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The Forum > Article Comments > Mixed progress but also new hope in reducing rural poverty > Comments

Mixed progress but also new hope in reducing rural poverty : Comments

By Kanayo Nwanze, published 6/4/2011

The world's poor are gradually rising out of poverty and moving into cities.

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"We need to stop treating the rural poor as charity cases". We need to stop treating the disadvantaged sectors, in the underdeveloped and developed world as charity cases.

Equity is about distribution of resources. It makes no sense having rural populations migrating to cities, where there a less self-sustaining ways to grow food, network with community, prepare the world as we march further into the millennium.

Education - once claimed to be the revolution for those disadvantaged is a misconcept if the infrastructure required to sustain the end-game; which is to find work is not addressed.

As we see in the middle east rise in conflicts, food, work and a quality of life in a peaceful environment is wanted by all.

We are at a point of circumference. While we once may have had excuses, suggesting it was all about education, none of this works when it is the educated now - be it living in underdeveloped or developed nations finding themselves in the same place as they might have been without an education.

Technology on top of this is not helping. The access to opportunity reflects an increasing divide, and in some ways is contributing to critical areas of that divide where there is now danger [more than ever] of procedural bureaucrat practices at the expense of people's needs.

To me it appears that the more connected we are through technolgy, the more we take the value of human capital for granted and isolate potentional through practice that result in a disconnectivity we we will pay dearly for in the future.

Hope all those attending your discussion Kanayo Nwandse. We need to cut through the tokensims.
Posted by miacat, Wednesday, 6 April 2011 2:05:27 PM
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miacat - I disagree strongly with almost all of your post. You will note that the two areas where the most progress has been made, China and Vietnam, is where they dumped the equitable sharing of resources philosophy (socialism) and embraced free markets.

If rural people move to the cities they increase their ability to network, not decrease it, and may, depending on the city, have a better chance to supplement the family income with jobs. Meanwhile those left in rural areas have bigger farms (as the small holders have moved to the city), and so their faming can be made more efficient.

In addition, the trend in international aid has been decidedly away from offering handouts and treating aid recipients as charity cases. It doesn't work
Posted by Curmudgeon, Wednesday, 6 April 2011 6:39:36 PM
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(1) In Australia the lowest income is a guaranteed, A$35 a day on the Dole. And Everyone receives at the very least,this.
People on this income are said to be living in "Poverty" and are given unlimited support from agencies like St Vincent De Paul, the Salvation Army and Mission Australia that receive Large Government Subsidies for this purpose. And many others to numerous to list here. Including “Food Banks” that distribute large amounts of vegetables and bread to anyone who presents and with no explanation necessary. Just bring bags or crates. They will even fill your car boot if you wish. These services are available in most parts of Australia. And to anyone. From unlimited donations even from farmers, that bring truck loads.
If you live in the Country there are millions of Kangaroos hopping around just begging to be slaughtered and eaten ! The Government will even pay you to do it !
And rivers and creeks full of fish including European Carp. Just tie a bent nail to a bit of string and throw it in ! And unlike Shazi Bibi from Pakistan we don't have to worry about school fees, as basic education is Free. Heart medicine ? Well ! the government takes care of that. Just present your Health Care card ! Treatment ? We use our Medicare Card !
Arthur Bell.
Posted by bully, Wednesday, 6 April 2011 6:41:35 PM
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(2) “the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) reveals that more than 350 million rural people have pulled themselves out of extreme poverty over the last 10 years.”
Maybe the IFAD can assist our Aboriginal brothers and sisters in Central Australia. Whom seem to be bogged in a vicious cycle of alcohol abuse and violence due to "Poverty" and ignorance. Even with unlimited resources and Government funding to combat these "Challenges". And “create opportunities for these poor rural women and men to lift themselves out of poverty and create a future for their children”
And if “The percentage of the world’s rural inhabitants living on less than US$1.25 a day has dropped from nearly half to about one third”and East Asia has accounted for much of this progress, then we need to involve people from over there !
And this “good news” that is being “discussed at meetings in Canberra this week” should include advice and input from you and likeminded people Mr. Nwanze,re. our Poverty issues. As no-one in this Country seems to Have a Clue !!
Arthur Bell.
Posted by bully, Wednesday, 6 April 2011 6:41:43 PM
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