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When Australians are unwelcome in their own country ... : Comments

By Ross Barnett, published 9/7/2010

Do the ill-conceived 'Orwellian' regulations of our national parks actually protect our environment and biodiversity?

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Ginx:>"Freedom of Speech is my right to say whatever I want, about whoever I want. Political Correctness is your attempt to stop me."<

At what point does libel come in, or does that concept go?
It is difficult to give complete freedom of speech because the "controlling few" would run propaganda campaigns against any individual or group they wanted to, to further their own ends ofcourse, that is why they breathe. We are a global village because of the networks these 2% control, we only hear and see what they want us to at present, image free rein to mis inform. The sort of thing that Joseph Goebbels did for Hitler, indoctrination, and we know they would do it, well I do anyway. Balance is probably the issue, but Ginx isn't it always.
Posted by sonofgloin, Monday, 12 July 2010 8:07:22 PM
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Well now..., is that a turn up for the book!.!.! You've totally misunderstood.

The quote was to show how FoS/PC is used by OTHERS.

If you look at my post history on the topic you will see that we are in agreement!

Given that YOU hold that view,-I am gobsmacked that you support(and encourage), the 'Freedom of Speech' being expressed by the Fslag creature.

What if he had substituted:Aborigines/Italians/Chinese as the objects of his hatred-would that be FoS?

He's coming perilously close with Muslims-and a solution for them...,that's FoS??

I SAID FoS is being used as an excuse for open slather bile.
I SAID PC is being used to categorise/demonise those who find such as objectionable.

I meant it. They are both used as I said.
Posted by Ginx, Monday, 12 July 2010 9:29:42 PM
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Finally the promised response, though things are still wobbly. Some nasty bugs around this year apart from the flu.

Thanks Ginx for your support. I guess most people just ignore Formersnag as responding to him is just a tail chasing exercise. Now Formersnag I realise perfectly that Sonofgloin is not in agreement with me, but I like to practice politeness when I can – that’s not submissiveness please! Sadly now that Sonofgloin is recommending ‘Gulags’ and seems to have got all excited by Formersnag that probably was a wasted effort.

Anyway Formersnag and Sonofgloin I fully support your right to call for the very ‘un-Australian’ treatment of people you disagree with. I will come out in a very Australian manner though if you ever tried to put your thoughts into practice. ASIO probably doesn’t get their feathers in a fluff about you either as long as you stay peering out from behind the curtains of your house clutching your hopefully legal weapon in case of invading lefty home invaders and vent on OOL. Sadly given a whole bunch of my nearest and dearest have top secret security clearances despite hanging out with leftie scum like me who is no fan of secret evidence etc, they don’t seem interested in investing in Gulag’s just yet. Your plan to turn them into a proper full blown tool of fascist oppression rather than being somewhat oppressive organisation, might have to wait.
Now back to the topic.
Posted by JL Deland, Wednesday, 14 July 2010 10:59:48 AM
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I’m in no way a professional photographer and I’ve still got my L plates on in this department, but I've spent a certain amount of time dealing with police and security guards and private individuals (known as sticky beaks) who just think they have a interest in interfering with me because I take photos of topical things - like rallies, power plants etc. In no case was my snapping a risk to anyone. Mostly, it's just unnecessary interference from busy-bodies official and otherwise. In one case though, I'd say it was security being instructed to avoid bad publicity and discouraging photography – really a bit silly really. It's a bit hard to hide a pollution spewing coal power plant behind a bush. So I've encountered my share of unnecessary interference.

That's what I suspect to some degree is happening at Uluru. I think most people are very respectful of the traditional owners and supportive but this seems to have gone beyond what is necessary to be mindful of that. It seems to be a creeping thing too – getting worse over time. It would just take on over-zealous person there with a small degree of authority to muddy the waters. I'm wondering if the decisions about photos are being made back in Canberra by a lower level public service clerk or actually in consultation with the traditional owners as well. The banning of artistic interpretations is absurd too - If Monet had been an Australian photographer, a great interpretation may not have been made.
Anyway the best response to this so far has been Otokonoko's. More power to them.
Posted by JL Deland, Wednesday, 14 July 2010 11:01:26 AM
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The sad reality, is that Ayers rock is all these people have. Their squalid and filthy camp nearby, speaks volumes about their priorities. A lot of "traditional" stuff is made up on the fly, usually to support a financial agenda, and yet third world living conditions still apply. Might we be killing them with kindness, going along with each and every haphazard decision made simply because we dont want to be seen as interfering with their traditions?...

Though it is no doubt "racist" to question the prevalent noble savage myth, how come it is no good taking a picture of Ayers rock, but its perfectly fine to collect welfare payments and live a modern life with the perks of whitefella society?

As in Kakadu, the real ridgy-didge rock art is off-limits to tourists of any sort. There are still genuine aborigines living the life up there and contributing to the artwork as a living work. I get the impression that Ayers rock has much less ridgy-didge stuff, and much more cheap trinkets and fees. It would be wonderful if the Ayers rock people worked as hard as the Kakadu people in promoting genuine aspects of their culture, and developed a commercial sense of effort and reward as opposed to getting a cut of the action purely on the basis of ethnicity.

And remember kids, with National Parks it is always easier to get forgiveness than permission... Geez, I didnt realise Im not allowed to ride my trail bike here... I thought you were allowed to dig up cycads in National Parks... Im only after geological hand specimens... My mate Dave reckons you're allowed to shoot feral animals in Parks... etc. etc.
Posted by PatTheBogan, Wednesday, 14 July 2010 1:21:06 PM
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JL and Ginx, Fsnag may be right of me, or I of Fsnag, but I vote for policy and on track record. This means that I have wandered on both sides of the fence, so no political allegiance at all. My opinion on social issues is that the minority must give way to the majority except if their physical comfort or their physical being is threatened.

JL the gulag reference is sound, even though it was light hearted. If you disagreed with the Soviets you got gulaged. I know.

Ginx you say many valid things. Could the solution that you say Fsnag is reaching be called "the final solution?"
Posted by sonofgloin, Wednesday, 14 July 2010 5:57:16 PM
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