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Brothers in arms – dire diplomacy : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 14/3/2011

Julia Gillard's speech to congress signals that Australia is a vassal state of the USA.

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Julia Gillard's speech reached one of its lows when she promised over $3million to a Vietnam memorial - the opportunity for her to state that part of the memorial would be towards banning and criminalising land-mines, cluster bombs, Agent Orange, etc which still have their memorial in Vietnam.

An opportunity to influence our 'brother in arms' which would have world-wide importance.
Posted by ozideas, Monday, 14 March 2011 9:51:46 AM
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For those who are unaware, Gillard’s visit to the US was an orchestrated piece of theatre, structured by the Melboune Zionists, the same Zionists who manipulated Gillard into the top job after the assassination of Kevin Rudd.
Rudd‘s ego probably deserved a hit but even he was no match for the machinations of the Australian equivalent of the people who run the US from top to bottom, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a fifth column cancer in the gut of America. These were the advisers to Bush, lied about Iraq and Afghanistan and still controlling the rhetorical Obama and his new playmate, the 'vegemite girl'.
The Zionists and neocons are everywhere, controlling the votes of 80% of the Congress and Senate through corruption and largesse and thereby controlling US foreign policy.

Just so in Australia but to a lesser degree, but pulling Gillard’s strings, nonetheless.. Other than the covert operations through the embassy, they are a destructive force against Australian values. She comes out in favour of the Israeli killing of 1400 Palestinians in Gaza and never sheds a tear, either for them or the fire victims, our flood casualties or soldiers in Afghanistan but in front of all the cameras, turns on the tears for a man on the moon, ‘America can do anything’.

What a tasteless sham!

Never has there been such a sideshow but when AIPAC say ‘jump’ to Obama, a total Israeli stooge, he jumps. That is the only reason he is there.

The independence that is Australia should be maintained. The ability to mix it with the big boys and be a terrorist like the US in a country of 24 million people is ridiculous. What countries have been identified as a threat to Australia?

Let us do what we can for the protection of our country starting with electing capable politicians of worth and living within our military means with on-shore facilities.

One thing we do not need is an American base on our soil.
Posted by rexw, Monday, 14 March 2011 10:00:48 AM
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...All the way with LBJ. I am a strong believer in the USA/Au alliance, but as a believer in that alliance I support the notions of this article in its criticisms of Political fawning to the USA: A fawning that is outdated in its intent to succour favour that will be its usual “one way street” from America, and will only arrive by way of American advantage, if at all.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 14 March 2011 10:18:14 AM
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All the way with LBJ, to hell.
Posted by skeptic, Monday, 14 March 2011 10:44:08 AM
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Julia sought and received several rounds of applause from the Congress audience of mostly stand-ins.

Her emotion filled address was way over the top to all except the most deluded, wrecking any credibility for her claim to a seat on the UN Security Council.

After such a fairy floss speech, Julia's moon dream deserves recognition: first woman on the moon?
Posted by Quick response, Monday, 14 March 2011 1:57:25 PM
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So why was the Adelaide to Darwin rail line built?

Surely not to supply a US military base in Darwin at some time in the future.

I’m also sure that Gillard’s current poll rating as Prime Minister (the lowest Prime Minister poll rating ever on record), is not all attributable to the carbon tax.

While she wants to be seen with Oprah, and wants to be “mates” with the US President, she certainly hasn’t charmed the Australian public, who are supposed to be paying her wages.
Posted by vanna, Monday, 14 March 2011 6:32:23 PM
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A persistent rumour round this neck of the woods has it that the US intends to relocate its troops from Okinawa to a nice patch of land south of Townsville. Makes sense - right next to our biggest barracks, and our population is quite used to the Yankee invasion that comes along every couple of years. Still, if it happens, I'll be relocating rather than living in an American colony.

As for Julia's speech, it was quite an intelligent piece of diplomacy - give the Americans what they want and what they will lap up, even if Australians are reaching for their buckets. It seems that a little bit of theatre and sentimentality goes a long way in the U.S.A.

But the thrust of the article is right - the fact that she gave the American Congress what they wanted rather than what Australia would reasonably expect shows that she's willing to suffer indignity and ridicule in order to maintain our friendship. Who other than a vassal would do this?
Posted by Otokonoko, Monday, 14 March 2011 7:41:53 PM
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It really is amusing that when left wing politicians get into power, they suddenly stop preaching every left wing value and adopt the policies that they previously condemned in their political opponents. Remember when Obama said he would close Guantanamo Bay down? Well, it is still open for business. How about getting all US troops out of Iraq? Some of them are still there. And then (eeeeeek!) Tony Blair joined the Evil USA in liberating Iraq. One presumes that once they get into power, somebody in the admin has a whisper in their pink, cockleshell ears, and they start to realise that the left wing ideals they previously advocated were totally dotty.

It looks like Bruce Haigh is sore at Julia for the same reason.

Julia has gone and expressed admiration for the USA which is absolute anathema to the inner city, chardonnay sucking, trendies. According to Haigh, she has “put aborigines in limbo”, and has not allowed Australia to be overrun by 18 year old, country shopping illegal immigrants who claim that they are 17. Horrors!

Bruce Haigh then tosses a a couple of more brickbats. First, he criticizes Australia’s defense preparedness, which is an odd position for people from his tree hugging, World Saver demographic group. Advocating a strong defense force will get Bruce tossed out of every wine bar in Sydney, for conduct unbecoming an ideological zealot.

Next, he seems to be advocating the idea that the USA should invade Libya with Australian help and create a democracy, even as he complains about the USA and Australia fighting in Afghanistan to create a democracy. You just can’t please some people. The rule of thumb seems to be, that the USA is always wrong whatever it does, and Australia is always wrong if we agree with the USA.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 15 March 2011 6:15:30 AM
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