The Forum > Article Comments > The devaluing of Australian democracy, and how to fix this > Comments
The devaluing of Australian democracy, and how to fix this : Comments
By James Page, published 4/8/2010There are some disturbing trends which are arguably devaluing and even derailing democracy in Australia.
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There is only one better example of this than the back-stabbing of Rudd by Gillard on behalf of a few large mining interests... George W. Bush.
Secondly, there are companies and conglomerates in the world that control more wealth than our entire economy, and some, even bigger than the American economy. It is these interests that "rule". We just take care of "local affairs". America is ruled by stock markets, banks, the Industrial Military Complex, oil and arms interests. Not the American people.
The Reserve Bank, which is representative of ALL banks in the country, gives policy to the government. WTF?!? So the banks set policy, not government, on interest rates and the like. The government, whoever the (often totally) unqualified spokesperson in office is at the time, merely recites what is told to them to tell us.
None of this is "democracy" as we understand a "democratic government". We don't elect leaders, we elect followers and spokespeople that will tell us what we "should know". But it will 99% of the time, be in the interests of those larger forces...banks, resources, and foreign interests of influence...the US. Politically, we function as its 52nd State.
This why only faces change, but things stay the same. Even political dogma between Labor and Liberal is BS. Howard won his first election on social dogma, and Keating won office on Liberal dogma. Hawke won saying that we wouldn't sell uranium to the US anymore. Well, a month later he flies over there and meets with Ronny Ray-gun and cohorts, returns to Oz, and we're selling even more uranium to them. End of issue.
We don't control our country, we only populate to farm the resources and act as a market place and a workforce.