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The Forum > Article Comments > What does Peace Day mean to refugees arriving in Australia? > Comments

What does Peace Day mean to refugees arriving in Australia? : Comments

By Alistair Gee, published 21/9/2011

The present climate of uncertainty around the issue of refugees coincides perfectly with the theme of Peace Day, and we could ask for no better time for Australia to make a change in the name of peace.

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Well said, Mr Gee, now how do we get the politicians to straighten up and fly right?
Posted by briar rose, Wednesday, 21 September 2011 5:51:54 PM
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Really, in the depth of their hearts Politicians love the Asylum Seekers!

Am I insane?

Well, if the few (compared with Italy, France, Spain, Germany etc) refugees that risk their lives to reach our Ideal Democracy were left free to contribute to our economy, they would make us very rich.

But that would not please our politicians who would then have to think out policies to accommodate the new riches.

The art of the politician like that of the lawyer is talking, not thinking, for this reason they let in only rich migrants in search of greater riches who come here by airplane and let their money work for them by setting up shops; mainly two dollars shops, thousand and thousand of them, supplied by ships and ships of junk all directly sent by trucks and trucks to our overfilled tips.

It is a continuous flux that pleases much our overjoyed Economists and widens the smile of our parasitic class.
Posted by skeptic, Wednesday, 21 September 2011 11:48:08 PM
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Third world migrants add to the coffers of SERCO (both in their initial detention and high incarceration rates in mainstream prisons),Anglicare, the Lutheran and Catholic churches and sundry community welfare groups. They provide jobs for centrelink, legal aid and immigration officials, Police, prison staff, healthcare workers, parole officers, navy personnel ....the list of beneficiaries from Third world migration, irregular and otherwise is huge.
The only people who are disadvantaged or put out are Australians who are not on the migration gravy train and have to see their jobs going offshore or being taken by foreigners who will work for a fraction of a real wage.
An Iranian painter I met yesterday was telling me that the spate of "Curry Bashing" in Melbourne's North carried out by the Lebanese,Polynesian and Africans was far worse than reported and was started when Indian "students" took jobs away from those groups by drastically undercutting them.
I've heard from multiple sources of Indians labouring (illegally) on construction sites for $50 a day, cash in hand, that's just not on.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 22 September 2011 10:17:17 PM
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