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Stop using the public service as political tools : Comments
By Eva Cox, published 12/9/2011It's time the Australian government started treating displaced people, like people!
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Posted by L.B.Loveday, Monday, 12 September 2011 11:23:38 AM
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It's good to see a feminist come out and comment about this issue, even if the author could not bring herself to name Julia Gillard as the driving force behind this despicable, ignorant and financially insane treatment of boat arrivals.
I would very much like to know WEL's position on Ms Gillard's right-of-Howard and Ruddock asylum seeker policies, particularly her desire to expel unaccompanied male and female children to Malaysia, given the celebrations among some feminists when Gillard took over the leadership role and in spite of the manner in which she achieved this. Posted by briar rose, Monday, 12 September 2011 12:15:27 PM
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Briar rose, I'd be interested in Ms Cox's view on public servants and academics "lobbying" government behind the scenes more generally. Does she only deplore it when the briefings are contrary to her own view, or is she opposed to the idea in principle? what about other groups that might include public servants and academics among their members? Groups like her own, the Women's Electoral Lobby and Emily's List, which exists solely to get women elected as ALP members. Julia gillard was a founder of the group. Should such groups eschew members who hold public office?
I don't think Ms cox has thought this through very well, somehow. You can hear the creaking as the knee jerks from all the way back here. Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 12 September 2011 12:30:32 PM
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Why do Ms Cox & briar rose hate australian women & girls so much? ah, so that is the problem, they are mostly white women of british & european decent who deserve a good gang bang. & here we see the results of mass migration & multiculturalism. this is what Ms Cox wants for your daughters. The proponents of the matriarchal, closet communist regime want more women raped so they can continue blaming men for everything going wrong, tighten the noose/laws around our necks even more. there is nothing Eva will not do to get your daughters raped, to keep your sons unemployed. Either that or the SWP/RED/green/trotskyists want to foment the glorious revolution. Well i am not buying it as are 60% to 80% of the population. We have sedition & treason laws for exactly this purpose. Charge all members of "emily's list" with it, jail them for life. Posted by Formersnag, Monday, 12 September 2011 1:33:26 PM
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I agree with the author about refugees, completely disagree about the public service.
The public service, so-called, is the executive arm of government. They are the constitutional and official instrument for those in charge of the state - politicians - to carry out their policies by using or threatening force. How could they be anything but political tools? How could the distinction between what advice is "frank and fair" and what oversteps that mark, be anything but arbitrary and political? Also the fact that advice is "wrong" obviously doesn't disqualify it. Very much political advice, including Eva Cox's other sexist and discriminatory agenda, is wrong! The problem is not caused by government departments giving advice they anticipate will please their political masters. It is caused by the fact that both Labor and Liberal want to claim the kudos of human rights heroism on the world stage by signing the Convention, but behind the scenes, do everything they can to prevent any refugee actually taking them at their word and applying for refugee status on that basis! This root of the problem is Australia's signing of the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees, which prohibits refoulement (return to home state) of *anyone claiming refugee status inside Australia, but not outside*. So if, in law, they are genuine refugees, Australia may legally reject their applications for a protection visa if they are offshore, but not if they are onshore. *That* is what sets up this entire dynamic of people desperately trying to get onshore. This is the missing piece of intelligence without which the entire debate doesn't make sense If Australia withdrew from the Convention, it would in no way restrict our ability to accept as many refugees, for whatever reasons, in whatever groups, by whatever process we think best. It would confer great flexibility and remove the advantage that people now obtain by coming onshore, rather than applying offshore. The narrative of "people smugglers" versus "legitimate refugees" is a complete furphy. The problem is the legal restrictions which the Convention imposes, and which both parties obviously have no intention of honouring. Posted by Peter Hume, Monday, 12 September 2011 1:44:41 PM
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Well I’m sure all our public servants will know in future what the correct procedure is for public utterances.
I expect the brilliant Ms Cox has arranged for all public servants to clear their future submissions with her, & the Women’s Electoral Lobby, before handing them to their ministers. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 12 September 2011 1:50:52 PM
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*The problem is the legal restrictions which the Convention imposes*
Yup. The problem is that UNHCR now has control of our borders, because of a Convention that was never designed for today's world and is 60 years out of date. MS Cox is naive to think that the easier we make it, that this won't turn into a flood. It defies all human nature. Fact is Australia cannot save the world, we can simply do our share. That share should be clearly spelled out and the funding to achieve it should be clearly spelled out, including our terms and conditions. If that does not suit the UNHCR, then we should withdraw from the convention and just proceed on our own terms. I bet a number of countries would soon copy us, despite the howls of protest from the emotionally engulfed and extreme left. Posted by Yabby, Monday, 12 September 2011 2:59:35 PM
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Peter Humes post makes the most sense. It's what I have thought about the whole episode but I always assume I am missing some key bit of info when the solution seems obvious to me.
Maybe we get some kind of benfit by joining the pious club of leftie lawyers? I think on the whole it's worth investigating what we get out of these little clubs. Surely handing over our sovereign independence to third parties ins't the best idea. What do we get? Anyone know? I'd love to one day reject these clubs and then the next usurp them in the touchy feely motherhood stakes and laugh at them and goad them and say we're more virtuous and motherly and still wont sign because *you* don't come up to scratch. Then sit back and watch them all fight umong themselves about the shame! The shame that the bogan racist straya is laughin' at 'em. Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 12 September 2011 4:50:27 PM
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What was that?
Stop tools comments: Using the public service as political. Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 12 September 2011 5:08:00 PM
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Absolute Rubbish article
"the communities would hardly notice them" The people in the inner west of Sydney, Tamworth and Camden would say otherwise about their new visitors- and you know it. In fact, neighbors of our more recent asylum seekers very clearly notice the problems of dealing with these people. Of course, we're not important enough to register. The fact is, when you take in the wrong people, you still get the same conflicts- simply at a smaller scale that only negatively impacts the people more local, whilst news usually ignore it. And Australia is NOT suffering 'hard economic times' at all to warrant your lazy, rubbish stereotype that poverty creates hostility to migrants. In fact, much of Europe is doing pretty well at the moment- and the countries doing better economically are actually the most problematic with specific 'demographics'. Perhaps it has something to do with the substantial differences of mindset these migrants have than in the past? Posted by King Hazza, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 9:22:25 AM
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'So if, in law, they are genuine refugees, Australia may legally reject their applications for a protection visa if they are offshore, but not if they are onshore. *That* is what sets up this entire dynamic of people desperately trying to get onshore. '
And Peter Hume has got to the crux of the matter. The idea of 'frank and fearless' advice is often debated within public service corridors and in fairness it is impossible to generalise. Briefings sent to the various Ministers traditionally include a risk assessment in any proposal. This is normal and not necessarily contrived by the political masters but it is also usual for these risks to be discussed before puting pen to paper hence the assessments are more likely to reflect those discussions. Much depends on the players. The only way to know what was actually advised is to seek out those briefings on refugee policy through FOI. There is political unrest throughout Europe and the rise of anti-Muslim sentiment widespread, so for a public servant to anticipate a similar response here is not altogether surprising given overseas experiences are something on which we should reflect. It is the risk assessment of the same occuring here which should be rooted in reality. Australia does not as yet have the population pressures of Europe with a lot of people living on top of each other in small spaces as the norm. In Australia the most populated and congested areas usually in areas of disadvantage, are where the most tensions around migrants or refugees are to be found, hence the focus on Western Sydney. Australia also did not experience the worst of the GFC which traditionally puts pressures on migrant issues. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 14 September 2011 10:04:22 AM
Because they are very different migrants.
"It is economically irrational to spend $123,000 per asylum seeker each year in detention centres where we damage the physical and mental health of many who we later accept."
Would it be economically rational if we did not "damage the physical and mental health"? Anyway, I thought it was a moral issue, not economic. It's not economically rational to spend as much on health care for the financially unproductive old as we do, but very few offer that as a reason to stop it.
In your costing, have you considered the economic benefits of detention - construction jobs created, security staff being employed,...........? It is so easy to throw these "costs" around as if they were gospel.
"..the boat arrival's lie..."; "...public servant's could plan...";
Appalling misuse of the apostrophe. Does it matter? If it does not, and, or, you don't know the correct use, better to never use it.
I did not include " tension's being exploited..", as, just maybe, you have used it correctly (but if so, the rest of the sentence is grammatically incorrect, as are other sentences)
Of course we all can make serial mistakes, can't we? But we should not in a serious, published paper.