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Housing crisis or just bad policy? : Comments
By James Arvanitakis and Lee Rhiannon, published 20/8/2010For too long housing policy has been limited to quick fix solutions that benefit developers and those already in the market.
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Posted by Ozandy, Friday, 20 August 2010 11:06:14 AM
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The article quotes the Senate Committee on Housing Affordability as saying: "...the combined total of capital gains tax arrangements, land tax exemption and negative gearing arrangements is estimated to be in the order of $50 billion per year."
By way of comparison, the GST was expected to raise $46.8 billion in 2009/10. That gives you some idea what a terrible price we pay for mollycoddling property owners. Posted by grputland, Friday, 20 August 2010 11:57:32 AM
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What a pile of lefty rubbish.
Capital gains is there to entice private owners into the rental market. Public housing is always a catastrophe, & much more expensive, as the bleeding hearts always force government to subsidise it, making it too great a drain to sustain. Then we have Ozandy wanting to build high speed rail to whop whop. What's up mate, not enough graft in building office space? Why not build offices for bureaucrats in ALL the regional centers, & get them out of the city. There is no need for them to see each other these days. Can you imagine how quickly all the facilities of the capitals would devolve to the regions, if half the bureaucrats actually had to live there? This way they could all get to work in minutes, not hours, & you could get rid of many trains, buses, cars, & those awful trams, all over the place. Certainly no need to build more railway tracks, unless it's to carry freight. Of course rail freight would require some bureaucrats capable of running a system that could compete with privately run trucks. Fat chance there, more's the pity. Still, if we got them out of the city, that would be a start. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 20 August 2010 2:01:38 PM
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Hasbeen wrote: "Capital gains is there to entice private owners into the rental market."
Wrong. RENTAL INCOME is there to entice owners into the rental market: you have to get a tenant in order to get the rental income; but you don't have to get a tenant in order to get the capital gain. So if the tax system were serious about encouraging investment in rental accommodation, it would tax rental income more lightly than capital gains. But the system conspicuously and obstinately does the opposite. The reason why rail freight can't compete with road freight is that myopic penny-pinching politicians and bureaucrats didn't duplicate the railway lines all the way. Had they done so, freight and passenger trains would be able to run in both directions at a rate of 20 an hour or more, and trucks and buses wouldn't be able to compete on the trunk routes. Posted by grputland, Friday, 20 August 2010 2:22:39 PM
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I'm guessing HasBeen has benefited from negative Gearing!
Welfare is all well and good mate, but I'm pretty sure the rest of the world has good reasons not to give welfare to multi-property owners. Also I'm not sure Albury, Wangaratta, Benalla, Euroa, Seymour, Wandong and of course Geelong would appreciate the "woop woop", sorry "whop whop"...Pretty clear how blinkered some city folk are! Were you bitten by a bureaucrat as a child? Posted by Ozandy, Friday, 20 August 2010 2:56:55 PM
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They'd never do it, Hasbeen.
>>Why not build offices for bureaucrats in ALL the regional centers, & get them out of the city. There is no need for them to see each other these days.<< You won't prise them out of their shiny, hi-tech, centrally-located, $450/sq.m offices. Despite the fact that the vast majority could "do their job" anywhere that has a desk, a phone, a computer and a snack machine. Bangalore springs to mind. Incidentally, I am not too convinced that the author is particularly accurate here: "Both the electorate and media now seem to use interest rates as a kind of proxy to judge the economic management of the government of the day." When Mr Rudd became PM, the standard variable home loan rate (i.e. the one that is relevant to the citizenry rather than the bankers) was 8.55%. Today it is 15% lower, at 7.31% I haven't heard too many of either the electorate or the media making much of a fuss about those numbers. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 20 August 2010 3:26:55 PM
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Ozandy, I'd never be so damn silly as to own a rental house. Perhaps a rental commercial property, but every cent I have is in my home, cars, & equipment. Not much of it gets used these days, but I can't stand to let it go. I'd love to be as well off as a retired public servant.
They tried dropping negative gearing during the greatest treasurers time. Had to bring it back, before all tenants were out on the street. What ever you think is the reason, [I believe it's government & green stupidity], in most of the world, including the US, & the UK, rent income will pay off the mortgage on a property, but not here you may know. That's why negative gearing was introduced. Oh, by the way, I live in whop whop myself, about 28Km from the nearest public transport, chemist, doctor, etc. Gruptland, that's how it works now mate, or did you not know. With negative gearing rent becomes tax free, as it doesn't cover expenses, & interest costs. However, capital gains tax must be payed on all/any capital gain. Pericles, I wouldn't care if they went bush, or were made redundant. As a bush kid, & then dad, I know the problem of country kids, having to go to the city to get any sort of job, we had to go, even to get an education. I would love to see nice, comfortable, well paid, public service jobs available at home for these kids. I also see the problem for grand parents, particularly mothers, when the kids are a long way away. It is just as well I like batching, but the fuel costs for all the driving are a bit "exy". It may become a real problem when the one in Sydney starts breeding. The air fares will stretch the budget a bit. Yes, I know, pie in the sky idea, but it would be nice to see a bit of equity, & we have all those empty bank buildings, & closed hospitals to fill somehow. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 20 August 2010 4:25:45 PM
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I'll tell you what...if I could get a good govvy job in a rural area I'd jump at the chance...would be heaps better than commuting into a city everyday - quieter, more relaxing, etc - but there appear to be so few govvy jobs outside the cities.
Posted by Phil Matimein, Friday, 20 August 2010 5:16:50 PM
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Re: "They tried dropping negative gearing during the greatest treasurers time. Had to bring it back, before all tenants were out on the street."
That plausibly-assertible convenient untruth is debunked at (claims 1 and 2) and . Besides, there are ways of restricting negative gearing so as to INCREASE the supply and availability of rental accommodation; e.g. allow negative gearing only if there's a tenant in place, but exempt future construction from that requirement for (say) five years after construction. Re: "With negative gearing rent becomes tax free..." Not at the margin. Negative gearing means that the marginal tax on rental income is at the full rate even if you're making a loss. And to qualify for negative gearing, you only have to make the property "available" for rent; you needn't actually get a tenant and starting receiving income. So finding a tenant is a fully taxable event -- a bit like losing the dole for finding a job, with a similar effect on incentives. Re: "However, capital gains tax must be payed on all/any capital gain." Discounted by 50% if you hold the asset for more than a year. Posted by grputland, Friday, 20 August 2010 6:14:21 PM
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What a crock of BS is this article.Lee and Mark are blaming the developers.Govt is in bed with big business.
The reality is this.The NSW Govt restricts the supply of land to maximise the profits for both developers and the Govt in order to screw the young house buyer.The banks then get to finance over priced realestate.In NSW 38% of a house land package is made up of Govt taxes and charges.This is again screwing the young prospective house buyer. How can a country with so much land and so small a population have the most expensive housing on the planet? It is corruption.How can a school tuckshop under Labor cost $600,000 and still be inadaquate? Lee Rhiannon and her side kick Mark have no credibility. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 20 August 2010 8:07:09 PM
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There is a very simple measure that would restore affordability to the housing market - the gradual re-introduction of a minimum 25% deposit from buyers. I know most prospective first-home buyers will recoil in horror at the mere suggestion, but it will be to their benefit if they're thinking long-term. The single biggest underlying cause of our "housing crisis" is unrestrained access to credit. The more money the banks throw at people, the higher they will bid up the house prices - it's simple economics and I don't understand why it's beyond the grasp of so many in this nation of ours. Of course it's not beyond the grasp of our banks, our real estate agents, or our politicans - they understand perfectly but they're working on a commission basis (be it pecuniary or otherwise) so honesty takes a back seat.
I remember going to the bank for a mortgage in 1996 and being scrutinised by the branch manager. Not only did she seek to establish that I had a minimum 25% deposit; she also wanted evidence that I'd saved it all myself and that it wasn't just a gift from some benevolent relative. And of course it goes without saying that I wore a *suit* to the interview, as any sensible person would have done back then if they wanted to secure the deal. All this for a mortgage of just $75,000. But you know what - this strict lending approach was to my benefit because it limited the number of people I was competing against in the bidding war. When I went to view properties, I was generally only standing alongside individuals who, like me, had spent at least five or ten years saving hard. Contrast this with today's situation where almost anyone over the age of 18 comes equipped with a first home owners grant, a pre-approved mortgage for 500K or 600K (which they probably obtained online during their coffee break at the office), and a penchant for debt which makes horserace punting look conservative - go figure what that does to house prices. Posted by Mandy9, Wednesday, 25 August 2010 5:46:17 AM
The mantra "inflation bad, but house inflation good" has been rattling around for a couple of decades now so is taken as gospel.
For those who got rich in real estate: Congratulations for funnelling someone else's wealth from the economy (probably someone's kids), because you certainly didn't generate any wealth by buying low and selling high. Housing is just shelter after all: a necessary expense. A real wealth gain would be some new process or technology that *reduces* the cost of housing...but that would just benefit workers and annoy the investors, so it's not considered.
A single fast (ie. modern) train line from Albury to Melbourne, or even Geelong to Melbourne would open up so much viable housing that the "land shortage" would disappear. Of course land banking would have to be disabled and the planning process would have to be taken out of the corrupt hands of the current incumbents. It seems the "marketing" budget of land profiteers is pretty huge: not only do all the obvious fixes not get done, they are barely mentioned. Oh well, the next doubling of housing will bring us to the absurd zone in terms of wages so I expect the crash folks have been dreading/denying/looking forward to will sort things out...pity it will also involve financial pain for all, including those who didn't gorge at the housing profits trough.