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India and China: agreeing to disagree : Comments

By Rupakjyoti Borah, published 29/7/2010

If the 21st century is to be an Asian century it's important for there to be peace and tranquility between the giants - India and China.

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“But India and Nehru received a rude shock in 1962 when Chinese forces attacked India”

With reference to above statement by Mr. Bora, may I respectfully request him to investigate if he could be wrong? All the papers related to 1962 China-India border war is reported to be put away by India under the Official Secrets Act and Indians are unaware of the facts behind the issue as they are not allowed to access those papers.

My understanding is that it is generally accepted in the knowledgeable international circle that India was the aggressor and tried to steal Chinese territory beyond the borders of then NEFA (Assam Himalayas as per British Documents). Chinese forces advanced on to NEFA (Chinese claim most of the region as Zang Nan or Southern Tibet as their territory) to teach India a lesson and even set foot in Assam, but, only to withdraw promptly not only from Assam but from whole of NEFA.

Bora must be aware that Assam’s then capital Shillong was less than Twelve Hour’s drive from the Chinese entry point into Assam.

What does he make of the Chinese not occupying Assam then despite the incumbent Indian Prime Minister Nehru bidding farewell radio broadcast to the people of Assam saying, “ …. My heart goes out to the people of Assam that I could not save them…..”

Well that is all history now!

Dr. M. Hazarika
Posted by Soqoo, Thursday, 29 July 2010 8:05:39 PM
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There appears to be some crossing of wires on historical events and known facts regarding the India – China border dispute as written by Rupakjyoti Borah.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve always understood the dispute to have its origins in British arrogance and followed on by Indian intransigence after independence. It was never to do with an expansionist China at all; in fact China has been the most demure of the contingents, not the instigator.

British arrogance………fortified on airs of condescending superiority due to their ongoing successes in the colonisation of India, Britain simply marched into the disputed area and ignoring all pre-existing maps that clearly delineated historical boundaries and without any consultation decided on where borders should be according to their own preferences. Those new re-drawn maps were in force for the duration of the British Raj……….what was that 300 years?

Indian intransigence………after independence from Britain, the new Indian Gov’t set up Army Outposts at various points along the border as per the British maps. But the Chinese maps that pre-dated the British ones, clearly indicated an Indian invasion and setting up of fortified positions inside Chinese territory. So the Chinese Army expelled the invading force. China has requested on numerous occasions a peaceful negotiated conclusion to the dispute but India refuses stating that its borders are set and non-negotiable.

The continued cross-border skirmishes occur because India is continually attempting to push its borders into Chinese territory as per those British maps and the Chinese keep pushing them back as per their older maps.

In the nomenclature of that most famous of Indian exports chess, the Indian soldiers move two steps forward and the Chinese soldiers call “en passant” and take em. The situation will remain as is until the Indian Gov’t accepts the Chinese offer of a negotiated settlement or heaven help us, a third party steps in to stage one of their infamous false flag op’s to inflame the squabble.
Posted by Westralis, Friday, 30 July 2010 4:12:14 AM
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