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Greens could replace morally wayward Labor : Comments

By Crispin Hull, published 12/7/2011

More evidence is in that there is no such thing as a “rusted-on” Labor vote in Australia.

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Ah I have been a Bad boy, old one but Bad.
So why not go the whole hog, I vote Labor!
Good grief you say!
Get a stick and chase him under the veranda.
Right now I feel l,like a lone cowboy under a single Wagon while Multi Indian tribes surround me.
Arrows come from every side.
I too feel like I have ordered a coffee then found I am sitting in the lunch room At Murdock's press center.
Labor is not dead,yes it is not the party we thought we elected in 2007.
And it may well be some, on our front bench, would rather sell the positive than except the negatives.
Labor, today more than ever,understands it can not forever bend to Greens radicalism.
It knows any future depends on improvements overall and separatism from the greens agenda.
Brown too now knows, he has been firmly told.
Any honest, yes honest,look, without the deliberate blindness of Murdock press/control/interference in Australian politics.
At the leadership policy's direction of Abbott and some on his front Bench will see no policy's no direction no ideas.
My minds eye, honestly, see Abbott Pyne both Bishops Joice as clowns like those in carnivals endlessly turning their wide open mouths silly grins saying no no no endlessly.
Reports of Labors death are quite fun while this group are called politicians.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 13 July 2011 7:48:22 AM
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Belly, I almost feel sorry for you, but only almost.

Any group of people, or party who can foist upon us Whitlam, Latham, Rudd & Gillard has a lot to answer for, & no right to criticise another parties leadership.

I would love to see you real Labor types take back your party. Take it back from the arts law graduates who now control it. Take it back from the lefty academics, who have no interest in working people. Take it back from the inner city trendy elites who no longer pay any attention to the branches.

I'd like to see a labor party like the one my father voted for for over 50 years, the same one that Chifley lead.

I guess I'm just another silly old fart, longing for better times, long gone, & unlikely to return, & it was that fool Whitlam who started the charge.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 13 July 2011 10:22:03 AM
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Again I must confront the charge Labor is no longer what it once was.
Yes my answer is it is not.
Liberals and Nationals, once Country party too are not the party's they once had been.
Tony Abbott is no Howard and far from Menzies.
All this is evidence Australia too has changed
Hence the greens, but for now, not forever.
A look at greens statements others would call policy's, a review of the possible impacts.
And understanding of the financial and Social lifestyle of their members, will show this is no mainstream party.
I wish to address the miss use of the word Morally by our Author.
Currently Murdock press and other owned things are beginning to enter a time most knew would come.
If honesty is a result, if truth will as they say out, Morally wayward, may be a term Conservatives confront like a head on with a very big train.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 13 July 2011 11:39:26 AM
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I would invite fellow readers to look yet again, in every thread here and in general comments.
At the confrontation that started on my claiming the greens seem to have far too much power measured against their vote.
I find the willingness of their team leader to use terms like bias, to insult my right to hold and express, views not friendly to the Greens, interesting.
But I think Australia, must one day confront the true nature of the greens, and I ask, why the silence? why no answers? if I am so very wrong in my charges and claims then surely burying me is an easy task.
Watched BBC live early this morning, parliamentary debate on Murdock.
Read a big number of world and Australian papers,
Every one full of concerns,well not in this country.
I note, yes true, Murdock's Australian papers chant the mindless bias still, ignore or pay the briefest lip service to the roof coming down on them.
And can not stop feeling the remarkable sameness to greens responses to mine and Australia's concerns.
What is being hidden from us? by both my highlighted groups,time will tell.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 14 July 2011 6:36:42 AM
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I will not get my answers from the greens.
Silence, contempt, yes.
But no not answers.
So I offer a sniff of evidence.
Bad boy Belly!
In every thread such as this,every conversation about the Greens.
Every one.
A commonality seems to exist ALP/LIBERAL/NATIONAL red necks stark raving loony party, every side of politics seems to have concerns about the greens.
It is time wasting and needless.
The more Australia hears and see,s the less their vote will be.
Both party's, AA after Abbott, should sit together put a consensus set of policy's up and get the DD election over and done with.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 14 July 2011 4:02:42 PM
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Labor's adoption of the carbon tax is both scientifically and economically unjustified, being based instead on environmentalist dogma, i.e. it is based on a con, which some socalled climate scientists accept as science on politically correct grounds. Passage of the tax will cause massive restructuring of the Australian economy .

Labor does not have a mandate for proposing the tax - hence the widespread call for an election on the issue, particularly as the PM lied that she would not introduce a carbon tax.

Unlike the ABC and the Fairfax Press who give favoured treatment to Labor and the Greens, News Limited is doing its duty by closely scrutinising the carbon tax issue -- so much so, that Labor ministers and the Greens are complaining and calling for an inquiry into News' approach. If Labor and the Greens have a clear conscience about the climate science, why don't they take the moral approach by holding an inquiry into the veracity of human-caused global warming science, and follow this up with an election?

As both Labor and the Greens are showing a complete lack of morals by pressing on dictatorially with the legislation of the tax, one can only hope that News Limited, the climate realists, and the Alan Jones of this world maintain their opposition and press for an early election.

In the meantime, Bob Brown should be prepared for coming out into the real world and having more fire applied to his belly.
Posted by Raycom, Thursday, 14 July 2011 11:04:39 PM
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