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Flotation device for premier's sinking party : Comments

By Scott Prasser, published 20/1/2011

The floods in Queensland have possibly saved Premier Anna Bligh and Labor's 22-year hold on government.

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I agree that the Premiers efforts during the floods was very good, as was that of LNP Lord Mayor CanDo.

What was obvious was the complete absence of those other useless Ministers and Labor members with the exception of the Emergency Services Minister .

We will be voting out the Labor government in Queensland.. Just not the Premier. Nothing can save them
Posted by Aspley, Thursday, 20 January 2011 12:20:42 PM
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The much vaunted Justice Holmes Inquiry, like 15 odd-ball Royal Commissions in Oz, will gather dust. It's a Bligh political gimmick, while she is on a roll, and Election mode.

Whilst Wivenhoe Dam was full, it was money in the Bank. Why dump it downstream ?

There has never been a Computer Analysis done, which with GPS, can predict accurately, a certain volume of water, at a given height, can generate a tidal force ( tsunami ) of 30 mph, 25 klm downstream - simply because our Engineers are still in the Dinosaur age. With graphs, charts and reliable sensors, SEQW could ascertain precisely when to release water, at any given moment, and thus mitigate the catastrophe the floods caused in Ipswich, Laidley, Brisbane etc.

I know most of the Engineers responsible for building the Dam, and the Govt Dam modeling exercise at the Rocklea workshops, which was a flawed concept, from Day one.

The 5 Dam Gates built in Korea ( we lacked the manufacturing expertise and skills ) are 28 years old, and not maintained eg. corrosion, painting, anodic protection, annual servicing etc. Incidentally, another tragic accident, just waiting to happen.

They indiscreetly opened 5 Gates, and a fixed cone valve, raising the Bremer River downstream a record, mammoth 25 m ! The sheer volume of water, gushing downstream at 30/40 mph, swept everything in it's path !

Dam Engineers build " spillways ", which allow the overflow to escape, before it threatens the rock solid, concrete, steel-fibre, reinforced Dam walls. The Dam safety was never compromised or in jeopardy - period. Full stop.

To his credit, Premier Joe Bjekle Petersen, and his trusted Minister for everything, built 5 mighty Dams, in their Electorates, following the 1974 Brisbane floods. He saw the writings on the wall back then, and responded accordingly. But for his foresight, the plight in Queensland would have been another disaster waiting to happen, and proportionately more far reaching and consequential.

Technology today, with Computer Analysis, simulations, and GPS, and dozens of fancy programs on Flood mitigation, is readily available Overseas, and used extensively

Posted by dalma, Thursday, 20 January 2011 2:35:32 PM
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You have got to be joking.
Posted by keith, Thursday, 20 January 2011 2:39:42 PM
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by ANCOL, Dam Engineers, Consultants, etc throughout the World.

To be clear: At NO time was the Wivenhoe Dam's intergrty threatened - it's a furphy ie. Santa Claus, Snow White etc.

To sum up. The Power's that be, have gone into damage control, and provided convenient excuses to absolve them of blame, this coming 2012 Election Year.

One might just ask those wretched victims, without Insurance, and suffering total loss: " where, really does the Buck stop " ?
Posted by dalma, Thursday, 20 January 2011 2:45:52 PM
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There is a lot of sense in this article.

My lady has always had an implacable dislike of Anna. She has never said why, but it was always there, very strongly.

She is now saying she thinks Anna did a "very good job" during the flood.

I have no idea how long this new approval will last, but it looks strong.

I think the Nat-libs had better go & draft Newman, who not only said the right things, but did much good work for "his" city. Their current bloke, what's his name, was missing in action.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 20 January 2011 4:09:03 PM
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Anna had been coached by Petter Beatty, who had a distinct admiration for Joh. It was only when Anna was under the realisation that people were suffering real trauma, that she threw off Peter's cloak, and put her own, and was more human - certainly more than any of the Federal politicians at present and previous. apart from the devastating floods, which some person may possibly resolve sometime, the blaime game is only by people who think with that - with no foreknowledge, they can tell with absolute sureity what should have been done. But look at our other problems, which are a bit older, politicians don't seem to be able to fix or avoid, you judge your thoughts.
There are two main problems that are causing a bad and destruction economy for our country, they are, first, the moron tax policy that our parties have regurgitated from the destructive 1930's debacle, the cause of the depression – the low top tax. This tax allows those people, who are not restrained in any other way, to increase their salary or other income, to undesirable, obscene heights, and causes higher costs to the company and to goods and services to their customers. Harold Holt back in the 1950's, found that a top tax of 66.6% (probably one between 70% and 65% would have done, but there were no computers, and 66.6 is 2/3, making working easier). He did not increase the level of the no tax component, and so the total tax level was far exceeding the required 20% or what is now 30% of GDP, this is all that was required, but our range of treasurers since 1971, do not have the required knowledge, intelligence or integrity to get this small problem into their brain – nor do so many of the would-be intellectuals, a “no-tax” component of about $30,000 should do the job today, if the “intelligent” lawyer treasurers ever grow a brain..
I suppose if you can't understand the above problem, you can't – or won't understand economy at all.
Posted by merv09, Friday, 21 January 2011 7:21:10 AM
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I believe that Anna is starting to realise that our nonrenewable, non value added resources, is not as wonderful to our economy as we have been led to believe. The export trade requires reciprocal imports, and the excessive export of all this coal, iron ore, natural gas, uranium, ores of copper and lead and more, requires us to import an equivalent value of goods, and the foreign goods you see in the shops, whether they are cars, trucks, TV's, radios, MPS's, perfume, toys, computers – name it, if it is foreign made, it has been traded for something Australia has exported and while some of it is undoubtedly welcome, too many of these sort of imports have been the destruction of the industries we had in Australia previously, employing our workers. Apparently, John Howard brought in a rule, that as long as a person had regular work, even if it was only one hour a week, they were not unemployed, and although many are “unemployed” for two or three days a week, they are officially listed as not “unemployed”, if they were, the unemployment level would be 17% or 20%.
You won't find any agreement with me by the newspapers, as the wealth they get from the advertisements and promotion etc that they get from the mining companies, far outweighs the conscience of their management on any of my remarks
Posted by merv09, Friday, 21 January 2011 7:37:07 AM
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the beattie govt was elected in 1998. How do you get 22 years?
Posted by shal, Friday, 21 January 2011 3:29:12 PM
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Simple Shal ... you only have to have one eye, have it focused only on Labor and live in a pretend world.
Posted by keith, Sunday, 23 January 2011 8:20:23 PM
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