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The secular case against same-sex marriage : Comments
By Ian Robinson, published 29/4/2011The push for gay marriage founders on the reality that it is about gays playing at heterosexuality.
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Posted by JackAlison, Thursday, 5 May 2011 10:21:07 PM
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I note the wave of ‘meism’ that seems to prevail in many of the responses to Ian’s article.
I personally value marriage based on my 30 years experience of its challenges and joys. My marriage definitely benefited society due to the changes the relationship made in me and the children we produced. The essence of my argument is that heterosexual marriage is unique because it has certain biological characteristics or potential that cannot be replicated. The attempt to define a same sex identity seems to me to be a related, but separate issue. Characteristics, such as commitment, etc, are always commendable in any form of personal relationship. They however do not make a marriage; unless of course the meaning of marriage is diminished. The consequence is that society would be made poorer for the benefit of a 'statistical few' attempting to redefine themselves into another mould. A good marriage is the optimum structure to create and develop the future generations. For a good society the foundations of marriage should be strengthened not weakened, as marriage needs all the help it can get. While this discussion is interesting, for it to have a positive effect on society one of its outcomes should be the encouragement to improve and strengthen heterosexual marriage which is the lifeblood and foundational unit of all counties and all cultures. Ian, Once again thank you for your rational and considered article. Well done. Posted by Muse2, Thursday, 5 May 2011 11:13:41 PM
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Many of these posts are predicated on outdated ideas of fertility. If ur NOT fertile u are only half a person. Ask any true blue feminist wot she thinks of that?!
And just for the record with all this talk of babies and children and marriage, the sperm count of men has fallen dramatically in the Western world. In the most catholic country of Italy the baby count has almost fallen to zero, statistically one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. The arguments against same sex marriage put forward here are so flimsy and really clutching at straws to stall the inevitable that has already begun in many countries of the world. The Australian Christian Lobby and 'rationalists?!’ like the author know this. It is only a question of time. But hey, it’s nice to keep trading in the outdated discriminatory prejudice that you peddle just to squeeze that last bit of bile and misery into gay ppl.s lives, as if they haven’t had enough already. Shame on you! And of course being a rationalist ur arguments make perfect sense except for one thing- EMPATHY or lack of it, the failure to be human and understand that everyone deserves meaning and dignity in their life and that to commune or marry is a universal human phenomenon transcending gender. That evolved concept may be a bit too much for you to digest. Posted by JackAlison, Friday, 6 May 2011 10:41:00 PM
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JackAlison: "The arguments against same sex marriage put forward here are so flimsy [and the arguments for are so robust?] and really clutching at straws to stall the inevitable that has already begun in many countries"
If it's inevitable, why the push-shove routine? "It is only a question of time" Then just wait. Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 6 May 2011 11:42:25 PM
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The declaration of Human rights of which Oz is a signatory uses the term INALIENABLE rights. This means that ALL human rights are a given. They are NOT voted on, or debated by the wider community. You may think that debating a minorities human rights is democracy?! It most certainly is not. It was always a time honored task in the past for a male groom to ask the father of the bride for her hand in marriage. Thank God those sexist dayz are ova. Imagine in 2011 that gay ppl have to 'ask' the entire nation for permission to enjoy the pursuit of happiness that most ppl. take for granted. Id like u to watch this advert from Ireland regarding gay displays the ludicrous situation straight ppl put gays thru time and time again. Posted by JackAlison, Saturday, 7 May 2011 8:54:03 AM
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Respect and commitment are the hallmarks of a good marriage. I never asked the father of my bride for her hand and to this day I regret it. Having experienced three new son in laws tentatively and respectfully ask for the hand of my daughters made all parties in both families feel very special and honoured.
Marriage is special and deserves to be honoured. It is not a toy to be stolen and manipulated for political or gender selfishness. Also we must be wary of what we ask for as there may be significant unintended consequences. In contrast upholding the well proven courtesies of marriage can only benefit all those involved. Happy people means a happy society. The tendency in some of these posts to denigrate someone else’s tradition in order to support their own selfish arguments is despicable. We cannot afford to be flippant about marriage. A bad marriage causes much pain and should be prevented at all costs because no one wins . My concern is that this relentless push to reconstruct marriage may result in damage to the higher ideas of the marriage institution. Innocent bystanders may not approach marriage with the same depth of respect and ‘hard work’ that it deserves and we all know that you reap what you sow. We are more than just sexual animals so please recognise the true value and courtesies of marriage and honour them. This I believe is an example of true empathy. We must all live together so respect needs to be two way and mutual. Posted by Muse2, Saturday, 7 May 2011 10:15:48 AM
'I don't mind blacks as long as I don’t live next door to them'
'Some of my best friends are Jewish!'
What a patronizing piece of pulp.
I particularly enjoyed reading the parts about the civilized, cultivated uncle. LOL
Yah gays can b so useful to straight upbringing like some servile class but never quite make as full human beings.
Cause that’s ONLY for straights.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself and ask, am I in the 1950's or the 21st century?!