The Forum > Article Comments > The virtues of being mad: Anders Breivik and Europe's exoneration > Comments
The virtues of being mad: Anders Breivik and Europe's exoneration : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 28/7/2011A madman ultimately takes responsibility for his own work, even when a society made him do it.
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Anti-Muslim attitudes exist across much of Western Europe and while the standard response is to see this as evidence of deep-seated racism, there is I think an additional explanation. Many European nations have fought for centuries to establish their independence and in the struggle have forged an understanding of their particular characteristics and attributes. Some of this might be heavily romanticised but national myth-making is a powerful force for social cohesion. Since WW2, much of this social cohesion has centred on a compact between citizens and government, in which citizens will pay high taxes and behave in accepted ways and governments will ensure they provide quality education, health and welfare systems 'from the cradle to the grave'.
Many Europeans now feel an almost existential anguish as they perceive immigrants, mainly Muslim, not participating in this social compact but challenging what it means to be French or German or Dutch or Norwegian in fundamental ways. Terms like multiculturalism simply add to the anguish as do lectures by politicians and bureaucrats about the virtues of tolerance. European governments need to recognise the depth of the anxiety felt by many of their citizens and respond accordingly.