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Marty in Palestine : Comments
By Marty Morrison, published 11/11/2010Palestinians need even-handed justice and a home in which they can live without oppression.
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There are literally millions like you, Marty.
We all admire the sacrifices you must have made to be as well informed as you are, to devote time to teaching children in Gaza to overcome the Israel designed lack of facilities for education , agriculture and a decent standard of living and then to see the imported bullyboys, masquerading as 'settlers' run riot through killings and sabotage under the approving eye of the Israeli police.
Everyone would agree with you when you say that “Israel, by and large, wants the Palestinians to disappear and are therefore deliberately colonising the West Bank …” all with the approval of the US, controlled as it is by Zionist thinking and compromised politicians, thick on the ground, weak and puppet-like.
That’s is where the effort must be made, Marty, for while the US still appears to be the #1 power in the world and can veto anything they do not wish to see passed in the UN, that is where the change must come from and it will, when the people wake and realize that they have had their country stolen and that the US, NATO and Australian casualties that fall every day in the Israeli-inspired wars, are based solely on the elimination of any threat to the arrogance and ambitions of ‘Ersetz Israel’.
Fortunately, millions like you, on the internet, bloggers, activists and compassionate peoples everywhere share your interest in justice, the cessation of ethnic cleansing and the removal of apartheid and who also share your wish to remove the yolk of an oppressive army of occupation.
Your words today tell the real honest story. Thank you.