The Forum > Article Comments > The old Lib-Lab split simply isn't relevant any more > Comments
The old Lib-Lab split simply isn't relevant any more : Comments
By Patrick Baume, published 14/9/2011Labor is stranded in the middle, but if they can demonstrate good economic management it could be the best place to be.
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Posted by Aspley, Wednesday, 14 September 2011 11:44:45 AM
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sorry patrick...couldnt be botherd to read your blather
i got all i could handle from your summation ""but if they can demonstrate good economic management it could be the best place to be."" i hesitate to chopse where this place may be] but suggest its a dark place that reeks according to the lies propagated in even darker minds good economic managment is MORE TAXES [noting john howhards managment..didn*t pay off the debts NEW TAXES DID.. and the liar without sense is giving the new taxes..a darn good howard esque shake as her new rules reveal bah im sick of you hidden advisers.. saying keep hitting the people where it hurts keep asulting their common senses..keep juLYING.. they wouldnt DARE to vote for the limeted alternatives well time juliar will be gone and the new govt no doudt adding in EVEN more new taxes but thats the syatem you get when public servants run the 2 party sceme..[scam] and media tarts..ignore the abuse's..when they report spin in lue of EXPLAINING the historic fact that govt is corrupt..that former lawyers making new laws then former lawyers judging new laws.. is more the seperation of powers needed.. than excluding religeons and god yes the old lib./lab spit..isnt a true split they both serve the same elite adgenda where the laws of morality become a joke [that unionist..bying hookers on a credit card then police saying there is no evidence..of crime [to WIT..his lie of OTHERS doing it..was REFUTED in other the media...*HASNT reported..he done it] and you lot and police cant do nuthing about it cause the auditers signed off on the expense UNIONISTS PAID dearly for..[yet is only the tip of the inceberg] bah the media stands condemed but that isnt going to be coverd in no enquiry that will be left for god to sort out..after the damage gets worse damm the lot of ya to hell Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 14 September 2011 2:14:57 PM
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Aspley, your getting closer than the article author did. As if this is only about the differences between living in the suburbs or inner city? what a fool? This may come as shock to Patrick but there are social conservatives living inner city too. Many former social liberal, baby boomers are turning social conservative as they get older, look backwards on the sad, ANTI family results of the "sexual revolution" with regret. The true closet communist nature of the RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance is becoming more obvious every day & hardly anybody likes it. At the next QLD state elections Bob Katter's Australian party will probably outpoll the GAYLP/alp & probably at the federal election as well. They have been treating men working or otherwise of british, european & aboriginal decent as the enemy for half a century now & wonder why we dont want to vote for them anymore. Dumb & Dumberer. Posted by Formersnag, Wednesday, 14 September 2011 2:31:20 PM
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Remember the epitaphs and the funeral orations for the Liberal party in 2007, when the highest Liberal-held office of power in Australia was the Mayorship of Brisbane? But they came back.
What we are seeing, I suspect, is a natural increase in the natural swing between parties as voters become better informed and electors in the rusted-on Labor and Liberal constituencies realise that they get better treatment if they rattle their chains a bit. As long as the only way to motivate politicians is to scare the hell out of them, we can expect to see the public doing their best to dangle the prospect of losing office and frighten them into submission. I would also argue that as long as the parties agree on the basics of good financial management it really doesn't matter which gets in: the rest is just trimmings. But when they start to show Whitlam-esque economic delusions driven by ideological motives (carbon tax, anyone?) then they can rightly expect to be shown the door. Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 15 September 2011 6:41:14 AM
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Two things, one very minor. Queensland rejected Labor in 1957. which lasted until Goss became Premier.
Also , how does your Theory work in Tasmania ( my second home).
There , even if we ignore the Hare-Clark System of voting, Labor barely outpolls the Greens and together usually swamp the Liberals.
I acknowledge that a Low Standard of politics reigns in Tasmania but the number of Inner City Latte Sippers in Tasmania is barely more than the number of Fox Scats there
However, for a miniscule lot, they are extremely noisy .
Tasmania therefore consists almost entirely of outer style suburbs, and Country Villages. The wild card may be the high number of"Mainlanders" who have move there, many of whom are Green, but even their numbers cannot account for the Green/Labor support.
Recent Newspaper "Polls " suggest that should an Election be held now, yadda yadda etc, The Liberals would get a clear Majority with the Labor and Greens neck and neck but only roughly 40% between them.
Maybe , this is Tasmania catching up with the Big Island, but most likely because the Greens are really driving the Governments agenda down here. Poor Political decisions have greatly angered the Electorate and the Party getting the Flack is Labor. The Greens duck out of sight and don't own up to influencing unpopular decisions !