with zero tax. I realise that when a political party is first formed, they organise a constitution to plan for a successful accomplishment of their project. As you can see, your party does not demand that members sign any agreement with referral to honouring any party constitution, and I see no effort being made by the party as a whole of doing anything to improve the conditions for the wage earners as should be a main part of the constitution of this party, and this is why you are not getting the expected support. Further contempt is due to the “upper class” of the Labor party, because of the choice of the particular group chosen for any tribunal and then giving them a clear choice of presenting the government with excessive unjustified increases which you will claim “you had nothing to do with”. With the destruction impacted on the economy, over the last forty years, I find very hard to find any excuse to do other then to condemn all parties for allowing high salaries and perks to destroy. I blame Wayne Swan for our main problems at this time and the liberal party treasurer when they have been in power.
Posted by merv09, Sunday, 23 October 2011 11:45:34 AM
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The average price of homes in Australia today is $435,000 (seven times the annual workers wage of $65,000) and yet in 1977 the average price was $31,000 (twice the average annual workers wage of $15,000). They were relatively cheaper in the 1950-1970 era. The top tax now is 45%, in 1977 it was approximately 60% and in 1950-1970 it was 66.6%. A low top tax is actually detrimental to the economy particularly for our wage earners, when the tax is low, CEO’s and others increase their salaries, causing higher prices and with the Governments increasing the salaries of their heads of the various departments, the cost of services increase along with the costs of food, clothing, housing and transport. And now we have a government who wants their salaries more than doubled because of the recent high salaries given to their department heads. I don’t want any of our un-principled politicians they want to increase their undeserved salaries still further. If the tax is increased to either 65% or 70%, and zero tax to $35,000 or $30,000, the drive for higher salaries will be stopped and our real workers could live properly. Our economy and conditions will return to better than it was in the 1950-70 period, when it was the best it ever has been. Our nurses, police, firemen and the airline workers would not need to go on strike, if they did, it is just means that others will increase their salaries and start the creep back up the spiral.
Posted by merv09, Sunday, 23 October 2011 11:54:23 AM
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