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In the kingdom of the mind : Comments

By Tanveer Ahmed, published 18/2/2011

Our brains evolved in small, homogenous communities but are now faced with extraordinary diversity in a fast-changing, globalised knowledge economy.

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As I have shown your remarks were not thoughtful, they were ignorant and hypocritical. They depend on underlying economic theories, or rather cluelessness, that you have been completely unable to defend. When challenged to either prove your argument or refute mine, you retreat into sheer evasion, endless repetition of logical fallacies, and end by denying the very possibility of reason as a way to knowledge. It is a disgraceful intellectual shemozzle of which you should be embarrassed.
Posted by Peter Hume, Saturday, 19 February 2011 8:33:45 PM
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squuers im not qualified to sepperate the mind from the brain
but that of the right brain is closer to that called mind

the left brain is that called of the brain
in the next life ..all is of the mind

im trying to sift out the distinction...via my mind
and come to the conclusion the emotive
relates more to the mind ..than the brain

we talk flipantly..that its our mind's
by this they infure its all in our heads..
ie were emoting ..more than thinking logiclly about something..

you must remember i float freely into many other topics
i specificlly avioid specialisation in an area in particular

the closest i have come to specialisation is in the areas of god and his creation..but even there lack the completness of facts that inevitably result in judging anything as if a certainty..

the brain is that of the material and that factually materialistic
the mind more of the emotive and spiritual

but as usual im trying to interprite into words the mind imagry..your question in-spirates [influxes in-fluences..into my mind]

the brain is little more than a recieving relaying instrument
that recieves that ..of simultude to its current attentions

to try to explain it better...see im seeing an image
that directly relates to the other things
my mind is recieving via its sensory imputs

look science ..cant treat the brain like a hard-disk
your life's memories..isnt stored 'in' the conscious brain
its is held in its fullness the sub-concious mind

but its not till we can overcome ..the overwelming inputs and actions of the active brain..[after death]..that the fullness of our mind becomes clear..

as i said ..the heading dosnt meld with the article
[i feel ..its the result of publish or perish]
ie the right brain..under the wrong title

[the only way to comprehend my post
is to try to let your mind visualise..the imagry
not digest the words ..under the guise of logic]

left brain people dont get me
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 February 2011 7:30:25 AM
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peter when i read your words i read more sense
than found in the origonal article..that i feel is the fruit of publish or perish...if only by the many quoted texts..

i will respond in kind to that you said
regarding debt/desire ..

[those with long memories overcome the impulse memory of when we got caught the high intrest rates of the 80's]..

replying to you is more stresfull..
because you are more studied..and have asimulated your study
[there isnt much i could add to your thoughts..or refute in any easy manner]

policy is an unthinking solution [for the mindless]
thus is never a 'perfect solution' fact its policy that has destroyed jesus message..and made religeons into yesterdays error-fixatudes

[thats possably not a word
but an agromination of other words]
darn..there are to many words/meanings joining together here

its likely im undergoing a migrane aura..[stroke]
much like that female reporter did ..on tv yesterday
i know the imagry of my mind isnt being reflected in my words

im overthinking ..trying to use too much brain
but never mind...its clear...[if only in my mind]

i guess i respond better to specific points
that hold my mind focus

for me mind is everything
and the brain relitivly speaking as if nothing

they are focusing much on seeing the minutia of the trees
they miss the for-rest ..*bigger picture..all together

trying so hard for a catch all policy to police
they miss the joy ,reason purpose..of discovery
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 February 2011 7:56:30 AM
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but its not till we can overcome ..the overwelming inputs and actions of the active brain..[after death]..that the fullness of our mind becomes clear..
under one god,
?? you mean like getting a new hard drive ? What exactly happens after death ? Have you been dead & experienced that ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 20 February 2011 8:04:45 AM
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believe it or not
its taken a lot of reading ..and study to form my mind..
[into the miss-shapen/wreck see my words]

never the less..i am sure of the science-law
that says energy.. "cant be created..*nor destroyed"

a living-sperm... melded with a living egg
to form the sparks..of all life

juring our lifetimes..we have transmogified other energies..
so much so that the energy-field that is contained..
within the being we are being..lives on...
in the life energy ..that sepparates incarnate ..from disincarnate..

in other words our life-energy lives on
to wit.. the energy i call me..or you call you
survives the disolution of the meat/flesh/blood
..that we thought ourselves to be..

joining many dots.. i hold that we transorm our life-energy into 'other dimentions' wit that ..some call heaven or hell
or science simply calls other dimentions

my latest validation comes from[via] ..the brane theory
as well as numerous other text's 'channeld' back into this 3 dimentional time [the forth..]

[many of which i have posted here]

anyhow from them ..its new hard-drive
but yes a new computer..that runs on the same programing
same bugs ..same favourites ..same networks and friends lists

in fact our new final eternal life
takes with it all bugs and idiosingacies
debts duties and obligations as we had in our previous incarnation..
while we served out our life

you dont need to have been dead
to validate that what feels reasonable
and in acord with science fact..

just as you dont ..need to be ..crazy/insane..
to judge others crazy or insane..

though pot/kettle a constant ..if not nearly a law

What exactly happens after death unique to us all
we are each of differnt loves and intrests
each have divergent karmic balances and urges

indeed its like is said the books
more ..OF THE SAME..shall be given

thus some ..CHOSE to go to heaven
if they have the simultude of good vibratory[light] mindset

while those who get-off ..on vile
can chose to their love of vile
or works of go to hell
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 February 2011 12:17:19 PM
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where does your "mind" come from?
Your "mind" is the product of data input.
All your thoughts derive from the culture (of ideas) in which "you" (the interpellated you) developed from pure ontology (if that exists) to identity, expression and representation.
Mind is epiphenomenal.
The interesting question is "the remainder".
If you think about it at all deeply, you must acknowledge that your thoughts are derivative (if not from your culture, your social/historical milieu, then where from? You might say God, but you have no verifiable knowledge of this. And if it's from God, it is nonetheless in historicised translation, no?).
Mind is in an epistemological trap, but is there anything to escape into?
We all have a strong feeling of identity and authenticity beyond our cultural conditioning.
What is the source of this? That's the question!
You possibly would say "God", without really understanding this incomprehensible designation.
Or I could argue that we're the footnotes of this cultural/linguistic identity (or text), that we're pure and idle confabulation, random access memory.
Our ego's are not satisfied with that, but perhaps we should be. It's miraculous that nature or God or whatever has achieved and agonises over this sense of Self.
I don't believe in scientific determinism either, but I find it perfectly acceptable that individually we're no more miraculous than a snowflake.
Posted by Squeers, Sunday, 20 February 2011 3:04:19 PM
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