The Forum > Article Comments > Preparing for $3+ per litre fuel > Comments
Preparing for $3+ per litre fuel : Comments
By Ben Rose, published 14/4/2011A carbon tax will be the least of our worries as fuel shortages bite and send prices higher on their own.
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emissions should for now not be considered.
The IPCC computer models have erroneous data for their inputs of
available fossil fuels. Until they use the more realistic data AGW
should not be a consideration.
Natural gas as an alternative to liquid fuels has real possibilities.
However to scale up the distribution system to equal the present
petrol and diesel system is a cost that we may not be able to bear in
our present financial condition.
However for a moderate number of CNG users there are commercially
available overseas compressors which you can plug into your domestic
gas supply and compress for use in a car gas tank.
However I doubt if the gas supply could cope with everyone coming
home from work and starting up their compressors.
CNG while an option may not be developed fast enough to equal the rate
of depletion of oil supplies. It would however provide a good buffer
and delay the need to find the ultimate solution for transport energy.
Production of gas fields falls very steeply when they start depleting.
Because of this it may not be possible to ever provide a fast enough
increase in production to overcome oil depletion. We will probably be
in a race to the bottom of the barrel (pun intended).
Additionally government could reserve CNG for use in power stations
and ban its use in road transport.
I know that we have very large reserves of gas but after we honor our
contracts with China and Japan, would we be able to supply all our
transport needs and power station demands ?
A related question; how long would we need to use CNG and how much
time before we need to find the permanent alternative ?
All those are questions that our government has never even heard let
alone considered an answer.