The Forum > Article Comments > Climate policy: it’s the (emissions) price, stupid! > Comments
Climate policy: it’s the (emissions) price, stupid! : Comments
By Geoff Carmody, published 3/8/2010The lesson is clear: a carbon mitigation policy is all about the emissions price.
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Posted by Curmudgeon, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 11:19:30 AM
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CO2 isn't a pollutant.
I emailed the IPCC. Here is part of their reply. Graham Morris has my email address if you want the whole email. "On your question about whether CO2 is a pollutant, I can not answer that as I have not found the answer in one of our reports. I know that whether CO2 could be considered as a pollutant under the US Clean Air Act was a controversial issue for many years - and I think that now there was an EPA decision in favor of it and therefore it can now be considered a pollutant according to the Clean Air Act's definition of a pollutant. Perhaps that definition depends on each country's legal definition of a pollutant". There is no science supporting CO2 as a pollutant. This is a legal (political) definition. Posted by phoenix94, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 11:42:15 AM
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Dear Mr. Carmody, there were so many issues raised with you from your last article and so many questions asked. In reading this article it appears that you have failed to even acknowledge the commentary we provided on OLO, let alone answer any key questions.
You were challenged to demonstrate the business/economic principles behind your conclusions. It was also pointed out that without these you have adopted advocacy over economics. Your have much personal capitol to lose, as an advocate you will be harshly judged because you have abandoned your economic background. Why might I ask do you solicit comment on OLO then totally ignore our contributions? The answer is IMHO, you are a proselytizing advocate Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 12:35:06 PM
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The main opposition to any price on carbon is based on denial of science; ie that there will be no adverse consequences or costs associated with rising atmospheric CO2. This view can only be maintained by disbelieving every report from every institution that studies climate.
That people continue to believe in grand conspiracies rather than believe there could be any serious downside to emissions shows how well the largely manufactured denialist fear and disinformation campaign has worked. 80's, 90's and O10's, each decade the warmest on record, warmer than the preceding one, yet deniers still insist it's "cooling" - a single set of tree ring records from one region says so, so all measures of global surface air temps must be wrong, 18 going on 19 years running of glacier retreat mean nothing, the continuing sea level and ocean heat content rise mean nothing - 47 independent datasets representing the state of climate, that all consistently show warming are conspiratorily contrived to hide the decline in temperatures embodied in that one single set of tree-rings? Sorry but I don't buy it. Give me real scientists at real scientific institutions practicing real real science and real scepticism and basing their conclusions on a true body of knowledge rather than the selected bits that can be made to appear like proof of something that directly contradicts all the rest. I personally think practicing climate denial activists are dangerously irresponsible in demanding we dismiss what real science tells us in order to bolster their fantasy belief that multi-gigatonnes of emissions annually are completely harmless. Posted by Ken Fabos, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 1:19:27 PM
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Spindoc - what are you talking about? The reasoning behind a carbon tax is straightforward and it has been suggested plenty of times by others. To insist on a common sense, equitable approach to reducing carbon - assuming that is what we wnat to do - is hardly worthy of comnment. If you have an objection to a carbon tax then, in a feew sentences, what is it?
Posted by Curmudgeon, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 1:47:14 PM
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Geoff Carmody paper predicates that we all know what is meant by the words “climate” as well as “climate change.” Further there is the implied threat that any change in climate will be deleterious to life, without defining the direction and magnitude of any such change.
I refer to Wikipedia for definition. [Noting at the same time Wikipedia has a strong bias in favour of anthropogenic global warming hysteria. Definition 1: Long term statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, particle counts and so on. Wikipedia gives no indication of statistical methods. Data is sampled usually over a 30 year period. When such a period begins and/or ends appears to me to be arbitrary. Location factors to consider are latitude, terrain and altitude. Definition 2: Paleoclimatology or the study of ancient climate patterns based on such surrogates as tree rings, ice cores or sediments inn lake beds. Definition 3: Bergon and Spatial Synoptic is based on the concept of air masses. The properties of the air that are considered include air moisture (c= dry or continental, m=maritime etc.); next is the thermal characteristics (T= Tropical, P = Polar etc.) and finally the stability of the air (w=warmer then ground, k= colder then ground) Definition 4: Thornwaite method of climate classification is an index based on soil moistutre content, average temperature, average rainfall and average vegetation type. Definition 5 (Köppen): This definition is best adapted in my view to human requirements. There are five main types; tropical, dry, mild mid-latitude, cold mid latitude and polar. With numerous subtypes. >>>>>> The Perth climate is classified under the Köppen system as Mediterranean; (meaning hot, dry summers and cool wet winters). The question for Dr. Carmody and other AGW believers is what will be the climate of Perth in 5 years, 10 years or a hundred years’ time? Will it be humid subtropical or subarctic etc. Precise definitions and good scientific and statistical evidence are required before investing in an ETS or carbon tax. Posted by anti-green, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 2:55:21 PM
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Carbon is one of the commonest elements in the universe and the characteristic of life. So much so that the great division in chemistry is between those molecules that contain carbon (organic chemistry) and those that don't (inorganic chemistry).
The chemistry of life is basically long chains of carbon atoms with various other elements attached. Such joining up (reduction) reduces the number of oxygen atoms that otherwise tend to attach to the carbon atoms. In breaking up such organic molecules for example by burning them, the carbon atoms tend to combine with oxygen atoms (oxidation). So oxidation and reduction are the toing and froing of the same process viewed from opposite directions. Industrial civilisation has been built on burning carbon-based fuels - plenty of oxidation. Thus the advocates of carbon policies are not concerned with carbon dioxide itself, but with all carbon. What they are trying to do is to increase the amount of reduction going on in the world (eg carbon sequestration in soils) so as to balance out the increase in oxidation. It is important to understand what the advocates of carbon policies are actually claiming: that these born-again fascists need to dictate terms to everyone in the world because they, the born-to-rule mob, are on a mission to *control the entire budget of oxidation and reduction of all the carbon in the world*. The sheer grossness of their vanity and the false conceit of their own knowledge and competence is mind-boggling. What a recipe for totalitarianism. What arbitrary control of human life or activity would *not* be justified by such a belief system? Posted by Peter Hume, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 3:45:10 PM
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It is interesting or even astounding that our teen-agers have been allowed little to say about Climate Change, as if they are too young to understand about Global Warming, etc, or rather they should understand the real facts of the matter, that the earth has felt climate change eons of times and still recovered as if it is the intention of some possible higher power not to eventually burn itself into spacial dust, but to become more and more liveable for future mankind.
However, would easily believe that while forced to keep mostly silent about GLOBAL WARMING our brighter young ones might easily have thoughts like so> Our world has never been abused as much as from modern mankind Our world has never suffered from an abuse like the Industrial Revolution when the axe and spade were thrown aside to make way for motorisation which while greatly helping mankind has unfortunately more and more captured modern man"s mentality in a kind of Thrill of the Chase< the thrill also causing him not to worry enough about Nature> As a retired farmer< though I could never have voted for Kevin Rudd must agree with laurie Oakes in the Sunday Times that Rudds initial using of Keynesian economic stimulus though it should have made him a hero instead has made him an outcast letting in far poorer political thinkers> Posted by bushbred, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 5:40:36 PM
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Geoff Carmody is typical of those who undertake a course to learn new analytical techniques and then go out into the real world to concoct problems that could be allegedly 'solved' by applying those techniques.
In this particular case, Carmody is clued up on carbon pricing and becomes blinded with enthusiasm when he unquestionably accepts the assertion that anthropogenic global warming can be controlled by applying a carbon tax. The problem with this 'solution' is that there is no scientific proof that it will have any measurable controlling effect on global warming, if any, but it will do vast irreparable damage to the Australian economy. Posted by Raycom, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 11:38:39 PM
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bushbred do you honestly think that paying a million dollars for buildings worth $100,000, and burning down houses, and supplying goods that no-one would willingly pay for, creates net real wealth do you? How do you figure that theory of economics, which is 'heroic' indeed?
According to that theory, we will all become richer if we smash our own windows because it will create 'jobs' for glaziers. Better still why don't we send in the troops and burn cities to the ground? It will be a wonderful 'stimulus package' and will make us as a nation richer. Would you embrace that theory if it was your money they were spending and you had any way of stopping them from doing it? Better stick with your talents as clodhopper and cowherd. Posted by Peter Hume, Wednesday, 4 August 2010 12:21:51 AM
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Ken, if you really think the only evidence against AGW is 'one set of tree rings' then you have some serious reading ahead of you.
I suggest you start here, with the most popular climate science blog of all time: The current story points out that ice thickness at the North Pole is greater now than when US submarines surfaced there in 1987. "What about the South Pole!" you cry. Check -- record ice levels. No evidence against AGW? Get real. Posted by Jon J, Wednesday, 4 August 2010 7:37:06 AM
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Must say I don't get you, Peter Herd.
In fact you sound like the typical smart-arse, people us cockie's would like to meet in a back paddock. As it seems you were not interested in the early story about progressive motorisation twisting man's mind to the point of making our earth unliveable, it must be about Rudd? well now, it seems you have never heard of Maynard Keynes and the Great Depression, whom Rudd attempted to follow, using up borrowed money to keep people in work. In fact, I am surprised a smart arse like you would have realised the need for Keynesianism. In fact, Laurie Oakes writes about Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stigliz, who calls the Rudd stimulus, the best designed stimulus package in today's world. Finally, could reckon you could do with some mental stimulus yourself, young fella, because you certainly appear to need some mental managing anyhow destroying man' eventually making earth unlivable for man, as Posted by bushbred, Friday, 6 August 2010 3:30:04 PM
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Carmody's continuing unfounded promotion of a carbon tax, serves as an incentive not only for misguided politicians to propose carbon tax implementation, but for the misguided warmists at the United Nations to keep pushing for a global carbon tax. See 6 August 2010 article, "Globalists Race To Enforce Criminal Carbon Tax" at Posted by Raycom, Monday, 9 August 2010 11:58:02 AM
In any case, with any luck the whole issue is dead. Consumers are now beginning to realise they will have to pay for these initiatives, and that will make them electoral poison.