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How to incite a moral panic about sex : Comments
By Jennifer Wilson, published 5/9/2011As the moral guardians who monitor our public expressions of sexuality never, ever offer what they consider to be an acceptable image of female sexual desire, I can only conclude they don't have one.
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Posted by Ammonite, Monday, 5 September 2011 10:37:53 AM
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89% ?
What's the margin for error. Sure it's not 88.234? Hey I reckon you can quantify everything! "scale of sexualization" Hahahahah! More! More! It's the gift that keeps on giving. 'denying acknowledgement of anything other than our sexuality' Hmmm. Does not mentioning it count as denying? Seems so. That would actually discount Playboy and Hustler. They give a nice little blurb about each model, summarising her dreams and aspirations. Along with her favourite positions. Maybe we should measue cricketalising people! I think Ricky Ponting has been 73.2561% cricketalised in the the last 10 years. 'With the support of medical, academic and psychological experts, all of whom are usually on the look out for something new they can be credited with diagnosing, deconstructing and treating' Hmmm. I can feel a whole new industry coming on! 'Any woman who claims she likes being sexy is told she doesn't know what she's talking about because the patriarchy has her brainwashed into thinking she knows what's sexy, when in reality sexy is only what they like and what they like always involves her humiliation and sexualization.' But of course! It goes one step further. I always like to highlight the use of the term 'for male... (insert disgusted tone)gratification'. It is really really offensive for males to at all be gratified sexually. When a male is gratified sexually, a little angle in heaven cries, and all sorts of cute little things die agonising deaths. It really amuses me. If one wants to be sexually attractive, it normally means attempting to attract the opposite sex. The idea of attracting the opposite sex in outright hostility with what the opposite sex actually finds attractive doesn't seem to be a very successful strategy. It would be like men defining their sexuality independent of women (as being the sensual scratching of their hairy balls with a crazed mating look), and thinking any kind of grooming or dressing to enhance features that women find attractive, behaving in any whay that women find romantic is defining their sexuality on womens' (insert disgusted tone) Gratification, and 'objectifying' themeslves. Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 5 September 2011 11:59:01 AM
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The study falls apart on many gounds, actually I think on 97.365% of grounds but not on
'Why did these so-called researchers not use far easier targets like Zoo, Ralph or any number of men's rags that present women with lips as pneumatic as their breasts?' a: Pneumatics is a branch of technology, which deals with the study and application of use of pressurized gas to affect mechanical motion. b: It's a matter of context. To prove sexualisation, one would have to make a person's sex appeal the dominating factor in a CONTEXT where sex isn't relevent. Zoo magazine is all about sex in the first place. Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 5 September 2011 12:05:50 PM
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"'denying acknowledgement of anything other than our sexuality'"
Hey! You're denying our sexuality denying acknowledgement of anything other than your sexuality. Posted by Peter Hume, Monday, 5 September 2011 12:53:59 PM
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And here I was thinking "ZOO" was pretty basic....Just goes to show...Big sister is watching!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 5 September 2011 1:01:09 PM
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A very shallow article. It doesn't make any attempt to understand why so many women 'need' the recognition that sexualised dressing/behaviour brings. We know why men enjoy sexualised images of women but what about the women themselves? Feminists never want to ask the hard questions. Just always blame men and paint the women as hapless victims. I know a young girl (friend of family) who embarrassed her parents by saying she wanted to be a pole dancer when she grew up. I think she was about 8 or 9 at the time.
Yet you say we need more images of sexualised women? I've been to countries with mixed saunas where everyone goes naked. There is nothing sexual about it. But in the mass media soft core porn is the new normal. Young girls literally want to grow up to be pole dancers! I guess a very shallow article for a very shallow society. Posted by dane, Monday, 5 September 2011 2:22:45 PM
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No I didn't say we need more sexualized images of women, Dane, I said we need more sexy images of women. The article does point out the difference between the two.
I don't know that women enjoy being sexualized, but I can't think of any reason at all why we shouldn't enjoy being sexy, or why we should have to explain enjoying being sexy to anyone. Jennifer. Posted by briar rose, Monday, 5 September 2011 2:39:34 PM
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these are the very same idiots who want more Muslim migration, then wonder why rape is on the rise. in british & eurpoean rape stats, muslims are over represented. the fashion industry dumb one day, dumber the next. this is where the radical, extreme, feMANazis & GLBT groups are heading to ultimately. Posted by Formersnag, Monday, 5 September 2011 2:47:32 PM
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"According to a study at Queen’s University in Belfast, doing the horizontal tango can actually halve the risk of stroke or heart attack.
And, if that’s not enough incentive to get down and dirty asap, researchers in Israel have also found that women who orgasm at least twice a week are 30 per cent less likely to suffer from a heart attack – compared to women who didn’t come. Not only that, but researchers have discovered that the quality of your man’s sperm is directly related to the amount of times you have sex – the more sex, the better quality sperm (which is handy when you’re trying for a baby). Still want more? Apparently the endorphins released when you, er, release too can also help clear the mind and even beat depression. Serotonin and endogenous endorphin are the two chemicals which are not only responsible for your mental health, but also for your orgasm. So, what are you waiting for? It’s a scientific fact now..." So there. Posted by vanna, Monday, 5 September 2011 7:24:25 PM
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vanna, spot on mate, not only is all that true but medical science has already known all of it for decades. furthermore much of this research has often been done by women & published in women's magazines for decades. Makes you wonder about the motives of "women's groups" who try to make women less healthy, by promoting lifestyles they know in advance are UNhealthy. Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 6:35:27 PM
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One bit of information not often mentioned in those magazines. Married women enjoy much better sex lives than unmarried women. (see Sex In The City) Perhaps women who dress provocatively just want to get married, although they might realise it. Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 6 September 2011 7:31:04 PM
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women can convince themselves of anything. men dont want to get married because they know when they do their sex life is over. Posted by dane, Thursday, 8 September 2011 1:21:48 PM
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Not actually so. Men also enjoy better sex lives when married. And they decrease the risk of STD's, stray children somewhere, infidelity from their partner etc. But that is not how it is being packaged in various magazines. De facto relationships are what is being packaged in magazines, as marriage seems too boring. In these magazines, de facto relationships are portrayed as being "hot" and "new", like a hot new dress or a hot new hair style. Posted by vanna, Sunday, 18 September 2011 12:15:50 PM
How completely disingenuous, dishonest and ultimately pointless to use Rolling Stone.
Why did these so-called researchers not use far easier targets like Zoo, Ralph or any number of men's rags that present women with lips as pneumatic as their breasts?
Both women's and men's magazine present completely unrealistic images of women. Yet these moral merchants chose Rolling Stone. Waste of time, money and, personally speaking MY patience. No-one can take this study seriously as a result.
We need more sexy pics of men - author failed to mention this. Just as she failed to mention the mainstream magazines that do require a critical assessment. Apart from that rather major omission, I agree with the basis of her article.