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The Forum > Article Comments > Wanted… Long term committed partner to help Indigenous young people > Comments

Wanted… Long term committed partner to help Indigenous young people : Comments

By Helen Liondos, published 30/6/2011

Making a difference in the lives of Indigenous people, especially young Indigenous people, isn't rocket science – it's all about education and taking a long-term, holistic approach.

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So rpg claims to be indigenous:


1. originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native (often followed by to ): the plants indigenous to canada; the indigenous peoples of southern Africa.

2. innate; inherent; natural (usually followed by to ): feelings indigenous to human beings.

Hmm, guess the above definition makes me indigenous too...although as far as I know I don't have any Aboriginal heritage in my family. Given my lineage goes back 9 generations it is entirely possible I do though.

Funnily enough I'm doing a PhD in Aboriginal Studies, teach Aboriginal Studies at University and also tutor Aboriginal students. Nah, I couldn't possibly know anything about the disadvantage that so many Aboriginal people endure and have some ideas of how to overcome it.
Posted by minotaur, Wednesday, 6 July 2011 11:59:40 AM
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Until people are willing to engage "average" Indigenous people, not the favored "few" (generally coconuts who are easy to deal with), nothing will change.

Until the politically driven "approaches" accept that people who have been marginalized for a century, who have never had any reason to expect any good to come of dealing with our "leaders", are flawed, are suspicious of outsiders and are generally unwilling to do anything that doesn't directly benefit them in the short-term, we can expect no substantive change. That would require building trust, building optimism in the existence of "long-term" solutions and is simply too hard.

Until we stop chasing one "quick-fix" after another, throwing good money after bad in our incessant "cheap approaches" to corrupt community leaders, who are known to be corrupt and to have the leadership potential of a wombat, we can expect our strategies to fail. Such strategies are always destined to fail, fixing the fundamental problem would require giving authority to make decisions to people from regional areas, with actual relationships with the people involved (not based solely on political expedience, nepotism and covering up corrupt conduct).

Then again, the vast bulk of people would prefer a series of failed "quick-fixes" that have fast results, to long-term projects with long-term results. Failure supports the accepted status quo and the racist stereotypes being pushed by posters even here.
Posted by Custard, Thursday, 7 July 2011 12:45:12 AM
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Wikipedia "Indigenous means: belonging to a certain place."

It goes on to list all the ways the word can be used, but that's what it means .. e.g. it can refer to indigenous plants, plants belonging to a place or region.

I was born here minotaur, and I am not embarrassed about it nor will I cringe or play homage to a "superior" race, or a race that believes they have more rights than I do to where I come from .. got that?

You do not have to have Australian aboriginal blood to be indigenous, the word indigenous is being re-tasked by the politically correct here to mean those of aboriginal blood have more and better claim to their birthplace, beyond the claims of people , like me, who were likewise born here.

"Funnily enough I'm doing a PhD in Aboriginal Studies, teach Aboriginal Studies at University and also tutor Aboriginal students. Nah, I couldn't possibly know anything about the disadvantage that so many Aboriginal people endure and have some ideas of how to overcome it"

Ah yes, that's the kind of arrogance and self centered sense of entitlement we need teaching at our colleges. A full blown member of the aboriginal industry.

What will you teach?

That aboriginals are superior? Will you reinforce the black armband of history view?

They endure disadvantage exactly because of attitudes like yours. Yours are the attitudes I believe are the problem, you want separation as it favors your income and preferred political outlook.

Being on the gravy train, biases your view of the issues.

Assimilation, is the only way anyone succeeds .. standing on the outside of our society demanding we change, won't work, has not worked, and will never work .. time to face that reality.
Posted by rpg, Friday, 8 July 2011 7:33:29 AM
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