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Ruthlessness, brutality and cowardice : Comments
By Jennifer Wilson, published 29/6/2010That brilliant victory speech Julia Gillard gave wasn’t written an hour before she became Prime Minister.
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Like the US, we now allow the stakeholders free reign to spin as they see fit. This began under Howard when he made the ABC another media clone in the name of "balance". Science was also undermined, as was real economics. We now get our advice from "institutes" that push brands, parties and other profitable entities. Journalists are not allowed to do their job as the politicians are free to reject their difficult questions, knowing they can find a friendly journalist to air their spin without consequences.
I believe both parties need a big kick and a reminder that we do want liberalism...just not tainted by ignorant conservative rubbish, we also want some socialism...just not jobs for jobs sake and unsustainable welfare. Science matters: without it we are stuck with the confidence of fools and the spin of those with much to gain.
Optimising anything requires balance and an unbiased analysis of *both* sides. Extremism and uber-conflict will break democracy by forcing wedges through the community. Howard started the "culture wars", but they are now gathering momentum and the harm is starting to show.