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Butt out : Comments
By Mark Christensen, published 4/4/2011They might be wrapped in good intentions, but anti-smoking zealotry and other social engineering crusades are mostly about control.
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Posted by one under god, Saturday, 9 April 2011 6:56:24 AM
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"why is prostitution and gambling just fine and dandy" they dont stink:)
Look puff and billy, peddle poison else where!:) Any how, have a winfeold, is not going to work in the 21 century. Lets see, what do we have?..Oh yes, this one....."please think is smoke the worst thing".......I dont know......maybe stabbing my self in the eye with a blunt stick perhaps:) Oh and we have more:)...... "what next plain lable booze? generic scotch..passive booze intoxication taxing breathing!" I dont have to ask Tony Abbott that one, Taxing people on what we know that kills...........mmmmm, thats going to be a tough one. Its like how we all live on a island, and cocaine, Heroin and a whole range of highly profitable contraband, seem to get in and poison our community, which this spills over into another thread:) Oh and seek some help about the 4000 chemicals that seems to be affecting your judgement:) Have a nice day:) LEAP Posted by Quantumleap, Saturday, 9 April 2011 10:34:20 PM
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I'll try not to be dumb. Smoking is not the only cause of cancer, but it is one of the big risk factors. Medical science is coming closer to a cure for cancer. Today many people survive cancer thanks to modern medicine, in previous years it was literally a miracle if a person survived. There is a long way to go before we could say cancer has been cured but it is amazing the strides medicine has already made to a number of diseases. People don't hate smokers they hate smoking (hate is too strong a word) or sometimes the lack of manners by some smokers as regards their habit. Posted by pelican, Saturday, 9 April 2011 11:00:08 PM
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Smoking is not the only cause of cancer, but it is one of the big risk contradiction in terms. Thats like all the different studies thats says one day coffee is bad for you, and the next... coffee is good for you:) the way, pelican maybe his real name:) And do you know why you dont hear about those- W.blowers, ( Mr leaks ) They have either been arrested for what, or a set up....or the constitutionals all are given, for all the peoples.............and if I end up dead..( Mr leaks has screamed by In-tel..unknowns only to me:) ) will know something stinks:)
Lets see what they do next here in Australia:) I bet its not smart. Its your world:) I just live on it:) and unfortunately....with some of you. I mean that in the best way that the LAW will let me:) OUG Posted by Quantumleap, Saturday, 9 April 2011 11:43:27 PM
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Are you also Leap? So your argument is that the relationship between smoking and cancer is all one big conspiracy to extract money from the smokers in the form of taxes. That is one big claim. The conspiracy was on the other foot when tobacco companies were hiding the evidence of their own findings as regards the links with cancer. Many other things cause cancer as well, science has yet to determine all the risk factors. However smoking is one that is well known and the evidence is strongly in support of that claim. Why do smokers have a much higher incidence of lung cancer? Even if you are not a scientist, that fact must raise some antennae. Fact is you are free to do what you want with your own body just so long as it does not interfere with another's right to a smoke free lunch. :) Posted by pelican, Monday, 11 April 2011 10:43:30 AM
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no pelican
I AM NOT LEAP..! i have only had the one SAME here at olo even at other web logs im one under god i dont need to pretend dont know nor care who leap is you dont mind breathing diesal smoke [the biggest cause of cancer or woodsmoke the 2 de highest cause of cancer but its too easy to hate me you never met me but..i know your not* a man anyhow why im here is yet another jury has found against govts thinking to blame smoker's and smoking suppliers for selling a poisen/ causing costs etc [and trying to get yet more cash smokers VIA LIES] [noting 3/4 people CANNOT EVEN GET CANCER] see previous posts'-health-costs-dpgonc-20110429-to_12987706 St. Louis Jury Finds Tobacco Companies Not Responsible for Smokers ...29 Apr 2011 ... Jury Decides Philip Morris USA is Not Liable in Smoking Lawsuit 28 Feb 2003 Snus News & Other Tobacco Products: Jury decides in favor of ...March 31, 2011 A jury today, March 28th decided in favour of Philip Morris USA and RJ Reynolds in the first Engle case to go to trial in Clay County, ... our lives are made-up of moments that we chose to bring into our reality my point being it was our choice its not my fault if your making what you feel are bad choices we all get such feelings at times..thus learn from every choice but learn more from the ones we dont like than the ones that we do like then..think of the bits you do like, ignoring those we dont like [feel as you will] for good or ill.. its your choice alone.. you chose how you.. we chose to feel as WE chose..not you not govt WHAT WE CHOSE to do or not do IS NONE OF GOVT's NOR YOUR BUSINESS... Posted by one under god, Saturday, 30 April 2011 12:53:50 PM
so let me ask you..
do you recall EVER hearing
we have a cure for cancer
or a cancer cure is only a few years away..etc etc
[they have been saying it for decades]
thing is curing cancer has never been closer
think why
a cure is more in-sight than ever
now they CHOSE to ban it..
[or rather chose to attack it]
or rather tax it
thing is ONLY one quater of the most 'obvious'
smoking lung cancers are smoking related
3/4 ARNT smoking related
yet all are accredited as smoking deaths
[ie ITS A LIE}..a profitable taxable lie
see all the spin
i have been exposing
why the spin?
to get a new tax
and vilify harmless smokers HURTING NO-one
drunks do more damage
auto's do more damage
why is prostitution and gambling just fine and dandy
but smokers are vile and evil
must be taxed into quiting
but lets face facts..many hate smokers
here is a chance to hate others
and to be in the in crowd
its al built on fear and lies
ya really think they can proove
that little sick girl...was a smoker
or that her sickness WAS from someone smoking?
ya think that eye with the hooks
went blind from smoking?
ya really believe those black toes is from smoking[not frostbite]
ya really believe that those teth went crooked and rotted from smoke
or from softdrink or fruitose acids...and them tb blisters on their lips..was that smoking related
or to generate fear
why would libs and govt buy shares in something they want to tax
to shut up complaint..have a say on the kill us without ANY representation by govt or 'big tobacco'
please think
is smoke the worst thing
or just the easiest to generate hate or fear
what next plain lable booze?
generic scotch..passive booze intoxication
taxing breathing!