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The Forum > Article Comments > Julian Assange: Leaker, louche, terrorist, whistleblower? > Comments

Julian Assange: Leaker, louche, terrorist, whistleblower? : Comments

By Don Allan, published 23/12/2010

There are lots of questions hanging over Julian Assange, and perhaps we don't want to hear all the answers.

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I have checked Julian Assange's background as portrayed on the Wikepedia web site. I can see that from a very early age Julian had a keen sense of what was right and what was wrong. It is admirable that he has the courage to carry out his convictions.
If you are a politician or a diplomat and you have carried out your work according to the oath that you swore when taking office, you would have no reason to be alarmed. It is the deviants that are being exposed by Julian Assange.
Posted by Raise the Dust, Thursday, 23 December 2010 7:57:14 AM
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Assange has turned himself into a cause clebre, a media darling. He now lives in a mansion in the UK and he's firm friends with the nearly famous. And if he hadn't been quite so guiless in making use of his new found (and long sought) celebrity, he'd be living the high life in the UK without any serious repercussions.
Posted by PaulL, Thursday, 23 December 2010 4:51:47 PM
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Imposing or undertaking sexual intercourse with a sleeping woman is against the law in Australia. This is so in all Australian states and territories. So is imposing or undertaking sexual intercourse with a woman who is drunk and unable to consent. So is imposing or undertaking sexual intercourse with a woman, without a condom, when she has consented to sexual intercourse with a condom and not without it.
Posted by jocelynne, Friday, 24 December 2010 10:18:40 PM
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Hi, I cant help but feel alot of people are missing the point as to what has been happening.

Considering wikileaks has been around for 4 years why the attention now and who was the actual whistle blower of his site ?

What if it turns out that the cables weren't part of a genuine leak and that elements of the US governemnt planned on releasing them in order to influence US public opinion on the subjects contained therein ?

What if it has all been fabricated for all the wrong reasons ?

I dont think any honest law abiding department be it civil or military within any government should have secrets afterall they represent the people.
Posted by MarsBar, Monday, 27 December 2010 4:04:19 PM
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The point is, that the New York Times, the Guardian and others overseas, plus the Murdoch/Fairfax press, plus ABC/SBS and the commercial channels all disclosed the 'leaks'? Why aren't they being persued? The US govt doesn not believe in free speech, just 'free if you agree' speech. They're really annoyed because they've been caught out lying to the people; engaging in interventions in sovereign countries, and essentially behaving in a shoddy and in many cases, illegal practices. They've been caught lying their heads off, and their solution is to 'shoot the messenger'?
I'm not one to make excuses for sexual assaults on women and girls, but there's much about this that is very smelly indeed! For example, why did the first Prosecutor in Sweden dismiss the assertions due to lack of evidence. Why did the 2 women involved not go to make a complaint, but to ask "advice"? Why did they engage in 'conversations' on their facebook or twitter pages - not the practice of women or girls traumatized by sexual assaults? They also admit that there was no violence or aggression involved.
No, in this country, sexual assault is still difficult to run - it's not as clean cut as a blogger a man had charges of sexual assault dismissed in WA, as the jury queried whether it was possible for him to remove "skinny jeans" without the wearers co-operation. She weighed only 43 kgs.The judge didn't think he could? Case dismissed! No questioning whether he was threatening, or she was fearful or just stunned or? I was disgusted when I read that!
JA has not even been charged. If there are no similar areas in Britain where a person could be charged with similar crimes as Sweden, Britain has no power to allow the extradition. The same would apply to any charges by the US re espionage charges! No wonder he's worried about the US! I would be!
Posted by Liz45, Monday, 27 December 2010 6:01:39 PM
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Hadn't you heard there was a war on in Afghaniistan?

What lies have they been caught out in? This is arrant nonsense. The leaks have so far revealed very little that the main stream media was not already reporting.

The media, by the way, published information once it was already available in the public sphere. There's a difference between reportig on the leaks, and leaking the documents in the first place.

Finally, the US hasn't sought extradition from Sweden. And there is no evidence to suggest the Swede's would allow such an extradition anyway. Assange is using this as an excuse to dodge trial in Sweden for sex crimes.

Since you are prepared to prejudge the guilt of this man based upon what you read online, I wonder if you could save the Australian courts/and taxpayers some time and solve all their cases for them from home as well.
Posted by PaulL, Monday, 27 December 2010 6:59:50 PM
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*So is imposing or undertaking sexual intercourse with a woman who is drunk and unable to consent.*

So what about if he is pissed, she gets her trophy and then becomes
upset, when he does not respect her and show gratitude in
the morning?
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 27 December 2010 11:34:43 PM
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