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The Forum > Article Comments > Frat boys and navy officers > Comments

Frat boys and navy officers : Comments

By Walt Brasch, published 10/1/2011

Armed forces have a Jekyll and Hyde tendency to simultaneously approve and disapprove of bastardisation.

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Is this more evidence from America that rule by the feminist and homosexual “Lobby” have finally taken control of the “once” effective military services reducing them to a ruling brigade of “wimps,women and queers” where personal hang-ups overrule military imperatives?
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 10 January 2011 10:46:07 AM
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hazing, bastardisation, standover tactics and assorted other thuggery have no place in today's modern armed forces. when will the thugs and standover merchants in our armed forces be weeded out and real discipline set in?

Remember the motto of West Point:
"I will not lie, cheat or steal,
nor will I tolerate it in others."

Gangsterism must not be tolerated by anyone at any level, ever.
Integrity must rule, and that comes with respect for everyone's human rights.
Posted by SHRODE, Monday, 10 January 2011 3:20:22 PM
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This articles discusses military discipline: It does not encompass the concept of a pre-school discipline. War is gangsterism, state sponsored! There are no human rights for those behind the muzzle of the gun, only discipline, and very few for those in front of it. Women and homosexuals are a distraction to a soldier in war, where a very different set of rules are the reality (which are generally not advertised broadly).

The outcomes highlighted in this article reinforce the stupidity of the changed rules and mix of personnel, particularly homosexuals and women in the services. That add-mix is destroying the ability of the services to concentrate on the real issues which confront them when under the pressure of combat
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 10 January 2011 6:52:26 PM
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The sort of behaviour by these navy 'boys'outlined in this article, may well have been tolerated and even accepted many years ago, but not these days.

The world, and human rights, have mostly moved on from the 'good old days' when men were men, and women did what they were told, and gay men were never considered 'real' men.

Those that still live in the dark ages and are against women and homosexuals being in the military, should simply not join the military, thus keeping themselves away from the “wimps,women and queers”! Certainly the armed forces would be better off without these sort of people.

Today's modern military forces have no place for bigoted, sexist, homophobic 'good old boys' anymore.
Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 10 January 2011 7:41:51 PM
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In spite of the media faked modern day projection of wonder-women; men make much more efficient killers and should be allocated the role exclusively in military service. Further; to a normally adjusted male, nothing is more repugnant than homosexual connotation.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 10 January 2011 8:42:01 PM
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A normally adjusted male Diver Dan?

Someone who dislikes women and homosexual people, someone who reveres 'killing', but only by 'real' men?

Gee, I sure hope the men in the armed forces in Australia are not 'normally adjusted males' then Dan.
Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 10 January 2011 9:45:24 PM
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The armed services seem to draw most of their recruits from class nerds from schools all over Australia. Picking on those down the pecking order is all that these people know.
Posted by benk, Tuesday, 11 January 2011 1:22:12 PM
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Benk, surely you can't be serious?

Did all the nerds in your' school become military men then?
I always thought all the nerds went to University to study 'Arts', or computer tech colleges?

Having viewed many documentaries on current day military folk in places like Iraq or Afghanistan, I don't recall seeing a 'nerd' in sight.
Some of the men looked far from nerdy in fact :)
Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 12:46:52 AM
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