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A plain choice for cigarettes and smokers : Comments

By Andrew Leigh, published 1/6/2011

If tobacco had been discovered in 2011, it’s unlikely that most developed countries would legalise it.

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<i>If tobacco had been discovered in 2011, it’s unlikely that most developed countries would legalise it.</i>

Typical nanny state nonsense. Do you really think anyone would pay attention to the fact that it hadn't been "legalised"?

Can you think of any other plant that grows freely but nobody uses because it hasn't been legalised? Me neither.
Posted by DavidL, Wednesday, 1 June 2011 1:47:58 PM
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Fact is smoking has been legal for so long one can imagine the outcry if there was a call for a ban.

I am not sure it is necessary in any case, smoking harms individuals but the act of smoking does not create harm for others unless via passive smoking and current laws have addressed those aspects. You can't legislate against personal decisions to take on risky behaviours, that comes down to individuals.

I am sure if smoking had been discovered today it probably would not be legal, advanced medical and research technology would have revealed the dangers early on.

Making something illegal does not stop its use, some people would still smoke behind closed doors in the same way some people pop pills or smoke dope, but it will be far fewer. Now, some kids who might try smoking would not try dope, because smoking is socialised as more acceptable.

But it is what it is. No turning back now, just hope the message gets through and smoking take-up is reduced in younger people.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 1 June 2011 2:32:41 PM
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Well! Arnt members avoiding this thread like the plague. Iam Australia....I'll give it a go;\ Yes people, smoke all the dope you can.
Fry that brain until your a hafted witted zombie.

Seriously though, to smoke anything.....your an idiot. The facts on contaminated lungs are as clear as a topless bear.

The lung for the chain of events that leads to pot smoking is tobacco.
Just to inhale smoke of any kind ( just ask any fire-man ) is extremely painful. ( had a few nasty BBQ's :)

I think what the Andrew Leigh is getting at is, (You can do it, but at your own risk). Well thats the price of freedom we all pay, so dont complain. In a free society, No-one holds a gun to your heads, but you know by commonsensical out-rights, Its you that has to be reasonable.

So! You can have this system, and pay a few fines...or do the right thing, if not for you, but your body.
Getting back to dope.....and they call it DOPE for a very good reason....:)....its IMO a classificatory drug that has some beneficial uses, that only qualifiedly sound personal, for such reasons as cancer etc. REC use....well.... Canadians function quite well on this conservative point of view (in this No-where mans-land) can be only concluded with a QUESTION MARK>

Of course Iam dodging every hurdle you can imagine:) I like the top! and nothing else will do for me, however I'll play for the player's that play so well. The Government needs money, and all you see around you is their job to deliver, and if their not doing whats best for all Australian's..........Then their not working for what their paid for.

But if you can do a better JOB!....Put your hand up now!

Posted by Quantumleap, Wednesday, 1 June 2011 8:44:32 PM
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While I don't like being around smoke filled rooms, it is a bit harsh to call people stupid for smoking. It would be hard to name one person who does not undertake some risky behaviours or who indulges in habits that might not be healthy including over-eating, drinking too much, parachuting, abseiling, car racing, drinking too much coke, biting their nails (all those germs), not washing hands after the toilet, smoking dope, too many panadols, not going to the dentist often enough, not rinsing store bought vegies of pesticide residue, driving too fast, eating while driving, applying lipstick while driving, using public toilets - the list is exhaustive.

Nobody puts a gun to anyone's head but humans are human. The yardstick IMO is the effect on others and I don't mean the cost to the health system, all humans do something that will cost someone else money at some point, unless we ban every possible dangerous or risky activity and that is unreasonable.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 2 June 2011 5:46:53 PM
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Pelican...not really, but change it to foolish plus. Tobacco smoking leads to dope usage which in turn is topped off with alcohol as a mixer, and name one person that dont takes risks....the pope:) So as lexi has suggested, then everyone knows the risks involved with all we see, is that right? Well, if thats the case, most drugs especially Dope should be decriminalize.,8599,1893946,00.html

Your right about people having their choices, and I guess the health system will just have to take up the slack.

The futures new-borns Pelly. Our society in times to come are going to be a sick poor lot indeed.

Its a legal Drug sold by our governments and no-one goes to jail....funny that.

So whats fair? Alcol and smokes do far more damage. I dont like it, but billions do. $$$$$$$$$ and thought the government was on the ball:)
People are far more peaceful on this drug, No car accidents No domestic violence, however Big tobacco and big alcohol will block it for loss of profits, not to mention the pharmaceutics company's.

Its a funny old world, isn't it?

Posted by Quantumleap, Friday, 3 June 2011 8:23:22 PM
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If we are to close the life expectancy gap between rich and poor, and between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, then cutting smoking rates is vital. Along with higher cigarette taxes, subsidised nicotine patches and anti-smoking advertisements, plain packaging should help reduce cigarette consumption. It may be too late for my family friend, but there’s still time to make smoking an ugly choice for today’s youth.

The problem is, the liberal and Nation parties members are very happy to except donation from tobacco company's.

You know the corruption motto...."you can do it, but dont get caught".......and of course my favourite one...." you need to break a few egg's to make an omelette.

"but there’s still time to make smoking an ugly choice for today’s

Andrew's the weather on your planet:)

Well the sun comes up here tomorrow and the legal drug dealer's start at nine am:)

Posted by Quantumleap, Saturday, 4 June 2011 10:03:36 PM
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You pelican....My self and 60 minuets seem to be the only ones that thinks. Have you been watching:)

Oh dear.

Posted by Quantumleap, Sunday, 5 June 2011 8:29:43 PM
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What I cannot understand is the harsh reaction of Australian State Governments to electronic cigarettes. Despite there being hundreds of thousands of users worldwide, there is no evidence that the electronic cigarette has yet caused a death or is more harmful than other nicotine replacement therapies. This would mean that they would cause less than 2% of the deaths compared to conventional products, perhaps much less than 2%. Yet paradoxically governments are banning them because of the risk that the nicotine poses.

The concern about the toxicity of the nicotine contained in e-cigarettes is the motivation for categorising them as restricted poisons, which includes cyanide and strychnine. This is especially ironic as the Therapeutic Goods Administration is moving to remove restriction on nicotine containing products for the purpose of reducing tobacco usage. In fact, at least one major retailer is now running full page advertisements for 4mg nicotine gum: Three pieces of 4mg gum would contain enough nicotine to kill a small child.

The more I look at the treatment of e-cigarettes, the less I think it possible that a decision to ban them has been made on the basis of either evidence or logic.

disclosure: I dont smoke and have never suffered the misfortune of nicotine addiction.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 6 June 2011 1:37:08 PM
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