The Forum > Article Comments > Review of Norman Abjorensen, John Howard and the Conservative Tradition > Comments
Review of Norman Abjorensen, John Howard and the Conservative Tradition : Comments
By Scott Prasser, published 7/1/2011A book on Howard and the Liberal Party is long overdue, but not this one.
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Why bother? As a person Howard is a boring little man who couldn't mount the podium without falling over the lecturn, and in his various attempts to strut the international stage made most of us cringe with embarrasment. He became leader of his party only by default and was by far the most divisive prime minister in recent history. His policies left a legacy of wealth polarization, bankrupt public universities, and almost the total cessation of research and development. He remains one of the few senior politicians not to publicly condemn the uninformed nonsense of the Hansenites, and his shameless abuse of commonwealth funds for party political purposes set new standards in chicanery. His disgraceful pandering to the religious right via the school chaplaincy funding and many other abuses also set new standards in pork barrel campaigning. I could go on.
Better a book about his wife.