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Judging Julia : Comments

By Geoff Robinson, published 16/7/2010

Julia Gillard is an insubstantial leader of a major Australian political party, created by circumstances.

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Geoff Robinson:>> Julia Gillard is an insubstantial leader of a major Australian political party, created by circumstances. <<

Geoff succinct, but lacking. You should also add "who moved forward in the manner of her predecessor” déjà vu.
Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 16 July 2010 3:44:50 PM
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David G:>> This is a ridiculous article. Julia has been in the job only a matter of a few weeks.<<

David it is amazing, it has only taken a fortnight to cock up, just like Kev, government governed by the direction of the wind.
Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 16 July 2010 3:53:21 PM
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David, it's your lefty mates that put everyone in the position of having no time to evaluate Julia as PM, not the libs, or the general public.

It would appear you think we should vote for her, because we don't know for sure, that she will be a bad PM. If your lot wanted a fair go, they should have given it to everyone else.

Judging by the lousy record labor have in choosing leaders, it is probably London to a brick on, as they say, that she will be the same total stuff up her promotion, & your previous leader were.

If people are cynical of your lot, ask your self, what else could they be?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 16 July 2010 4:37:47 PM
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Well, the OLO pundits have me pegged as a leftie. That's interesting!

I voted against Keating because I thought he was the greatest fool that had ever been born. His raising of interest rates to over 18% bankrupted many folk. His election loss was one of the highlights of my life.

Later on, Little John Howard came along. Initially he seemed fine. Then Little John brought in the GST and, as if this wasn't enough, then he set about advantaging the rich and screwing the poor with Work Choices. So I voted for Kevin Rudd and was euphoric when Howard lost his seat and the election.

I became disenchanted with Rudd but I was fearful of what Abbot the Rabbit, a disciple of Howard, might do if the Liberals were re-elected. Thank heavens for Julia!

I am a swinging voter. I vote for the person and party I think will best run the country and look after everyone, not just the rich.

Sorry folks, your mindless tag just doesn't fit!
Posted by David G, Friday, 16 July 2010 5:16:28 PM
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Geoff Robinson says: She incarnates the accommodation of Australian social democracy with the contemporary social movements of globalised capitalism, feminism, secularism and multiculturalism.

Thank goodness for that. A positive tick on all items. She is a with it woman and so let us give her a chance to exercise some leadership if and when she wins the next election.

It is amazing that so many of those who criticised the proposal of "a big new tax" are now criticising that too much concession was made in the proposed resolution.
Posted by Fencepost, Friday, 16 July 2010 7:13:57 PM
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Judging Julia, is on. 21st August 2010, and we will see if Australia is ready to elect an atheist. She says she is but one never knows what can happen on the Road to Damascus, or the road to the Lodge. She may have an epiphany experience, now that Abbott has definitely ruled out Work Choices. She may work out that what it takes is to become a regular church attendee. She could go along to Hillsong, and make her peace with Jesus Christ or any of the multitude of good churches throughout Australia.

Luke 11:46 and 52 casts a curse on lawyers, woe to ye ye lawyers, and they have been a monumental curse on Australian Society, that KR almost lifted, as an openly Christian man, but has not quite finished, and Almighty God was not pleased. KR had the Parliamentary draftspeople go through a lot of Acts and change Court to court, and while they have missed a few the Commonwealth Statutes now comply mostly with Ch III Constitution. He fell short however in refusing to install the compulsory judges of Ch III Constitution in those courts.

You would think lawyers would learn. The Federal Court of Australia has been rocked by the sudden death in Paris of Justice Peter Hely. Justice Hely, 61, is the fourth Federal Court judge to die this year. October 3rd 2005. Headlines in the SMH. The first commandment is You shall have no God but me. The English Roman Catholics took this to heart, in 1215 and made the Magna Carta. The King ceased to be a divinity, and Almighty God was recognized as the real King, with King John as his delegate on earth. Rome was not impressed.

There is no doubt Abbott recognizes this, but as the head of the party that dismantled Christianity, and installed atheism as the State Religion, he may not be judged suitable by either Almighty God or the big jury. The big jury is the whole of the Australian People. We still have the big jury, the Grandest Jury of all. The summons is issued.
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 17 July 2010 12:45:46 PM
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