The Forum > Article Comments > What harm would same-sex marriage do? > Comments
What harm would same-sex marriage do? : Comments
By Don Edgar, published 2/9/2011Marriage has a long and varied history, of which opponents of gay marriage seem to be ignorant.
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Yes Peter Hume ,I agree.Neither the state nor the legal system should have power over personal relationships.So why do we need Gay Marriage or even heterosexual marriage ordained by the state? What people decide in a religious and spiritual sense is entirely up to them.Get big Govt out of our lives.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 4 September 2011 9:02:37 PM
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This is what the GLBT international closet communist movement is going for now/next. No australian child will be safe until these people are stopped. Posted by Formersnag, Monday, 5 September 2011 2:56:02 PM
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Whats the opposite to a "GLBT International Closet Communist" ?
Answer "Bigot International Closet Facist" !! Posted by Kipp, Monday, 5 September 2011 3:59:39 PM
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"This story is really about preventing parents from protecting their children from sexual predators - including the State." Sexual predators? So you're talking about people who actually eat the flesh of children? Posted by Peter Hume, Monday, 5 September 2011 6:33:47 PM
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Of course Formersnag does and could not mean that, Peter Hume.
But the question of children (people whom do not understand government, sexual preference, nor the political freedom your hold so dear) is high in my mind on this matter, none the less. Children in the absence of science in the past, have not required parents of a same sexual preference to exist for their benefit. I do not think that children require them now, and believe it is clear, that the interested parties here, are the same sex communities. Having said that ; if another interest group such as a religious order for example decided to lobby for access to children, would not the possibility arise, that the religion is doing this to grow it's community ?, or some other activity not necessarily in the best interest of the children. Is it true to say ?, that in your logic, such a circumstance should be allowed to occur in the absence of Gov't intervention, rules or guidelines ?, PH. Same sexual preference, in the absence of scientific intervention, has been a childless or descendent free preference historically and I'm afraid, in nature. And as for what harm changing this could do ?, that remains to be seen. Posted by thinker 2, Monday, 5 September 2011 8:36:34 PM
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There is no harm in same-sex marriage. People should be allowed to marry whoever they want. It doesn't affect others whether if it's same-sex or not. Everyone has their own liking, no one should be discriminated on their sexuality.
Posted by pikachuchan, Monday, 5 September 2011 8:57:42 PM