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International Day Against Homophobia : Comments

By Senthorun Raj, published 18/5/2011

IDAHO, or International Day Against Homophobia doesn't have the prominence it should have.

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What makes the act of homosexuality modern and progressive? It was openly and widely practised by males for pleasure in ancient pagan societies.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 19 May 2011 3:24:36 AM
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Just to pull you up on that.. I'm not suggesting that Homosexuality is a progressive movement or something, far from it..

I'm merely saying that dealing with attitudes towards homosexuality (ie homophobia) is a progressive issue.

Who are the political parties that throw the most support (generally) behind this cause - Progressive Parties.

The same goes for the countries that are modern enough to move on from this issue and grant equal rights to all..

I've spent a few years studying in Sweden and I really admire the Northern European approach to this issue, as well as a number of other social topics.. I'm just hoping other countries can learn from these pioneers and appreciate the secondary effects of issues like homophobia on the mental health of the community, social tolerance of others, etc..
Posted by ProgressiveTalks, Thursday, 19 May 2011 9:18:50 AM
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“There is probably no mention of 'crazy Islamists' and their ilk because their influence in our society is minimal.”

Otokonoko: So that’s why the author wrote about some obscure tribes in Africa? Yeah right. The word is appeasement. Actually, Islam does and is having an impact on the community (in the real suburbs). One example: trying to implement Sharia laws. But tell that to the thousands of Muslims kids and teenagers – or don’t they exist?

You’re also ignoring the many times we’re told that “Islam is a religion of peace” while it condemns sexual minorities.

“For Jason Akermanis suggest that homosexuality is something to hide will certainly have ripple-down effects in some circles.”

This was a media beat-up. Most kids would not have read his column anyway. You can’t say on the one hand that “homophobia” is everywhere and on the other hand say that one should advertise his homosexuality, without sending a mixed message. That’s a rational point. Celebrate your sexuality but get beat-up? Or is homophobia not a problem? Which one is it?
Posted by BPT, Thursday, 19 May 2011 11:49:40 AM
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I believe more guys get beat up because they looked admiringly at someone else"s girlfriend while in the street than because a person indulges in homosexual acts with another.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 19 May 2011 4:01:16 PM
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Are you serious, BPT? At our last census (2006), there were fewer than 350,000 Muslims in our country. I doubt very much that the author of this peace was particularly concerned with appeasing such a tiny minority. I also doubt very much that this number would have the influence on the undercurrent of homophobia that the author perceives in this country. Even if every Muslim in the country was homophobic, they still account for less than 2% of our population. I'd say their 'crazy' preachers would have little influence over non-Muslims - am I wrong?

As a side note, how does one distinguish between the 'real' suburbs and 'fake' suburbs? I have lived, worked or studied in 14 suburbs in this country. In none of them did I notice the 'real impact' of Islam. Not even in the one with the mosque. It is quite shattering to discover that they aren't 'real' suburbs!
Posted by Otokonoko, Friday, 20 May 2011 6:22:13 PM
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'So as we celebrate IDAHO, Imagine having International Day for white hetrosexuals. Oh the screams!
Posted by runner, Friday, 20 May 2011 9:25:04 PM
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