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Pay equity: two steps forward but one big step back! : Comments
By Nareen Young, published 29/11/2010The gender pay gap has a significant impact on women's lifetime earnings.
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'It is too easy just to say market forces will win the day.'
The minimum wage is there as a safety net. As are many government handouts.
'Shouldn't we at least lift the bar a bit and ensure they are educated better and are better paid to attract more staff?'
I don't mind paying them a little bit more, I just don't see it as a gender issue. People can choose.
Just remember, as I said, attracting more staff to one profession will put the poorly qualified into a worse job they might like even less. Do you want to be like America and have university graduates waiting tables all their life? Upping the skills for the sake of it is a bit of a waste of money. Some people like their job BECAUSE they don't have to think or to do performance evaluations.
I don't think you can have people fulfilled in their job just by raising the wage for that job. People have to survive, and they will do whatever pays the best whether it is fulfilling or not. It's a trade-off. I don't think any job would fulfil me, as I don't want to work in the first place. You will always get lots of people who work to live. Living to work is the exception.
'How is it that prostitutes are considered worthy to be paid more for what they do than those caring for the sick?'
I think that's fair enough! Giving someone intimate access to your body is a big ask. I think they should be paid more. The occupational hazards are enormous too.