The Forum > Article Comments > Arming the Libyan rebels: tempting but illegal > Comments
Arming the Libyan rebels: tempting but illegal : Comments
By Alison Pert, published 18/4/2011Barak Obama's call to remove Gadaffi is illegal under international law.
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Thus the danger is not just that your motor vehicle is going to run out of petrol on the way to work, it lies in the fact ENTIRE ECONOMIES will grind to a halt and the big players are determined not to be the ones left without a chair when the music stops.
What does that mean? It means that there are a number of Countries (and "blocs" of the same) competing on the World Stage to guarantee their Economies oil doesn't run out first. How do they "Guarantee" the same, the same way the various Monarchies did prior to last Century, by grabbing it and telling the Competitors to back off, this is mine or I'll fight you for it.
The trouble with that is kinda obvious, but I'll spell it out anyway, when (as happened this time last Century and regularly before that) all the GOOD stuff (be it spices, gold, etc) runs short and the various groups start to ally with each other, then you have major alliances, all saying it's "OURS" or we'll fight you for it & so will our mate(s).
Nuisances like Qaddaffi and other tinpot Kings/Dictators/etc. who are isolated (by their own stupidity or worse) will be gobbled up rapidly by whomever can dominate the airspace best and is willing to fight for it. International Law? The Letter & the Spirit are very different once Lawyers get hold of it.
Thank your lucky stars we are not, yet, at the point where the various "blocs" are rubbing directly against one another for real. However, don't be deceived, when the success/failure of entire economies is at stake, it is a matter of when not if. Then we revert to the oldest International Law of all, "Might IS Right"