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R18+ propaganda manipulating public opinion : Comments
By Barbara Biggins, published 30/3/2011Rather than pushing adults' rights, the pro-R18+ lobby has argued that having such a category would provide better protection for children. The push became propaganda.
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Posted by gw, Wednesday, 30 March 2011 7:17:37 AM
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The single largest flaw in your opposition to the new rating is that the only thing that it does is prevent local agents from selling the software. It is perfectly possible to purchase the R18+ games over the internet as it is not illegal to own them. (even XXX rated stuff) The side effect is that kids are becoming savy in finding and downloading even the extreme stuff beyond R18+ and "cracked" or pirated software. The only people that this stupid boycott will prevent from accessing the software is the technology challenged blue rinse brigade of whom Barbara Biggins is a member. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 30 March 2011 8:55:32 AM
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I've got 5 kids all teenagers and I can tell everyone this ; If it's on the net the kids can get it . End of story , the only thing I can do about it involves an illegal response , not very smart you say ; I agree the problem is there is no legal remedy , hence the insult you hurl at the Blue Rinse Brigade who are no more than enlightened people who know that low life ideals will corrupt our Children and others.
Posted by Garum Masala, Wednesday, 30 March 2011 4:17:37 PM
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I just joined to post on this topic.
"A central concern in this debate is the high level of violence available at MA15+ but this shows why we have it. We would not have had so many very violent games in the MA15+ category in the past years, if we'd kept the 1999 wording." You're absolutely right here, THE PROBLEM SHOULD HAVE BEEN RESOLVED IN 1999 BY INTRODUCING R18 to prevent the current "high level of violence available at MA15+". As a parent, I could see if my 16yr old is playing an R18 game and prevent him/her from doing so, yet now I see an MA15+ and believe it's ok for them to play, yet see the same level of violence I would expect to see in an R18 game. And I stand in disbelief as I have to explain that although it’s legal for them to play this game, that it is not advised, and it is aimed at more mature gamers. You also say "But what is clear is that the answer to violence in MA15+ is NOT to introduce R18+". I can honestly say, that by you permitting MA15+ "to have violence with strong impact to have violence with strong impact" rather than placing them in an R18 rating, you've made the situation worse for parents and the children (I assume you protect), also creating this problem and alienated the rest of the people who are of age and would like to play. Its clear by all of your articles, that you are quite one sided and have on your own beliefs. And I am saddened that the issue must obtain a unanimous vote to pass. So I doubt this issue will ever be resolved, with people such as yourself unwilling to accommodate for others. And as a parent I stand with the rest of the world who see us as a laughing stock regarding the situation. As they say, "Grow up Australia". My opinion? I stand with the 91% and believe, like your views on the subject and our current censorship/ratings for games, BOTH FAIL. Posted by A, Saturday, 2 April 2011 11:06:21 PM
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Apologies, I should have added,
"...also creating this problem and alienated the rest of the people who are of age and would like to play." ...but cannot due to certain games being refused classifications as we do not have an R18 rating to accomodate such games. Posted by A, Monday, 4 April 2011 9:00:54 AM
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With regards the ban,
The single game that has been banned recently from sale in Australia was purchased by a 13yr old friend's son on and passed through customs with no problems, as it is not illegal to possess or import. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 5 April 2011 8:16:16 AM
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Dear Barbara,
If you're so concerned about the violence impacting on children, then please visit the following link below As yet more documentation against your beliefs. But with your views and attitude, I would not be surprised if you ignored yet more documentation regarding the matter which affects ALL of Australia, not just children. You may wish to take some time out and read the following posts here for the views of all Australians. NOT just gamers. Hopefully you will be enlightened. Posted by A, Thursday, 7 April 2011 11:12:36 AM
i. The central assertion here is that the interactive nature of games makes the impact much greater than films, but cites no actual evidence that this is true - are there any actual studies out there?
ii. The current system misleads parents - levels of violence contained within MA15+ games are shocking, and should be contained at the R18 level.
iii. What is the point of having a ratings system if
'it's practically impossible for even the most conscientious of parents to keep their children away from exposure to portable R18+ items like DVDs and games'? Maybe parents need to try harder...
iv. If kids want to buy a game, they can. Games do not have region restrictions in the same way that DVDs do - in fact buying from games distributors based in Singapore and Hong Kong is much cheaper and takes only a few days longer than buying from the local Westfield.