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Americans are people too : Comments

By Brendon O'Connor, published 9/9/2011

It is tempting to declare anti-Americanism oxymoronic, as it is surely impossible to hate a whole nation and all of its people.

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Gawd, the fact that the US has made some poor decisions does not mean other nations and leaders (eg. Stalin) have not also made poor decisions. Other horrors have also been well recorded. The US gains a lot by it's high profile. A high profile comes with greater scrutiny - one generally cannot exist without the other -that is real life.

Patriotism is a double egded sword. Terrorists use patriotism to excuse all manner of evil acts. Patriotism is all but useless unless equal respect is given to the rights of peoples from other cultures to live without fear of invasion or economic disadvantage via self-motivated foreign policies.

It would be much better to display patriotism to the human condition.

Americans are generally the most generous and helpful of people I have met. As the author writes American citizens have made great strides in the sustainable food movements among other things. Criticising Americans is not the same as criticising it's foreign policies.
Posted by pelican, Saturday, 10 September 2011 4:10:56 PM
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The point of the article is that some people blame an entire nation for the behaviour of their Govt, companies or individuals. I'm saying that many of these irrationally Anti-american people in Australia would feel we unfairly treated if the world blamed 'Australians' in the same way.

Yes, people can debate US policy but why not debate Chinese, Iranian or Soviet policy too? Why not debate why the UN fails horribly to prevent a predictable famine in Africa and stands idly by while African countries kill millions in civil wars?

We spent far too much time whining about America when we all know that without the US the world would have imploded long ago.
Posted by Atman, Saturday, 10 September 2011 8:56:31 PM
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the world would have imploded long ago.
I'm sure that's what Pelican & Co are hellbent on wanting to happen.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 10 September 2011 9:40:55 PM
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I disagree with the assertion that people are doing as you claim. Who is blaming Americans? I am sure there are a minority of people who will use generalisations such as the Chinese when really speaking about the Chinese Government. Canberrans live with it all the time with 'Canberra' being used to mean government or the seat of power, as though somehow Canberra is responsible. Canberrans are just people too. But logic dictates that the majority of people do not interpret this literally.

And there are many discussions and debate around the actions of other countries.

Mind you there are a few tossers about given the following comment by another poster.

"I'm sure that's what Pelican & Co are hellbent on wanting to happen."

It is all about interpretation. Clearly my argument was completely misinterpreted by this individual to avoid any rationality on their part, but just highlights the way people will interpret events to suit their own prejudices. My core point was to dispute that 'people' whoever they are blame the American 'people' as opposed to some of the poorer choices of the US Govt. Probability is that someone somewhere will interpret that to mean I want the world to implode. Strange but true.
Posted by pelican, Saturday, 10 September 2011 10:48:48 PM
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"I'm sure that's what Pelican & Co are hellbent on wanting to happen."
if that's no the case then why defend Labor to the hilt at every turn ? Why object to trying to stop the mad ones from taking over ? Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc. you're always objecting to the invasions. If you're not in favour of stopping them then the only other conclusion is that you're not abject to the world imploding. No toss about that.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 11 September 2011 10:16:11 AM
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Do you actually read my posts at all. I have been very critical of Labor. The only difference between myself and you is you think the Liberal party is akin to the Holy Grail. Just because a government is doing a bad job does not necessarily mean the alternative is better.

This has nothing to do with the article.
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 11 September 2011 4:59:36 PM
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