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Australia betrayed : Comments

By Reg Little, published 22/7/2011

The carbon debate has ensured that no attention has been directed to the negligent, incompetent and self-indulgent conduct of Australian foreign policy.

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After WWII the USA liberated hundreds of millions of people from brutal Nazi and Japanese oppression - then post war helped feed and rebuild Europe under the Marshall Plan. America then opened wide it’s trading doors to allow it’s former enemies to grow rich with their access to the huge US markets - The Japanese though denied American access to Japanese markets.
America with her massive military and nuclear weapons then defended Europe from an aggressive Red Army, which was poised to enslave Europe under the hammer and sickle.

The US formed NATO along with European countries allowing them to participate in their own security. Even today the US spends $100 billion p/a on the defence of Europe, and more on the defence of the Pacific region which of course includes Australia and Japan.
Having liberated hundreds of millions of subjugated Europeans from a brutal nazi occupation and provided the ways and means to wealth and prosperity while defending them at the same time, having bailed European banks out with a $1 trllion loan - you would think that Europeans would be a little grateful to the US, but no the reverse is all too true, especially by American haters Germany and France -the very nations who have caused the bulk of European instability and war causalities.Today America is the enemyof all, including the leftists and the elites in Australia.

Additionally the US feeds over 100 million people world wide, and even at time her current enemy North Korea, but of course to the American haters such as rexw, America is his Great Satan even though his very freedoms and prosperity is due entirely to the US military - from 1941 to today.
Posted by kman, Friday, 22 July 2011 12:17:26 PM
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"If America didn’t exist, we’d have to invent it: upon what other convenient scapegoat could we so conveniently load our sins and dump our garbage? Where else would we find such a place to whitewash the crimes of the planet, since anything that goes wrong on earth, from global warming to terrorism, can be laid at America’s door? It’s a stroke of good luck for a dictatorship or a criminal gang finally to be chased down and singled out by the United States. It gains them immediate sympathy, the goodwill of all for whom, in Chris Patten’s words, "the only authorized racism in the modern world is anti-Americanism." We don’t doubt it for a moment: if the June 1944 landings were happening today, Uncle Adolf would enjoy the sympathy of innumerable patriots and radicals of the extreme left with the excuse that Uncle Sam was aiming to crush them."
Posted by kman, Friday, 22 July 2011 12:17:57 PM
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None of the comments today have show us an alternative answer to the fiscal disaster that is about to embrace the US, based solely on Keynesian military economical policies.
The US depends on wars in 2011, hence the 780 base structures around the world, with the support for all military spending the only item that occupies the mind of whoever it is in the White House. The political colour makes little or no difference.

The Unites States has been been continuously engaged in or mobilised for war since 1941. There have been 201 overseas military operations between the end of WWII and September 2001 in which the US struck the first blow. The US also holds the unenviable record of having helped install and then totally supported such dictators as the Shah of Iran, Suharto of Indonesia, Batista in Cuba, Somoza in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, Mobutu in Conga.

The result of all this and more, much more, is the military/industrial domination of Washington, threatening bankruptcy, turning the 'free press' into worse than the media instruments of the cold war in Russia, and approving young men and women to torture prisoners picked up in battlefields or city streets in foreign lands.

Is that “justified defence of country" ? Hardly.

Soon people will be welcoming what writers like Hannah Arendt called "desk murderers:” the likes of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld ordering remote-controlled killings by the hundreds of thousands or imposing embargos on Iraq in an earlier period when over a million children died through disease and lack of medical supplies or supplying nerve gas to Iraq to attack Iran, and on it goes.

The culminating act in the disregard for humanity was the structuring and long established support for the "School of the Americas", a university of death where foreign terrorists were trained by the US to cause mayhem and murder and overthrow governments in South America.

Fascism. Pure and simple.

Worse than anything done by the British Empire, and all in just 60 years. The qualities of the US, once respected, have long since vanished.
Posted by rexw, Friday, 22 July 2011 1:39:49 PM
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While the comments to this article are an interesting insight into some of the paranoia and rewriting of history by people like kman, aren't they rather missing the point of Mr Little's article? As I understand his argument he is saying that western nations in general and Australia in particular are so locked into a western oriented mindset with all its cultural and colonial baggage about Asia they are completely missing the radical transformation that is taking place in our backyard of south and east asia.
This is particularly, but not only, evident in the area of education where the Asian nations such as China, Japan and Korea are leaving us behind at a rate that few australians even begin to comprehend.
This combination of lack of knowledge, lack of insight, cultural baggage and mindless paranoia is compounded by the appalling quality of political leadership. This problem did not begin with the Rudd/Gillard regime and it certainly won't end if we have the misfortune to acquire Abbott as prime minister.
Mr Little is offering some rare insights which we need to ponder. A failure to take his message on board can only end badly for australia.
Posted by James O'Neill, Friday, 22 July 2011 5:21:53 PM
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Please, don't even "go there" the Allies declared war on Germany, not the other way around.
The allied butchery of Germans surpassed anything they'd dished out.
"Fed the Germans"? Try starved, that's the truth of what they did, they deliberately starved them.
You've heard of Auschwitz right?
What about the Rhine Meadows camps where over a million German prisoners were killed by the Allies?
You've heard of operation Reinhard right?
What about operation Keelhaul, where up to 800,000 Eastern Europeans and former Soviet prisoners were turned over to the NKVD to be executed or sent to slave labour camps,the "Gulags".

Japan? Well your precious Allies really did a number on them didn't they?

And to the people trying to paint "our" senior politicians as bumblers or junior partners and the Americans and British as corrupt and inept, you're wrong.
They're all smart,highly motivated and VERY good at what they do, what's more they're all in it together, Rudd, Abbott and Gillard are just as important to the mission as anyone else.
The lower level players are mostly just traitors and opportunists but the top echelon are the real deal, they're selected for membership of the globalist gangster class on merit alone, they've earned their place at the conference table.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 22 July 2011 9:24:03 PM
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James O'Neill, show me any so called rewriting of history - I can't wait! Oh and from a reliable source - not Green Left, Pravda or the Daily Worker.

Jay Of Melbourne,
So now the Germans are the victims?

"the Allies declared war on Germany, not the other way around."
Hmm after invading Poland, Czechoslovakia, and France etc. you thought maybe the allies should not have declared war?

'The allied butchery of Germans surpassed anything they'd dished out'.
You are joking of course. German prisoners of war were sent to POW camps in Canada, the US, Australia and Great Britain where they were allowed to work in market gardens and were treated so badly, that tens of thousands of these former POW's from Germany and Italy they migrated to live in the countries where they were prisoners.

The various major genocides carried out by the Nazis and the numbers likely murdered: 16,315,000 victims overall. Then is shown the 11,283,000 people the Nazis killed through institutional practices, such as forced "euthanasia," forced labor, and the processing of prisoners of war; or in Nazi institutions, particularly prisoner of war and concentration or death camps. Russian losses alone now stand at 26.6 million. Most were peasants massacred by the invading Germans who did not want to guard or feed them.

"Feed the Germans"? Try starved, that's the truth of what they did, they deliberately starved them."
Really? So the Berlin airlift never happened eh?
24 hours each day for 9 months during the Russian blockade of Berlin, US and British planes delivered to Berlin 2000 tons (2032 tonnes)394,509 tons (400,821 tonnes) of foodstuffs, coal and supplies carried by 689 military and civil aircraft .39 British, 31 Americans lost their lives in the Berlin Airlift. 68,000 people were flown OUT of Berlin
Berliners received an average of 2,300 calories a day which was higher than the UK food rationing system provided at the time. The airlift cost the United States $350 million; the UK £17 million. Big money back then...So much for starving anyone.
Posted by kman, Saturday, 23 July 2011 4:08:43 PM
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